",Satomi,Phathinan THAITHATKUL,Yasuo ASAKURA","Incorporating User Preference into Optimal Vehicle Routing Problem of Integrated Sharing Transport System.”",,"Asian Transport Studies",," volume 5"," issue 1","pp. 98-116",2018, "愛甲聡美,Thaithatkul, P.,瀬尾亨,朝倉康夫","アクティビティパターンを与件としたライドシェア車両の最適割り当て問題",,"土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学)",," 73"," 5"," I1233?I1242",2017,Dec. "Phathinan Thaithatkul","Ridesharing Transportation with Consideration of User Preference",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Phathinan Thaithatkul","Ridesharing Transportation with Consideration of User Preference",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Phathinan Thaithatkul","Ridesharing Transportation with Consideration of User Preference",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Phathinan Thaithatkul","Ridesharing Transportation with Consideration of User Preference",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Phathinan Thaithatkul,Toru Seo,Takahiko Kusakabe,Yasuo Asakura","Simulation approach for investigating dynamics of passenger matching problem in smart ridesharing system","International Symposium of Transport Simulation (ISTS) and the International Workshop on Traffic Data Collection and its Standardisation (IWTDCS) 2016","Transportation Research Procedia",,"Volume 21",,"pp. 29-41",2017, "Phathinan THAITHATKUL,Toru SEO,Takahiko KUSAKABE,Yasuo ASAKURA","Field experiment on traveler's behavior in ridesharing system","The 21st International Conference of Hong Kong Society For Transportation Studies",,,,,,2016,Dec. "愛甲聡美,Phathinan THAITHATKUL,朝倉康夫","同乗者の選好を考慮したライドシェア車両の最適割り当て問題","第54回土木計画学研究発表会","土木計画学研究・講演集",,"Vol. 54",,,2016,Nov. "Thaithatkul, P.,Seo, T.,Kusakabe, T.,Asakura, Y","User Equilibria for Ridesharing Transportation","The 5th symposium arranged by European Association for Research in Transportation","Proceedings of the 5th symposium arranged by European Association for Research in Transportation",,,,,2016,Sept. "Phathinan THAITHATKUL,Toru SEO,Takahiko KUSAKABE,Yasuo ASAKURA","A Passengers Matching Problem in Ridesharing Systems by Considering User Preference",,"Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies",,"vol. 11",,"pp. 1416-1432",2015,Dec. "Thaithatkul, P.,Seo, T.,Kusakabe, T.,Asakura, Y","Day-to-day dynamics of passenger matching problem in smart ridesharing systems","20th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies","Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies",,,,"pp. 449-456",2015,Dec. "Thaithatkul, P.,Seo, T.,Kusakabe, T.,Asakura, Y.","A Numerical Study on the Effect of Variety of User Preference to Ridesharing System's Performance","7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development","Proceedings of the 7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development",,,,,2015,Nov. "Thaithatkul, P.,Seo, T.,Kusakabe, T.,Asakura, Y.","A Passengers Matching Problem in Ridesharing Systems by Considering User Preference","The 11th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies",,,,,,2015,Sept.