"Liu, Y.,Sugishita, K.,Hanaoka, S.","Vaccination and transportation intervention strategies for effective pandemic control",,"Transport Policy",,"Vol. 156",,"pp. 126-137",2024,Sept. "Liu, Y.,Hanaoka, S.,Sugishita, K.","Vaccination and transportation intervention strategies for pandemic control with cost optimization","27th World Conference of Air Transport Research Society (ATRS 2024)",,,,,,2024,July "Liu, Y.,Hanaoka, S.,Sugishita, K.","Decision-making of travel bubble implementation process using metapopulation model",,"Journal of Air Transport Research Society",,"Vol. 2"," 100009",,2024,June "Yang Liu,Kashin Sugishita,Shinya HANAOKA","Decision-making of travel bubble implementation process using metapopulation model","26th ATRS World Conference",,,,,,2023,July "Yang Liu","Pandemic Control Measures Considering Transportation Interventions in Metapopulation Structure",,,,,,,, "Yang Liu","Pandemic Control Measures Considering Transportation Interventions in Metapopulation Structure",,,,,,,, "Yang Liu","Pandemic Control Measures Considering Transportation Interventions in Metapopulation Structure",,,,,,,,