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英文:Estimation Method of Mesh Excitation Waveform of a Running Gear Pair (Fitting Method of Vibration Analysis and Measured Results) 
和文: 松村茂樹, 南雲稔也, 北條春夫.  
英文: Shigeki MATSUMURA, Toshiya NAGUMO, Haruo HOUJOH.  
言語 English 
英文:Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology 
巻, 号, ページ         p. 175-176
出版年月 2011年4月24日 
英文:The 4th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology 
アブストラクト Surface form of a real gear varies with each other. Sometimes the compatibility of a gear pair makes unexpected vibration problem. Contact condition of a gear pair such as alignment error of the unit and shaft deformation also have great influence on gear vibration behavior. Therefore, assessment method of contact condition of a gear unit generating high level vibration is needed. As a criteria of contact condition of a gear pair, estimation of mesh excitation waveform is thought to be effective. On the other hand, many vibration analysis method are proposed before, some of them take into account tooth surface deviation and others are multi degree of freedom analysis taking into account shafts and gear box deformation. But contact condition of a running gear pair is difficult to estimate experimentally. If the mesh excitation waveform can be estimated with a running gear pair, it may be effective to improve accuracy of gear vibration analysis. From view point as above, authors proposed estimation method of gear pair's mesh excitation components with vibration measurement. It is based on that engine order analysis results along mesh frequency component shows response proportional to complex number frequency response function (hereafter, FRF) of the system under constant load condition from simplified gear pair's vibration model. Though, rotational speed range is limited on real gear system, second and third harmonics is connected as enough length FRF, and the connection parameters are correspond to excitation waveform. But proposed method involves unknown parameter concerning with phase origin of measurement, and the shape of excitation waveform become different. To resolve this problem, we proposed estimation method of gear pair's mesh excitation waveform which fix phase origin connecting low frequency area FRF calculated with vibration analysis of the gear system and measured FRF for higher frequency area. Numerical analysis of gear system vibration is combination of transfer matrix method for gears and shafts and finite element method for gear box in this study. In this report, we discuss about fitting process of FRF combining analysis and measured mesh component and its harmonics. FEM model of a gear box and its support are fit with modal analysis results of impact tests. Some parameters, such as bearing stiffness and modal damping ratio, are determined fitting analyzed FRF with mesh component of measured vibration with evolutionary programing.

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