"Kenji Ohta,Sho Suehiro,Saori I. Kawaguchi,Yoshiyuki Okuda,Tatsuya Wakamatsu,Kei HIROSE,Yasuo Ohishi,Manabu Kodama,Shuichiro hirai,Shintaro Azuma","Measuring the Electrical Resistivity of Liquid Iron to 1.4 Mbar",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS",,"Vol. 130",," 266301",2023,June "Tatsuya Wakamatsu","Constraints on the composition of the deep Earth based on high-pressure ultrasonic measurements",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Tatsuya Wakamatsu","Constraints on the composition of the deep Earth based on high-pressure ultrasonic measurements",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Tatsuya Wakamatsu","Constraints on the composition of the deep Earth based on high-pressure ultrasonic measurements",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Tatsuya Wakamatsu","Constraints on the composition of the deep Earth based on high-pressure ultrasonic measurements",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Kenji Ohta,Yoshiyuki Okuda,Seiji Kimura,Yohan Park,Tatsuya Wakamatsu,Kei Hirose","A cylindrical SiC heater for an externally heated diamond anvil cell to 1500 K",,"Review of Scientific Instruments",," 92",," 015119",2021,Jan. "Kenji Ohta,Tatsuya Wakamatsu,Manabu Kodama,Katsuyuki Kawamura,Shuichiro Hirai","Laboratory-based x-ray computed tomography for 3D imaging of samples in a diamond anvil cell in situ at high pressures",,"Review of Scientific Instruments",,"Vol. 91"," 093703",,2020,Sept. "Tatsuya Wakamatsu,Kenji Ohta,Shoh Tagawa,Yagi Takashi,Kei Hirose,Yasuo Ohishi","Sound velocity measurements on hcp-FeHx (x<1) under high pressures by femtosecond pulse laser pump-probe technique","AGU Fall Meeting 2019",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Tatsuya Wakamatsu,Kenji Ohta,Takashi Yagi,Kei Hirose,Yasuo Ohishi","Measurements of sound velocity in iron?nickel alloys by femtosecond laser pulses in a diamond anvil cell",,"Physics and Chemistry of Minerals",,,,,2018,Jan. "Yoshiyuki Okuda,Kenji Ohta,Takashi Yagi,Ryosuke Sinmyo,Tatsuya Wakamatsu,Kei HIROSE,Yasuo Oishi","The effect of iron and aluminum incorporation on lattice thermal conductivity of bridgmanite at the Earth's lower mantle",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"vol. 474",,"pp. 25-31",2017,June