"Daiki Sato,Razelle Dennise A. Soriano,Alex Shegay,Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She,Kazuhiko Kasai","Estimation of wind force time-history using limited floor acceleration responses by modal analysis",,"Journal of Fluids and Structures",,"Vol. 132",,,2025,Jan. "Razelle Dennise Agoba Soriano,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Kou Miyamoto","Effect of Noise in Wind Force Estimation Using Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Method for Nonlinear Systems","APM&JAS 2024",,,,,,2024,Dec. "Razelle Dennise Agoba Soriano,Daiki Sato,Kou Miyamoto,Yinli Chen,Jinhua She","Wind Force Estimation on a Nonlinear Base Isolated Building by Equivalent-Input-Disturbance (EID) Method","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ï‘å‰ïiŠÖ“ŒjŠwpu‰‰‰ï","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ï‘å‰ïŠwpu‰‰[ŠTW","Architectural Institute of Japan"," \‘¢II",,"pp. 723-724",2024,Aug. "Razelle Dennise SORIANO,Daiki SATO,Kou MIYAMOTO,Yinli CHEN,Jinhua She","APPLICATION OF EQUIVALENT-INPUT-DISTURBANCE (EID) METHOD TO ESTIMATE THE WIND-FORCES ON A NONLINEAR MID-STORY ISOLATED BUILDING","The 8th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji & Tokyo Tech","The 8th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji & Tokyo Tech",,,,,2024,June "SORIANO Razelle Dennise A.,SATO Daiki,Kou Miyamoto,Yinli Chen,Jinhua She","Wind Force Estimation on a Nonlinear Equivalent SDOF Model by Equivalent-Input-Disturbance (EID) Method","2023”N“xi‘æ94‰ñjŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†”­•\‰ï","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ïŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†•ñW","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 461-464",2024,Mar. "Kou Miyamoto,Jinhua She,Daiki Sato,Yinli Chen,Razelle Dennise A. Soriano","Wind-load estimation for seismically isolated building by equivalent-input-disturbance approach with robust-control strategy",,"Control Engineering Practice",,"Vol. 145","No. 105853",,2024,Jan. "Razelle Dennise Agoba Soriano,Daiki Sato","Filtering of High Frequency Errors on the Wind Forces Estimated by Modal Analysis using Limited Acceleration Responses","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ï‘å‰ïi‹ß‹EjŠwpu‰‰‰ï","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ï‘å‰ïŠwpu‰‰[ŠTW","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 119-120",2023,Sept. "SORIANO Razelle Dennise A.,SATO Daiki","Effect of Structural Parameter Errors on Wind Force Estimation by Modal Analysis","2022”N“xi‘æ93‰ñjŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†”­•\‰ï","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ïŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†•ñW","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 445-448",2023,Feb. "Razelle Dennise Agoba Soriano,Daiki Sato,Alex Shegay","Wind Force Estimation on Tall Buildings with Different Damping Ratios using Incomplete Acceleration Response by Modal Analysis","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ï‘å‰ïi–kŠC“¹jŠwpu‰‰‰ï","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ï‘å‰ïŠwpu‰‰[ŠTW","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 863-864",2022,Sept. "SORIANO Razelle Dennise A.,²“¡‘åŽ÷,Alex Shegay","WIND FORCE ESTIMATION ON A BASE-ISOLATED BUILDING USING MODAL ANALYSIS","2021”N“x‘æ92‰ñ“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ïŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†”­•\‰ï","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ïŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†•ñW","ˆê”ÊŽÐ’c–@l“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ï"," ?",,"pp. 277-280",2022,Mar. "Soriano Razelle,Daiki Sato,Osabel Dave","Parameter Identification and Wind Force Estimation on a Tall Building by FDD Method and Modal Analysis","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ï‘å‰ïi“ŒŠCjŠwpu‰‰‰ï","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ï‘å‰ïŠwpu‰‰[ŠTW","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 99-100",2021,Sept. "SORIANO Razelle,Daiki Sato,OSABEL Dave","Effect of Noise on Wind Forces on a Tall Building Estimated by Modal Analysis","2020”N“x‘æ91‰ñ“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ïŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†”­•\‰ï","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ïŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†•ñW","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 321-324",2021,Mar. "SORIANO Razelle,SATO Daiki,OSABEL Dave","INFLUENCE OF NATURAL PERIOD AND DAMPING RATIO ERRORS ON WIND FORCES OF A TALL BUILDING ESTIMATED BY MODAL ANALYSIS","‘æ26‰ñ•—HŠwƒVƒ“ƒ|ƒWƒEƒ€","National Symposium on Wind Engineering Proceeding","Japan Association for Wind Engineering",,"No. 26","pp. 78-83",2020,Nov. "Razelle Dennise Agoba Soriano,Daiki Sato,Dave M Osabel","Accuracy of Modal Analysis and Effect of Natural Period and Damping Ratio Errors in Wind Force Estimation of a High-Rise Building","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ï‘å‰ï","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 67-68",2020,Sept. "SORIANO Razelle,Daiki Sato,Dave M Osabel","WIND LOAD ESTIMATION ON A HIGH-RISE BUILDING BY MODAL ANALYSIS Part 1: Accuracy of using 1st Mode Wind Force in Response Calculation","2019”N“x‘æ90‰ñ“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ïŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†”­•\‰ï","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ïŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†•ñW","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 245-248",2020,Mar. "SORIANO Razelle,Daiki Sato,Dave M Osabel","WIND LOAD ESTIMATION ON A HIGH-RISE BUILDING BY MODAL ANALYSIS Part 2: Effect of Natural Frequency and Damping Ratio on First Mode Wind Force","2019”N“x‘æ90‰ñ“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ïŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†”­•\‰ï","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ïŠÖ“ŒŽx•”Œ¤‹†•ñW","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 249-252",2020,Mar. "Razelle Dennise Agoba Soriano,Dave M Osabel,Daiki Sato,Hitoshi Takimoto,Fumiya Ueno,Kazuhiko Kasai","Study of Full-Scale Multi-Layered Viscoelastic Dampers under Long-Duration Harmonic Loading (Part 1: Experimental Investigation of a Viscoelastic Damper in Low Ambient Temperature)","“ú–{Œš’zŠw‰ï‘å‰ï","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 747-748",2019,Sept. "Razelle Dennise A. Soriano","Estimation of Wind Force Time-history on a Nonlinear Seismic Isolated Tall Building using Wind-Induced Responses",,,,,,,, "Razelle Dennise A. Soriano","Estimation of Wind Force Time-history on a Nonlinear Seismic Isolated Tall Building using Wind-Induced Responses",,,,,,,, "Razelle Dennise Agoba Soriano","Estimation of Wind Force Time-history on a Nonlinear Seismic Isolated Tall Building using Wind-Induced Responses",,,,,,,,