"Xue Ma","Evaluation method of open spaces for earthquake disaster prevention in urban residential areas in China",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Xue Ma","Evaluation method of open spaces for earthquake disaster prevention in urban residential areas in China",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Xue Ma","Evaluation method of open spaces for earthquake disaster prevention in urban residential areas in China",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Paula Villagra,Carolina Rojas,Ryuzo Ohno,Xue Ma,Karina Gomez","A GIS-base exploration of the relationships between open space systems and urban form for the adaptive capacity of cities after an earthquake: the cases of two Chilean cities",,"Applied Geography","Elsevier","Volume 48",,"pp. 64-78",2014,Mar. "Xue Ma,Ryuzo Ohno","DEVELOPMENT OF A METHOD TO MEASURE OUTDOOR SPACE USING AN AUTOCAD APPLICATION",,"日本建築学会技術報告集",,,"Number 43","pp. 1085-1089",2013,Oct. "Xue Ma,Ryuzo Ohno","Earthquake Resistant Residential Neighborhood in China: Examination of vulnerability in outdoor spaces",,"Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies",,"Volume 4","Number 11","pp. 1-7",2013,Jan. "Xue Ma,Ryuzo Ohno","The Open-space Networks in Residential Environment in China for Disaster Mitigation","International Association for People-Environment Studies","Human Experience in the Natural and Built Environment (IAPS22 conference Abstract)",,,,"pp. 178-179",2012,June "Xue Ma,Ryuzo Ohno","Examination of Vulnerability of Various Residential Area in China for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation","Asia Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies",,,,,"pp. 141-142",2011,Dec. "Xue Ma,Ryuzo OHNO","A study on Disaster Mitigation Park System (Part 1) Development of a Method for Detecting Vulnerable area by Urban Texture","日本建築学会大会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集",," F-1",,"pp. 937-938",2011,Aug. "Xue Ma,Ryuzo Ohno","Development of a Method for Detecting Vulnerable Area by Urban Texture","8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering",,"Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,"pp. 1627-1634",2011,Mar.