There are difficulties to obtain the sound joint by brazing of the carbon-fiber-reinforced carbon (CFC) composites and refractory metals. Those difficulties are caused by the CFC composites' strong anisotropy in mechanical properties, especially in the thermal expansion coefficient. In this research, the proper orientation of CFC composites to the brazing interface is investigated. A cross-ply laminate CFC composites plate was cut with various angles to the fiber direction. Their end faces were perpendicular to the laminate direction. The end face was brazed to pure titanium disk in the vacuum. The active brazing filler of Ag-32.25Cu-1.75Ti (Cusil-ABA[○!R], Wesgo Metals) was used. The brazing temperature was at 830℃, and the keeping time was 300s. For the brazed joint, the tensile joint strength and the shear joint strength were measured. When the angle of fiber direction and the brazing interface was 45℃, the joint tensile joint strength reached to the maximum value. So did the shear strength of the brazed joint.