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和文:Interpretation and evaluation of NZS1170.5 2016 provisions for seismic ratcheting 
英文:Interpretation and evaluation of NZS1170.5 2016 provisions for seismic ratcheting 
和文: Saif Khaled Z., YEOW Trevor Z., Lee Chin-Long, MacRae Gregory A..  
英文: Khaled Z. Saif, Trevor Z. Yeow, Chin-Long Lee, Gregory A. MacRae.  
言語 English 
和文:Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 
英文:Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 55    No. 3    pp. 183-198
出版年月 2022年9月1日 
公式リンク http://dx.doi.org/10.5459/bnzsee.55.3.183-198
DOI https://doi.org/10.5459/bnzsee.55.3.183-198
アブストラクト <jats:p>During seismic events, some structures have a tendency to ratchet and displace more in one direction than in the opposite direction after yielding, resulting in larger peak and residual displacements. Provisions to define the tendency for seismic ratcheting and the resulting displacement amplification are provided in the 2016 amendments of NZS1170.5. This paper presents some insight into the factors causing ratcheting, along with interpretation and evaluation of the proposed provisions. Firstly, the mechanics of seismic ratcheting due to dynamic stability, eccentric gravity loads, and unbalanced structural strengths in the back-and-forth directions are discussed. Afterwards, the new provisions were detailed and demonstrated by working through the NZS1170.5 commentary examples. The authors’ interpretation of the provisions is then presented, potential areas of confusion are identified, and wording changes to provide consistency and clarity are proposed. Finally, the displacement amplification factors provided in the 2016 amendments were evaluated using results of an independent study on single-degree-of-freedom reinforced concrete bridge columns subjected to eccentric gravity loading. It was found that the displacement amplification method proposed was reasonable, except when columns designed with a high ductility factor or which exhibit inelastic bilinear response had a significant tendency for ratcheting.</jats:p>

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