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英文:Analysis of a Full-Scale Multi-Layered Viscoelastic Damper Considering Heat Generation and Transfer 
和文: OSABEL DAVE M, 佐藤 大樹, 笠井 和彦.  
英文: Dave M.Osabel, Daiki Sato, Kazuhiko Kasai.  
言語 English 
英文:Proceedings of SOFTech Workshop for Young Researchers 2019 
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出版年月 2019年2月22日 
英文:SOFTech Workshop for Young Researchers 2019 
アブストラクト Viscoelastic (VE) dampers are among the most widely-used passive control devices for structural vibrations. Kinetic energy induced by earthquake and strong wind is dissipated through the shear deformation of the steel-sandwiched VE slabs. A substantial amount of this energy is converted to small amount of heat within the VE slabs and dispersed to the surrounding air. Damper temperature insignificantly increases for short-duration earthquake loading. However, for long-duration wind loading, damper temperature increases significantly causing the dynamic mechanical properties of the damper (i.e., stiffness and damping) to decrease. The co-authors proposed analytical models to predict the real behavior of VE dampers when subjected to long-duration harmonic loadings by considering heat generation and transfer, and recently implemented in the analysis of VE damper under long-duration random loadings. Although these previous studies showed accurate predictions of VE damper behavior, the dampers analyzed were only simple lap VE dampers with only two layers of VE slabs. In engineering practice, full-scale VE dampers are made with several layers of VE slabs (e.g., 8-mm thick VE materials) and not just two layers. This current study, therefore, analytically investigates a full-scale multi-layered VE damper under long-duration harmonic loading by carrying-out three-dimensional (3D) static analysis with heat transfer analysis using finite element model (3D-FEM) which was originally conceptualized by the co-authors. Results show that the temperature and dynamic properties of the full-scale VE damper agree well with experiment. Although the damper temperature increases significantly, particularly the inner most VE slabs, the damper eventually behaves steadily after a number of loading cycles due to heat sink effect of the steel assembly.

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