"Tong Qin","Improvements of PPSZ Algorithms for Unique 3-SAT Problem",,,,,,,2021,Sept. "Tong Qin","Improvements of PPSZ Algorithms for Unique 3-SAT Problem",,,,,,,2021,Sept. "Tong Qin","Improvements of PPSZ Algorithms for Unique 3-SAT Problem",,,,,,,2021,Sept. "Tong Qin,Osamu Watanabe","An Improvement of the Algorithm of Hertli for the Unique 3SAT Problem","COMP","MwZ",,"vol. 117","no. 269","pp. 5-12",2017,Oct. "Tong Qin","Improvements of the Algorithm of Hertli for the Unique 3-SAT Problem",,,,,,,2017,Sept.