"Jian Guo","Bi-directional Exploration of High-performance Computing and Machine Learning: Mutual Benefits",,,,,,,2019,Mar. "Jian Guo","Bi-directional Exploration of High-performance Computing and Machine Learning: Mutual Benefits",,,,,,,2019,Mar. "Jian Guo","Bi-directional Exploration of High-performance Computing and Machine Learning: Mutual Benefits",,,,,,,2019,Mar. "Jian Guo,Akihiro Nomura,Ryan Barton,Haoyu Zhang,Satoshi Matsuoka","Machine Learning Predictions for Underestimation of Job Runtime on HPC System","4th Asian Conference on Supercomputing Frontiers","Supercomputing Frontiers","Springer International Publishing",,,"Page 179-198",2018,Mar. "Jian Guo,Kun Qian,Bjorn Schuller,Satoshi Matsuoka","GPU-based Training of Autoencoders for Bird Sound Data Processing","2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan","2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan","IEEE",,,,2017,July "Jian Guo,Kun Qian,Huijie Xu,Christoph Janott,BjNorn Schuller,Satoshi Matsuoka","GPU-Based Fast Signal Processing for Large Amounts of Snore Sound Data","2016 IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics","2016 IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics","IEEE",,,"pp. 1-2",2016,Dec.