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Japanese:感情経験の共有と組織の柔軟性の関係(第1報): 組織文化の影響 
English:The Relationship Between Emotional Experience Sharing and Flexibility of Organizations I: Influences of Organizational Cultures 
Japanese: 大熊真弥, 梅室博行.  
English: Shinya OKUMA, Hiroyuki UMEMURO.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
English:Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 75    No. 4    pp. 156-169
Published date Jan. 15, 2025 
English:Japan Industrial Management Association 
Conference name
Conference site
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the sharing of emotional experiences influences the flexibility of organizations. Based on a literature review of previous studies related to flexibility of organizations and the psychological advantages of the social sharing of emotional experiences, a hypothesis on the relationship between them was derived. A questionnaire survey was conducted with employees in a variety of industries as participants. Participants’ practices of social sharing of their emotional experiences, perceptions of the flexibility of their own institutes, perceptions of the organizational cultures of their own organizations, as well as demographic information relating to the participants were measured using these questionnaires. The results suggested that the sharing of emotional experiences has a significant correlation with flexibility of organizations. In particular, the intensity of shared emotional experiences had a stronger effect on dynamic capability than on organizational flexibility. In addition, different organizational cultures in the workplace were found to have different levels of influence on these factors. This study implies the importance of cultivating cultures of social interactions among employees, such as the social sharing of emotional experiences.

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