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和文:AC response analysis of C-V curves and quantitative analysis of conductance curves in Al2O3/InP interfaces 
英文:AC response analysis of C-V curves and quantitative analysis of conductance curves in Al2O3/InP interfaces 
和文: Noriyuki Taoka, Masafumi Yokoyama, Sang Hyeon Kim, Rena Suzuki, Takuya Hoshii, Ryo Iida, Sunghoon Lee, Yuji Urabe, Noriyuki Miyata, Tetsuji Yasuda, Hisashi Yamada, Noboru Fukuhara, Masahiko Hata, Mitsuru Takenaka, Shinichi Takagi.  
英文: Noriyuki Taoka, Masafumi Yokoyama, Sang Hyeon Kim, Rena Suzuki, Takuya Hoshii, Ryo Iida, Sunghoon Lee, Yuji Urabe, Noriyuki Miyata, Tetsuji Yasuda, Hisashi Yamada, Noboru Fukuhara, Masahiko Hata, Mitsuru Takenaka, Shinichi Takagi.  
言語 English 
和文:Microelectronic Engineering 
英文:Microelectronic Engineering 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 88    No. 7    pp. 1087-1090
出版年月 2011年7月 
和文:Elsevier B.V. 
英文:Elsevier B.V. 
公式リンク http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mee.2011.03.036
DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mee.2011.03.036
アブストラクト The ac signal response of majority carriers has been systematically investigated for Al2O3/InP metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) interfaces using C-V and the conductance methods. It was revealed by the conductance curve fitting that both slow trap and interface trap responses contribute to a conductance curve at the Al2O3/InP interfaces in the depletion bias condition, and that the contribution of slow trap response and large surface potential fluctuation make it difficult to obtain a clear conductance peak. It was found that the conductance curves in high frequency region can be represented by the surface potential fluctuation model. This means that the analysis through the conductance curve fitting is effective in characterizing III-V MIS interfaces. ?? 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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