"Lyu, Y.,Zhao, W.,Kinouchi, T.,Nagano, T.,Tanaka, S.","Development of statistical regression and artificial neural network models for estimating nitrogen, phosphorus, COD, and suspended solid concentrations in eutrophic rivers using UV-Vis spectroscopy",,"Environmental Monitoring and Assessment",,"Volume 195","issue 9",,2023,Sept. "Lyu, Y.,Kinouchi, T.,Nagano, T.,Tanaka, S.","Estimation of nitrogen, phosphorus, COD and suspended solids concentrations by in situ UV-Vis spectroscopy for rivers flowing into Lake Kasumigaura","5th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment",,,,,,2019,July "Lyu, Y.,Kinouchi, T.","Estimation of river water quality using in situ UV-Vis spectrometer based on partial least squares regression method","4th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment",,,,,,2018,July "Lyu, Y.,Kinouchi, T.","Estimation of river water quality using differential ultraviolet-visible spectra based on partial least squares regression",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering)",,"Vol. 74","No. 4","pp. I301-I306",2018,Feb.