"Jin Woo Han,Yu Sekiguchi,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Haruhisa Akiyama,Chiaki Sato","Effect of rapid interfacial moisture penetration on moisture distribution within adhesive layers",,"Materials Letters","Elsevier","Vol. 381",," 137768",2024,Nov. "Keiyu Ikeda,Yu Sekiguchi,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Chiaki Sato","Fracture Energy Determination of Wedge-opening Double Cantilever Beam Tests",,"The Journal of Adhesion","Taylor & Francis",,," Online first version",2024,Nov. "Jin Woo Han,Yu Sekiguchi,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Haruhisa Akiyama,Chiaki Sato","Direct Measurement of the Diffusion Coefficient of Adhesives from Moisture Distribution in Adhesive Layers Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy",,"ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces","ACS Publications","Vol. 16","Issue 40","pp. 54610-54626",2024,Sept. "Jin Woo Han,Yu Sekiguchi,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Haruhisa Akiyama,Chiaki Sato","Experimental investigation of moisture penetration in adhesive layers under varying bonding conditions using near-infrared spectroscopy",,"International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives","Elsevier","Vol. 134",," 103792",2024,July "Keiji Houjou,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Haruhisa Akiyama,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","Analytical Calculation of Relationship Temperature and Fatigue and Creep Strength Based on Thermal Activation",,"Materials","MDPI","Vol. 17","Issue 13"," 3055",2024,June "Jin-Woo Han,Yu Sekiguchi,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Haruhisa Akiyama,Chiaki Sato","Experimental measurement of moisture distribution in the adhesive layer using near-infrared spectroscopy",,"Journal of Applied Polymer Science","Wiley","Vol. 140","Issue 25"," e53982",2023,Apr. "Runa Okumura,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Yu Sekiguchi,Kazushi Kimura,Hirokazu Kageyama,Yutaro Yamamoto,Yuichi Matsuki,Chiaki Sato","Effects of low temperatures and high strain rates on the tensile properties of polyurethane polymers for adhesives",,"The Journal of Adhesion","Taylor & Francis","Vol. 99","No. 15","pp. 2238-2259",2023,Mar. "Kota Nakamura,Yu Sekiguchi,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Keiji Houjou,Haruhisa Akiyama,Chiaki Sato","Creep Crack Growth Behavior during Hot Water Immersion of an Epoxy Adhesive Using a Spring-Loaded Double Cantilever Beam Test Method",,"Materials","MDPI","Vol. 16","Issue 2"," 607",2023,Jan. "Yu Sekiguchi,Keiji Houjou,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Chiaki Sato","Two-parameter analysis of fatigue crack growth behavior in structural acrylic adhesive joints",,"Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures","Wiley","Vol. 46","Issue 3","pp. 909-923",2022,Nov. "Kota Nakamura,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Keiji Houjou,Haruhisa Akiyama","Critical energy release rate of adhesively bonded joints under hot-wet and continuous loading conditions","Adhesion2022",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Keiji Houjou,Yu Sekiguchi,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Haruhisa Akiyama,Chiaki Sato","Energy release rate and crack propagation rate behaviour of moisture-deteriorated epoxy adhesives through the double cantilever beam method",,"The Journal of Adhesion","Taylor & Francis","Vol. 99","Issue 6","pp. 1016-1030",2022,May "K. Houjou,K. Shimamoto,H. Akiyama,C. Sato,CHIAKI SATO","Experimental investigations on the effect of a wide range of strain rates on mechanical properties of epoxy adhesives, and prediction of creep and impact strengths",,"The Journal of Adhesion",,,,,2020,Oct. "K. Shimamoto,S. Batorova,K. Houjou,H. Akiyama,C. Sato","Accelerated test method for water resistance of adhesive joints by interfacial cutting of open-faced specimens",,"The Journal of Adhesion",,,,,2020,Apr. "K. Houjou,K. Shimamoto,H. Akiyama,C. Sato","Dependence of fatigue limit on stress ratio and influence of cyclic stress on shear strength for an adhesive lap joint",,"The Journal of Adhesion",,,,,2020,Mar. "K. Shimamoto,S. Batorova,K. Houjou,H. Akiyama,C. Sato","Degradation of Epoxy Adhesive containing Dicyandiamide and Carboxyl-Terminated Butadiene Acrylonitrile Rubber due to Water with Open-faced Specimens",,"The Journal of Ahhesion",,,,,2020,Jan. "Kazumasa Shimamoto,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","Mixed mode fracture toughness of adhesively bonded joints with residual stress",,"International Journal of Solids and Structures","Elsevier","Volume 102-103",,"pp. 120-126",2016,Dec. "島本一正","残留応力を有する溶着および接着接合部の限界エネルギー解放率に関する研究",,,,,,,2016,Mar. "島本一正","残留応力を有する溶着および接着接合部の限界エネルギー解放率に関する研究",,,,,,,2016,Mar. "島本一正","残留応力を有する溶着および接着接合部の限界エネルギー解放率に関する研究",,,,,,,2016,Mar. "島本一正","残留応力を有する溶着および接着接合部の限界エネルギー解放率に関する研究",,,,,,,2016,Mar. "Kazumasa Shimamoto,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","Effects of surface treatment on the critical energy release rates of welded joints between glass fiber reinforced polypropylene and a metal",,"International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives","Elsevier","Vol. 67",,"pp. 31-37",2015,Dec. "Kazumasa Shimamoto,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","The critical energy release rate of welded joints between fiber-reinforced thermoplastics and metals when thermal residual stress is considered",,"The Journal of Adhesion","Taylor & Francis","Vol. 92",,"pp. 306-318",2015,Dec. "島本一正,関口悠,佐藤千明","異種材料熱溶着接合部の熱応力低減と強度の測定",,"日本接着学会誌","一般社団法人 日本接着学会","Vol. 51","No. 9","pp. 409-415",2015,Sept. "toru ohnishi,Hiroshi Okamoto,kazumasa shimamoto,Masato Katano,chiaki sato,Yu Sekiguchi","EVALUATION OF SURFACE TREATMENT METHODS FOR PA6 FRP BONDING WITH ADHESIVES","20th International Conference on Composite Materials ICCM20","ICCM20 Proceedings",,,,,2015,July "島本 一正,関口悠,佐藤 千明","ガラス繊維強化ポリアミド6と金属の熱溶着接合部における限界エネルギー解放率","第53回日本接着学会年次大会","日本接着学会 第53回年次大会 講演要旨集","一般社団法人日本接着学会",,,"pp. 99-100",2015,June "Siripong Mahaphasukwat,Kazumasa Shimamoto,Shota Hayashida,Yu Sekiguchi,CHIAKI SATO","Mode I critical fracture energy of adhesively bonded joints between glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics",,"Applied Adhesion Science","SpringerOpen","Volume 3",," 4",2015,Mar. "Kazumasa Shimamoto,Yu Sekiguchi,Chiaki Sato","Strength of welded joints between FRTP and metal with thermal stress","5th World Congress on Adhesion and Related Phenomena","Abstracts of 5th World Congress on Adhesion and Related Phenomena","The Adhesion Society of Japan",,,"p. 218",2014,Sept.