A novel approach for meshfree analysis of various fracture mechanics problems is introduced. This approach is based on a weak-form meshfree method, which utilizes a refined nodal configuration in the vicinity of the crack tip and also a special meshfree integration technique. In this method, not only the computational cost is reduced, but also superior accuracy and convergence is achieved. In the proposed method, instead of enriching the basis functions for modelling the singular behavior of the stress fields near the crack tip, a few nodes are added to this region, and then by applying an optimal domain integration method a solution with high speed and accuracy is obtained. In the present work, stress intensity factors (SIFs) are used as a criterion to analyze crack’s behavior under dynamic loading conditions. The domain form of the interaction integral is used for calculation of the SIFs. Several benchmark problems are analyzed by the proposed method and the results are compared with those obtained from other methods. The example problems cover a large range of material behavior, from homogenous to nonhomogeneous, and from isotropic to generally anisotropic. Validity of the results obtained for the dynamic stress intensities of cracked bodies asserts the usefulness of the proposed method for the efficient and accurate numerical analysis of fracture mechanics problems in homogenous, nonhomogeneous, isotropic and anisotropic media in dynamic conditions.