"Daisuke Matsuura,Ryutaro Inose,Yukio Takeda","Motion Control Algorithm of Walking Assist Machine Using Crutches to Achieve Variable Gait Style and Step Length",,"Mechanisms and Machine Science",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 23-31",2015,Nov. "松浦大輔,猪瀬龍太郎,武田行生","松葉杖形歩行機械の歩行形式の選択と歩幅の可変化","日本機械学会2014年度年次大会","日本機械学会2014年度年次大会講演論文集","日本機械学会",,,,2014,Sept. "Daisuke Matsuura,Ryutarou Inose,YUKIO TAKEDA","Motion Control Algorithm of Walking Assist Machine Using Crutches to Achieve Variable Gait Style and Step Lengt","International Workshop and Summer School on Medical and Service Robotics (MESROB2014)","Proceedings of the International Workshop and Summer School on Medical and Service Robotics (MESROB2014)",,,,,2014,July "Ryutaro INOSE,Daisuke MATSUURA,Yukio TAKEDA","Gait Synthesis for Variable Change of Step Length of Walking Assist Machine Using Crutches","Fourth TIT-BIT Joint Workshop on Mechanical Engineering","Proceedings of Fourth TIT-BIT Joint Workshop on Mechanical Engineering",,,,"pp. 45-50",2012,Aug.