"Žé—oŠâ,žæ¯,ƒWƒƒƒ“ƒT ƒtƒBƒ‹ƒ}ƒ“,–ìè’q—m","ƒAƒ‹ƒJƒŠ…—n‰t‚ð—p‚¢‚½CO2‰ñŽûEŒÅ’è‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éŠî‘bŒ¤‹†","“ú–{‹@ŠBŠw‰ï2024”N“x”NŽŸ‘å‰ï",,,,,,2024,Sept. "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Interfacial region effect on thermal conductivity of silicon nanocrystal and polystyrene nanocomposites",,"Plasma Processes and Polymers","Wiley",,," e1900212(10pp)",2020,May "Munechika Otsuka,Yuki Kurokawa,Yi Ding,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Shogo Shibata,Takehito Kato,Tomohiro Nozaki","Silicon nanocrystal hybrid photovoltaic devices for indoor light energy harvesting",,"RSC Advances","Royal Society of Chemistry","Vol. 10","No. 21","pp. 12611-12618",2020,Mar. "M Otsuka,Y Ding,S Shibata,F B Juangsa,Y Kurokawa,T Kato,T Nozaki","Characteristic of Silicon Nanocrystals and Their Application in Photovoltaics","29th Annual Meeting of MRS-J",,,,,,2019,Nov. "F B Juangsa,B Arief Budiman,P L Sambegoro,P Setyo Darmanto,T Nozaki","Synthesis of Nanostructured Silicon Nanoparticles for Anodes of Li-Ion Battery",,"2019 6th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT), Bali, Indonesia",,,,"pp. 175-178",2019,Nov. "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Bentang Arief Budiman,Poetro Lebdo Sambegoro,Prihadi Setyo Darmanto,Tomohiro Nozaki","Synthesis of Nanostructured Silicon Nanoparticles for Anodes of Li-Ion Battery","6th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Shogo Shibata,Shuhei Wakamatsu,Firman B Juangsa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Defect Control of Plasma Synthesized Free-standing Silicon Nanocrystals","Materials Research Meeting 2019",,,,,,2019,Oct. "M Otsuka,Y Ding,S Shibata,F B Juangsa,Y Kurokawa,T Kato,T Nozaki","Printable Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cell via Silicon Inks","Materials Research Meeting 2019",,,,,,2019,Oct. "Firman Bagja Juangsa","Thermal Transport Properties of Silicon Nanocrystals and Polystyrene Nanocomposite Thin Film",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Firman Bagja Juangsa","Thermal Transport Properties of Silicon Nanocrystals and Polystyrene Nanocomposite Thin Film",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Firman Bagja Juangsa","Thermal Transport Properties of Silicon Nanocrystals and Polystyrene Nanocomposite Thin Film",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Bernard Gelloz,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Tomohiro Nozaki,Asaka Koji,Nobuyoshi Koshida,Lianhua Jin","Si/SiO2 core/shell luminescent silicon nanocrystals and porous silicon powders with high quantum yield, long lifetime and good stability",,"Frontiers in Physics, section Optics and Photonics",,"Vol. 7",," 47(7pp)",2019,Apr. "Munechika Otsuka,Ding Yi,Shogo Shibata,Yuma Tanabe,Firman B Juangsa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Silicon Nanocrystal Synthesis and Application to Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells","6th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Advanced Solar Cells",,,,,,2019,Feb. "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Nonthermal plasma synthesis of silicon nanoparticles and their thermal transport properties",,"Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics",," 51",," 505301(12pp)",2018,Oct. "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Lukman Adi Prananto,Zahrul Mufrodi,Arief Budiman,Takuya Oda,Muhammad Aziz","Highly energy-efficient combination of dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane and hydrogen-based power generation",,"Applied Energy","Elsevier","Vol. 226",,"pp. 31-38",2018,Sept. "Bernard Gelloz,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Tomohiro Nozaki,Nobuyoshi Koshida,Lianhua Jin","Stable luminescent silicon nanocrystals and porous silicon powders with very high quantum yield passivated by High-pressure Water Vapor Annealing","‘æ79‰ñ‰ž—p•¨—Šw‰ïH‹GŠwpu‰‰‰ï",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Muhammad Aziz,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Farid Triawan,Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto,Ade Gafar Abdullah","Integrated nitrogen production and conversion of hydrogen to ammonia",,"Chemical Engineering Transactions","AIDIC","Vol. 70",,"pp. 571-576",2018,Aug. "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Lukman Adi Prananto,Takuya Oda,Muhammad Aziz","Highly energy-efficient combination of dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane and hydrogen-based power generation",,"Chemical Engineering Transactions","AIDIC","Vol. 70",,"pp. 2089-2094",2018,Aug. "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Phonon Transport Properties in Silicon Nanoparticles and Polymer Nanocomposite Thin Films",,"AIP Proceeding Series",," 1984",," 020010(8pp)",2018,July "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Interfacial Phonon Transport Analysis in Silicon Nanoparticles and Polystyrene","12th Japan-Korea-China Student Symposium",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Lukman Adi Prananto,Ilman Nuran Zaini,Bobby Irawan Mahendranata,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Muhammad Aziz,Tubagus Ahmad Fauzi Soelaiman","Use of the Kalina cycle as a bottoming cycle in a geothermal power plant: Case study of the Wayang Windu geothermal power plant",,"Applied Thermal Engineering","Elsevier","Vol. 132",,"pp. 686-696",2018,Mar. "Lukman Adi Prananto,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Riza Mochamad Iqbal,Muhammad Aziz,Tubagus Ahmad Fauzi Soelaiman","Dry steam cycle application for excess steam utilization: Kamojang geothermal power plant case study",,"Renewable Energy","Elsevier","vol. 117",,"pp. 157-165",2018,Mar. "Firman B Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Phonon Thermal Transport in Silicon Nanoparticles and Polystyrene Nanocomposite","27th Annual Meeting of MRS-J",,,,,,2017,Dec. "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Bentang Arief Budiman,Muhammad Aziz,Tubagus Ahmad Fauzi Soelaiman","Design of an airborne vertical axis wind turbine for low electrical power demands",,"International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering","Springer","Vol. 8",,"pp. 293-301",2017,Dec. "Yoshiki Muroya,Firman B Juangsa,Yuma Tanabe,Minoru Ashizawa,Hidetoshi Matsumoto,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Control of Phonon Transport by Structuring SiNCs into Polymer","The 10th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT 10)",,,,,,2017,Dec. "Bentang Arief Budiman,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Muhammad Aziz,Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio,Ilman Nuran Zaini","Experimental verification of interfacial strength effect on the mechanical properties of carbon fiber-epoxy composite",,"International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology",,"Vol. 7","No. 6","pp. 2226-2231",2017,Dec. "Firman B Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Thermal Conductivity in Silicon Nanoparticles and Polystyrene Hybrid Thin Films","‘æ38‰ñ“ú–{”M•¨«ƒVƒ“ƒ|ƒWƒEƒ€",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Phonon Transport Properties in Silicon Nanoparticles and Polymer Nanocomposite Thin Films","The International Conference on Thermal Science and Technology",,,,,,2017,Nov. "F B Juangsa,Y Muroya,Y Tanabe,T Nozaki","Controlled Phonon Transport by Silicon Nanocrystals and Polystyrene Hybrid Thin Films","The 9th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference",,,,,,2017,Oct. "Farid Triawan,Bentang Arief Budiman,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Lukman Adi Prananto,Muhammad Aziz","Finite element analysis on the unloading elastic modulus of aluminum foams by unit-cell model","The 2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference",,,,,,2017,Aug. "Shu Zhou,Xiaodong Pi,Yi Ding,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Silicon Nanocrystals Doped with Boron and Phosphorous",,"Silicon Nanomaterials Sourcebook","Taylor & Francis (CRC Press)",,,"pp. 341-365",2017,July "Firman B Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Comparative Study of Thermal Conductivity in Crystalline and Amorphous Nanocomposite",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 110",," 253105(5pp)",2017,June "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Yuma Tanabe,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki:","Phonon Scattering and Transport Properties in Silicon Nanocrystals and Polymer Nanocomposite Thin Films","‘æ54‰ñ“ú–{“`”MƒVƒ“ƒ|ƒWƒEƒ€",,,,,,2017,May "“cç²—S”n,Žº‰®DŠó,ƒWƒƒƒ“ƒT ƒtƒBƒ‹ƒ}ƒ“,¼–{‰pr,ˆ°‘òŽÀ,Xì~Žq,–ìè’q—m","ƒtƒHƒmƒ“—A‘—§Œä‚ð–Ú“I‚Æ‚µ‚½—L‹@–³‹@ƒnƒCƒuƒŠƒbƒh”––Œ‚Ìì»","‘æ54‰ñ“ú–{“`”MƒVƒ“ƒ|ƒWƒEƒ€",,,,,,2017,May "Tomohiro Nozaki,Yi Ding,Zhou Shu,Firman B Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya","Plasma synthesis of free-standing silicon nanocrystals for energy applications (Invited)","ISPlasma2017/IC-PLANTS2017",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Yoshiki Muroya,Firman B. Juangsa,Yuma Tanabe,Hidetoshi Matsumoto,Minoru Ashizawa,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Thermal conductivity of SiNCs/Polystyrene Nanohybrid Thin films","The 34th Symposium on Plasma Processing (SPP34) & the 29th Symposium on Plasma Science Materials (SPSM29),",,,,,,2017,Jan. "Muhammad Aziz,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Winarto Kurniawan,Bentang Arief Budiman","Clean co-production of H2 and power from low rank coal",,"Energy","Elsevier","Vol. 116",,"pp. 489-497",2016,Dec. "Yoshiki Muroya,Firman B. Juangsa,Hidetoshi Matsumoto,Minoru Ashizawa,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Thermal conductivity of SiNCs/Polymer Nanohybrid Thin films","26th Annual Meeting of MRS-J",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Thermal Conductivity of Silicon Nanocrystals and Polystyrene Nanocomposite Thin Films",,"Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics",,"Vol. 49","No. 36","pp. 365303-365311",2016,Sept. "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Yuma Tanabe,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Thermal Conductivity of SiNCs/Polymer Nanocomposite for Thermal Insulating Material","The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting",,,,,,2016,Sept. "Firman B Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Thermal Conductivity Measurement of SiNCs Dispersed Polymer Nanocomposite Thin Films","Gordon Research Conference: Plasma Processing Science",,,,,,2016,July "Bentang Arief Budiman,Djoko Suharto,Indra Djodikusumo,Muhammad Aziz,Firman Bagja Juangsa","Fail-safe design and analysis for guide vane of hydro turbine",,"Advances in Mechanical Engineering",,"Vol. 8","No. 6","pp. 1-8",2016,July "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Meguya Ryu,Junko Morikawa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Thermal Conductivity of SiNCs/Polymer Nanocomposite for Super Thermal Insulating Material","The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Bernard Gelloz,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Tomohiro Nozaki,Lianhua Jin,Nobuyoshi Koshida","Luminescence of Silicon nanocrystals treated by High-pressure Water Vapor Annealing","The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Yoshiki Muroya,Firman B Juangsa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Thermal conductivity of SiNCs/Polymer Nanocomposite for Super Thermal Insulating Material","10th Korea-China-Japan Student Symposium",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Y Ding,S Zhou,F B Juangsa,M Sugaya,X Zhang,Y Zhao,T Nozaki","Double-parallel-junction hybrid solar cells based on silicon nanocrystals",,"Organic Electronics",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 99-104",2016,Feb. "Y Ding,S Zhou,Firman B Juangsa,M Sugaya,Y Asano,Xiaodan Zhang,Ying Zhao,T Nozaki","Optical, electrical, and photovoltaic properties of silicon nanoparticles with different crystallinities",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 107",,"pp. 233108",2015,Dec. "Firman Bagja Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya,Yoshiki Mori,Yasunori Asano,Tomohiro Nozaki","Silicon Nanocrystal-based Nanocomposite for Super Thermal Insulating Material","The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2015",,,,,,2015,Sept.