"Vishnu Chaitanya Hothur Komal,Yusuke Fujii,Akira Chiba","Axial electrodynamic suspension in a Hybrid bearingless motor with active and passive axial stabilization",,"Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics",,"Volume 32","Issue 2","Page 331-338",2024,July "Vishnu Chaitanya Hothur Komal,藤 井勇介,千葉明","Axial electrodynamic suspension in a Hybrid bearingless motor with active and passive axial stabilization","第32回MAGDA コンファレンス",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Vishnu Chaitanya Hothur komal,Yusuke Fujii,Akira Chiba","A Hybrid bearingless motor with active and passive axial stabilization using Figure-8 shaped coils","モータドライブ/回転機 合同研究会",,,,,,2023,Oct. "V. Chaitanya,Y. Fujii,A. Chiba","A bearingless motor with active and passive axial stabilization using external resistance","第35回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム",,,,,"pp. 232-235",2023,June "Hothur Komal Vishnu Chaitanya,Akira Chiba","Improvement of Force and Motor Torque in an Axially Passive and Active Bearingless Motor with Asymmetric Structure","令和5年電気学会全国大会",,,,,"pp. 25-26",2023,Mar. "G. Rubio,V. C. Komal,Y. Fujii,A. Chiba","Experimental Verification of Passive Axial Electrodynamic Suspension in a Bearingless Motor",,"IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications",,"Volume 4",,"pp. 49-59",2023,Jan.