"é“cKˆê˜Y,FengZhengyu,Îì Œª,•Ÿ“c“Ö•v,r‰ªŽjl,ŽRŒ` –L","SHGŒ°”÷‹¾‚É‚æ‚éu–³è‡’lv”½‹­—U“d«‰t»‚Ì•ª‹É”½“]‚ÌŠÏŽ@","“ú–{‰t»Šw‰ï ƒIƒ“ƒ‰ƒCƒ“Œ¤‹†‚Í•[‰ð",,,,,,2020,Oct. "Zhengyu Feng,Vigneshwaran Swaminathan,Vitaly P. Panov,Atsuo Fukuda,Ken Ishikawa,Jagdish K. Vij","Dielectric study of a subphase stabilized in an exceptionally wide temperature range by a delicate balance of interlayer interactions and thermal fluctuations",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW E",," 102",," 012793",2020,June "ZHENGYU FENG,Ken Ishikawa","High-performance switchable grating based on pre-transitional effect of antiferroelectric liquid crystals",,"Optics Express",,"Vol. 26","No. 24","pp. 31976-31982",2018,Nov. "FengZhengyu","Characterization of chiral smectic liquid crystal subphases and their photonic applications",,,,,,,2018,Sept. "FENG Zhengyu","Characterization of chiral smectic liquid crystal subphases and their photonic applications",,,,,,,2018,Sept. "FengZhengyu","Characterization of chiral smectic liquid crystal subphases and their photonic applications",,,,,,,2018,Sept. "FengZhengyu","Characterization of chiral smectic liquid crystal subphases and their photonic applications",,,,,,,2018,Sept. "ZHENGYU FENG,KEN ISHIKAWA","Phase modulator mode based on the pre-transitional effect of antiferroelectric liquid crystals","27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018)","27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018)",,,,,2018,July "Zhengyu Feng,Atsuo Fukuda,Jagdish K.Vij,Ken Ishikawa","Thresholdless properties of the Qt=1/2 antiferrelectric liquid crystal in a binary mixture","27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018)",,,,,,2018,July "Zhengyu Feng,Ken Ishikawa","Phase modulator mode based on the pre-transitional effect of antiferroelectric liquid crystals",,"Optics Letters",,"Vol. 43","No. 2","pp. 251-254",2018,Jan. "Zhengyu Feng,A. D. L. Chandani Perera,Atsuo Fukuda,Jagdish K. Vij,Ken Ishikawa,Atsuo Iida,Yoichi Takanishi","Definite existence of subphases with eight- and ten-layer unit cells as studied by complementary methods, electric-field-induced birefringence and microbeam resonant x-ray scattering",,"Physical Review E","American Physical Society","Vol. 96",," 012701",2017,July "Z. Feng,K. Ishikawa","Gradual Transition from Ferroelectric to Antiferroelectric LC Phase for Binary Mixture System","International Display Workshop","Proceeding of IDW",,,,,2016,Dec. "Zhengyu Feng,Ken Ishikawa","Development of simultaneous measurement system of birefringence, optical rotational power, and transmission spectra for chiral liquid crystal phases",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 55","No. 5","pp. 050301",2016,Mar.