In this paper, a dual boundary element computer program is developed for numerical simulation of a crack propagating in piezoelectric plates under a combined quasi-static electric and mechanical loading. To determine the crack growth path, two fracture criteria are taken into account: the maximum of hoop stress intensity factor (HSIF) and hoop mechanical strain energy release rate (HMERR). By using the displacement extrapolation method, these fracture parameters of any small kinked crack branch are obtained and validated by comparing with the available analytical results. The critical fracture loads for some test specimens are numerically analyzed based on the maximum HMERR fracture criterion. Different electrical boundary conditions on the crack faces are considered and checked with the experimental data. Finally, one crack or a pair of cracks propagating in infinite or finite piezoelectric plates is numerically simulated. The influences of the loading conditions, the anisotropic fracture toughness and the interaction between the cracks on the crack growth paths are also studied. The comparisons with the exiting finite element results show the accuracy and efficiency of the present BEM program for numerical simulation of crack growth in piezoelectric materials.