Interspeech 2014 (The 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association)
Conventional error correction interfaces for speech recog-
nition require a user to first mark an error region and choose
the correct word from a candidate list. Taking the user’s effort
and the limited user interface available in a smartphone use into
account, this operation should be simpler. In this paper, we pro-
pose an interface where users mark the error region once, and
then the word will be replaced by another candidate. Assuming
that the words preceding/succeeding the error region are vali-
dated by the user, we search the Web n-grams for long word
sequences matched to such a context. The acoustic features of
the error region are also utilized to rerank the candidate words.
The experimental result proved the effectiveness of our method.
30.2% of the error words were corrected by a single operation.