"Kentaro Saito,Qiwei Fan,Nopphon Keerativoranan,Jun-ichi Takada","Vertical and Horizontal Building Entry Loss Measurement in 4.9 GHz Band by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle",,"COST Inclusive Radio Communication Networks for 5G and Beyond (IRACON), 11th MCM",,,,,2019,Sept. "Kentaro Saito,Qiwei Fan,Nopphon Keerativoranan,Jun-ichi Takada","4.9 GHz Band Outdoor to Indoor Propagation Loss Analysis in High Building Environment Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle",,"2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)",,,,"pp. 1-4",2019,Apr. "Kentaro Saito,Qiwei Fan,Nopphon Keerativoranan,Jun-ichi Takada","Vertical and Horizontal Building Entry Loss Measurement in 4.9 GHz Band by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle",,"IEEE Wireless Communications Letters",,"Vol. 8","No. 2","pp. 444-447",2019,Apr. "Kentaro Saito,Qiwei Fan,Nopphon Keerativoranan,Jun-ichi Takada","4.9 GHz Band Outdoor-to-Indoor Radio Propagation Measurement by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle",,"2018 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics:Applications and Student Innovation Competition (iWEM)",,,,"pp. 1-1",2018,Aug. "Kentaro Saito,Qiwei Fan,Nopphon Keerativoranan,Jun-ichi Takada","4.9 GHz band Outdoor-to-Indoor Radio Propagation Measurement","2018 Asian Workshop on Antennas and Propagation (AWAP2018)",,,,,,2018,July "齋藤 健太郎,ハン キイ,キラティウォラナンノッポン,高田潤一","Unmanned Aerial Vehicleを用いた4.9GHz帯屋外-屋内電波伝搬測定","電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会",,,,,,2017,Sept. "齋藤 健太郎,ハン キイ,キラティウォラナン ノッポン,高田 潤一","Unmanned Aerial Vehicleを用いた4.9GHz帯屋外-屋内電波伝搬損失測定 (短距離無線通信)",,"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報","電子情報通信学会","Vol. 117","No. 178","pp. 25-30",2017,July "ハン キイ,齋藤 健太郎,高田 潤一","Unmanned Aerial Vehicleを用いた2.4GHz帯屋外-屋内電波伝搬測定 (短距離無線通信) -- (移動通信ワークショップ)",,"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報","電子情報通信学会","Vol. 116","No. 481","pp. 129-133",2017,Feb.