"Yoshiki Matsuda,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Lenka Zdeborov?,Florent Krzakala","Random-field p-spin glass model on regular random graphs",,,,,,,2011,Apr. "Zsolt Bertalan,Takehiro Kuma,Yoshiki Matsuda,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Ensemble inequivalence in the ferromagnetic p-spin model in random fields",,"Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment",,,,,2011,Jan. "Yoshiki Matsuda,Markus Muller,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Tomoyuki Obuchi,Antonello Scardicchio","Distribution of partition function zeros for the }J model on the Bethe lattice",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,"Vol. 43",," 285002",2010,June "Yoshiki Matsuda,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Helmut G Katzgraber","Ground-state statistics from annealing algorithms: Quantum vs classical approaches",,"New Journal of Physics",,"Volume 11",,,2009,July "Yoshiki Matsuda,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Koji Hukushima","Distribution of Lee-Yang zeros and Griffiths singularities in the }J model of spin glasses",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,"Volume 41","Number 32",,2008,July