"Yoon Sik Park,Dong-Wook Kim,Satoshi Kodama,HIDETOSHI SEKIGUCHI","Electrical Discharge in Liquid Nitrogen for Particle Preparation","Joint International Conference on ICMAP 2018, APCPST2018, and ISPB2018",,,,,,2018,July "Dong-Wook Kim,Satoshi Kodama,HIDETOSHI SEKIGUCHI,Dong-Wha Park","Formation phenomena of iron oxide-silica composite in microwave plasma and DC thermal plasma",,"Advanced Powder Technology",,"Vol. 29",," 168?179",2018,Jan. "Dong-Wook Kim","Particle preparation in reactive field induced by atmospheric pressure microwave plasma",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Dong-Wook Kim","Particle preparation in reactive field induced by atmospheric pressure microwave plasma",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Dong-Wook Kim","Particle preparation in reactive field induced by atmospheric pressure microwave plasma",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "金 東旭,小玉 聡,関口 秀俊,朴 東化","大気圧マイクロ波プラズマを用いた粒子合成プロセシング","化学工学会第79回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,,,,2014,Mar. "Dong-Wook Kim,Satoshi Kodama,Hidetoshi Sekiguchi,Dong-Wha Park","Preparation of Indium Oxide Powders by Microwave Plasma Dehydration of Indium Hydroxide Powders",,"Advanced Powder Technology,",,"Vol. 25","No. 1","pp. 261-266",2014,Mar. "Dong-Wook Kim,Satoshi Kodama,Hidetoshi Sekiguchi,Dong-Wha Park","Preparation of silica-iron oxide composite particles by microwave plasma","The 21st International symposium on Plasma Chemistry",,,,,,2013,Aug. "Dong-Wook Kim,Satoshi Kodama,Hidetoshi Sekiguchi,Dong-Wha Park","Preparation of Indium Oxide by Microwave Plasma Dehydration of Indium Hydroxide","11th APCPST and 25th SPSM","11th APCPST and 25th SPSM abstracts",,,,"p. 325",2012,Oct.