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英文:Teaching AI and Machine Learning to General Education Students 
和文: LUC Gougeon, クロス ジェフリー スコット.  
英文: Luc Gougeon, Jeffrey Scott Cross.  
言語 English 
巻, 号, ページ        
出版年月 2019年11月27日 
英文:Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering (AOTULE) 
英文:Tokyo Institute of Technology 
公式リンク http://www.eng3.e.titech.ac.jp/event/aotule2019/index.html
アブストラクト INTRODUCTION Japan needs to scale up its AI and data science classes in higher education.The Abe government has proposed training 250,000 AI specialist a year in order to meet the goal of establishing Society 5.0. This ambitious plan calls for a massive change in the educational curriculum. This presentation will describe an approach to teach AI and machine learning to the general education students at the university level. TEACHING AI Results presented will be based upon media literacy classes taught at two Japanese universities. Understanding AI can help students with their critical thinking skills and prepare them for facing the challenges of the Society 5.0 workplace. The author will survey a number of students and teachers and plans to include questions on AI and machine learning in the survey. In these model lessons, the possible implications of the developments of AI were explained to the students. The students were then shown two videos and given a very short lecture. After that, the students were asked to write short essays about AI or were asked to make a small oral presentation about AI and machine learning. CONCLUSION By reading the students essays, we realize that topic of AI and Machine Learning pushes most non-technical students to think outside the box. The students, in the span of two weeks were able to internalize the concept, understand the buzzword of “AI” and see how AI would affect their own life. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Technology/Asia-s-AI-talent-pool-broadens-except-in-Japa n

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