"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Bautista Dominic,EUGENE C HERRERA,Alvin Baloloy,Rempei Suwa,Basina Ryan,Yasmin H. Primavera-Tirol,Ariel Blanco,KAZUO NADAOKA","Field measurement and prediction of drag in a planted Rhizophora mangrove forest",,"Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans",," 127",,,2022,Nov. "Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Bautista Dominic,EUGENE C HERRERA,Alvin Baloloy,Rempei Suwa,Basina Ryan,Yasmin H. Primavera-Tirol,Ariel Blanco,KAZUO NADAOKA","Field measurement and prediction of drag in a planted Rhizophora mangrove forest","Ocean Science Meeting 2022",,,,,,2022,Feb. "Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Rempei Suwa,Reginald Argamosa,Ariel Blanco,EUGENE C HERRERA,Ronald Maliao,Yasmin H. Primavera-Tirol,KAZUO NADAOKA","An empirical model for morphological structures in mangrove areal root system with multiple-order roots","AOGS 16th Annual Meeting",,,,,,2019,July "‹gŠJmΖ,’†‘Ί—²Žu,“c’† ‹`K,’‡‰ͺ‰λ—T,“n糓Φ,‹{“‡—˜G,EUGENEHERRERA,ArielC.Blanco,Miguel Fortes,San Diego-McGlone Maria Lourdes,“ε‰ͺ˜a•v","A dynamic model to assess mariculture-induced environmental impacts on seagrass beds along coasts of Bolinao and Anda, Philippines","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting2017",,,,,,2017,May "“c’† ‹`K,—Š–– •Žj,–{‘½ Œ’‘Ύ˜Y,’†‘Ί —m•½,‹{“‡—˜G,ƒS ƒQƒC,ƒWƒFƒmƒ”ƒBƒA ƒgƒ€,ƒpƒ“ƒ^ƒ‰[ƒm ƒAƒŠ[ƒ“,ƒpƒVƒGƒ“ƒVƒA ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒVƒXƒR,ƒEƒC ƒEƒBƒ‹ƒtƒŒƒbƒh,ƒtƒHƒ‹ƒeƒX ƒ~ƒQƒ‹,ƒ^ƒ‚ƒ“ƒhƒ“ ƒAƒCƒ“,ArielC.Blanco,“ε‰ͺ˜a•v,’‡‰ͺ ‰λ—T","ƒtƒBƒŠƒsƒ“Aƒ{ƒŠƒiƒI‚Ι‚¨‚―‚ιŠC‘ŒQW‚Μ‘½—l«‚ͺ‹›—ή‚ΜŒQW\‘’‚Ι—^‚¦‚ι‰e‹Ώ","“ϊ–{’n‹…˜f―‰ΘŠw˜A‡2016”N‘ε‰ο",,,,,,2016,May "Ramos, R.V.,Blanco, A.C.,Yoshikai,M. Tsuchiya,Nadaoka, K.,Watanabe, A.,Yamamoto, T.,Miguel Fortes,San Diego-McGlone, M.L.,Herrera, E.C.,Nakaoka, M.,YOSHIYUKI TANAKA,Miyajima, T.","Development and Applications of an Integrated Decision Support System for realizing Sustainable Aquaculture and Coastal Ecosystem in Bolinao and its surrounding areas","Philippine Geomatics Symposium",,,,,,2014, "Pagkalinawan, H. M.,Blanco A. C.,Tomoling, E. A.,Tomoling, E. A.,Nadaoka, K.","Geovisualization of Land Use and Zoning Ordinances in Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan","Philippine Geomatics Symposium",,,,,,2014, "Matsuura, S.,Wataru Kumagai,K. Nadaoka,A.C. Blanco,E. Tsukamoto","Social Structure Change Analysis in Yaeyama Islands based on Social Statistics and Interview Surveys for Evaluation of Anthropogenic Impact to Coral Reef Ecosystem",,"Abstracts, 21st Pacific Science Congress, Okinawa, Japan",,,,"p. 384",2007,June "Pokavanich, T.,K. Nadaoka,A. C. Blanco,M. C. Rubio","Integrated socio-environmental investigation of water quality condition in Puerto Galera: The Decision Supported System Development",,"Abstract, 21st Pacific Science Congress, Okinawa, Japan",,,,"p. 78",2007,June "BlancoCA.,K. Nadaoka,T. Yamamoto,M. Rubio,E.C. Paringit","A multi-scale investigation of environmental controls onn Shiraho Coral Reef through Field Measurements, Remote Sensing and GIS",,"Abstracts, 21st Pacific Science Congress,Okinawa, Japan",,,,"p. 91",2007,June "Blanco, A.C.,K. Nadaoka","Integrated analysis of socio-economic and environmental statistics towards development of coupled economy-environment indicators for Fiji and Samoa",,"Abstracts, 21st Pacific Science Congress,Okinawa, Japan",,,,"p. 285",2007,June "Yamamoto, T.,K. Nadaoka,Takuma Nishimoto,A.C. Blanco,Takashi Ishimaru",,,"Abstracts, 21st Pacific Science Congress, Okinawa, Japan",,,,"p. 347",2007,June "Herrera, E.,K. Nadaoka,E. Hernandez,A. Blanco","Water balance analysis of Laguna de Bay, Philippines with focus on lake-water use and salinity intrusion",,"Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2007, [CD]",,,,,2007,May "Blanco, A.,K. Nadaoka,T. Yamamoto","Spatial and temporal distribution composition of nutrients, microalgae and CDOM in Shiraoh reef, ishigaki island",,"Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2007 [CD]",,,,,2007,May "Ariel C. Blanco,Kazuo Nadaoka","A Comparative Assessment and Estimation of Potential Soil Erosion Rates and Patterns in Laguna Lake Watershed Using Three Models","Symposium on Infrastructure Development and the Environment (SIDE2006)","Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and University of the Philippines",,,,"pp. B-11",2006,Dec.