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和文:Hexagonally Arranged Nanopore Film Fabricated via Selective Etching by 172-nm Vacuum Ultraviolet Light Irradiation 
英文:Hexagonally Arranged Nanopore Film Fabricated via Selective Etching by 172-nm Vacuum Ultraviolet Light Irradiation 
和文: 小村元憲, 鎌田香織, 彌田 智一, 長井 圭治.  
英文: Motonori Komura, Kaori Kamata, Tomokazu Iyoda, Keiji Nagai.  
言語 English 
和文:Fusion Science and Technology 
英文:Fusion Science and Technology 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 63    No. 2    pp. 257-264
出版年月 2013年3月1日 
英文:American Nuclear Society 
公式リンク http://www.ans.org/pubs/journals/fst/a_16347
DOI https://doi.org/10.13182/FST13-A16347
アブストラクト Highly ordered nanopore arrays were successfully fabricated using poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and polymethacrylate with azobenzene mesogen in side chains [PMA(Az)] block copolymer film based on irradiation of 172-nm vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light. The block copolymer forms a highly ordered microphase-separated film with perpendicularly oriented PEO cylinders just by thermal annealing through a self-assembling process. We found that the etching rate of the PEO homopolymer was much higher than that of the PMA(Az) homopolymer at a chamber pressure of 102 Pa of atmosphere under VUV irradiation. The etching rate of the PEO component in the two systems of microphase separation and macrophase separation of the homopolymer blend crucially depended on the feature size of phase separation. In the PEO selective etching process of the block copolymer film, the water-contact angle of the film dramatically increased due to elimination of hydrophilic PEO. The resulting nanopore array film will be useful for low-density target materials.

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