Photoconductivity and various photo-magnetotransport properties have been studied in quantum paraelectric SrTiO3 crystals. SrTi16O3 shows giant photoconductivity, as reported before. The photodoped carrier in the 16O system is of electron type and has high mobility beyond 104 cm2 V-1 s-1 at 5 K. Its number can reach the order of 1015 cm-3. In contrast, isotope-substituted SrTi18O3 is not a good photoconductor. In addition, the photocarrier's mobility in the 18O sample is negligibly small. These results suggest a strong correlation between the quantum fluctuation and the giant photoconductivity in this quantum paraelectric system. In other words, the study of photocarrier dynamics is a novel approach to the investigation of quantum fluctuation in dielectric materials. 2004 The Physical Society of Japan