"平野景,北村光司,宮崎祐介,西田 佳史","行動データベースを用いた認知症高齢者によるプロダクトインタラクション挙動の比較検討手法の開発","日本機械学会 第 32 回バイオエンジニアリング講演会","日本機械学会 第 32 回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集",,,,,2019,Dec. "Kei Hirano,Kohei Shoda,Koji Kitamura,Yusuke Miyazaki,Yoshifumi Nishida","A Behavior Normalization Method to Enable Comparative Understanding of the Elderly’s Interaction with Consumer Products using a Behavior Video Database","the 9th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare","Procedia Computer Science",,"Vol. 160",,"pp. 409-416",2019,Nov. "Kei Hirano,Yoshifumi Nishida,Yusuke Miyazaki,Koji Kitamura","Individual 3D behavior capture method for elderly people with dementia under everyday life environment with RGBD camera","the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics(AHFE 2019)",,,,,,2019,July