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Japanese:モジュラーマルチレベル変換器による仮想慣性制御 ―直流送電システムのCVCF 制御端子への適用― 
English:Virtual Inertia Control Using Modular Multilevel Converters: Application to Constant Voltage Constant Frequency Terminal of HVDC Systems 
Japanese: 伊藤 雅俊, 榎本光芳, 佐野 憲一朗.  
English: Masatoshi Ito, Mitsuyoshi Enomoto, Kenichiro Sano.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
Japanese:電気学会研究会資料 電力系統技術研究会 
Volume, Number, Page vol. 2    no. PSE-25-025    pp. 77-81
Published date Jan. 2025 
English:IEE Japan 
Conference name
Japanese:電気学会 電力系統技術研究会 
English:Technical Meeting on Power Systems Engineering, IEE Japan 
Conference site
Abstract This paper applies a virtual inertia control using the stored energy in a modular multilevel converter (MMC) to a constant voltage constant frequency (CVCF) terminal of HVDC systems. The authors analyze the relationship between CVCF control of the MMC and the virtual inertia created by the MMC. The theoretical analysis reveals that the MMC can increase inertia by decreasing output voltage of MMC by the CVCF control even if there is no additional energy storage in MMC. The effectiveness of the proposed control method is verified by computer simulations.

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