We present computational phase-modulated eyeglasses, a see-through optical system that modulates the view of the user using phase-only spatial light modulators (PSLM). A PSLM is a programmable reflective device that can selectively retardate, or delay, the incoming light rays. As a result, a PSLM works as a computational dynamic lens device. We demonstrate our computational phase-modulated eyeglasses with either a single PSLM or dual PSLMs and show that the concept can realize various optical operations including focus correction, bi-focus, image shift, and field of view manipulation, namely optical zoom. Compared to other programmable optics, computational phase-modulated eyeglasses have the advantage in terms of its versatility. In addition, we also presents some prototypical focus-loop applications where the lens is dynamically optimized based on distances of objects observed by a scene camera. We further discuss the implementation, applications but also discuss limitations of the current prototypes and remaining issues that need to be addressed in future research.