Tropical glacier Huayna Potosi (16.26°S, 18.15°W, 6088 m.a.s.l.) located in Cordillera Real in Bolivia was the main object in the study. Solar radiation is closely related to ice- and snow- melt, which is affected by terrains and cloudiness as well as location and season. In the studies of solar radiation, air conditions including air clearness, diffuse fraction, and atmospheric transmissivity, were given by either statistical correlations or introducing correctors compared to observed data. In this study, physically-based solar radiation formulations were applied with on-site meteorological data to obtain air conditions which were later conversely utilized as input parameters into the GIS to obtain spatial distribution of solar radiation considering both topographic and actual atmospheric effects. Furthermore, spatial distribution of potential glaciermelt was then estimated by applying the air temperature-index ice- and snowmelt algorithm considering distributed solar radiation.