"杉村 友高,金子 浩明,山口 晃,宮内 雅浩","メタンドライリフォーミング反応における光触媒の格子酸素の関与","日本化学会秋季事業 第14回 CSJ化学フェスタ2024",,,,,,2024,Oct. "金子 浩明,張 葉平,杉村 友高,橋本 綾子,山口 晃,宮内 雅浩","半導体型光触媒による化学量論的メタンドライリフォーミング","日本化学会秋季事業 第14回 CSJ化学フェスタ2024",,,,,,2024,Oct. "Hiroaki Kaneko,Yohei Cho,Tomotaka Sugimura,Ayako Hashimoto,Akira Yamaguchi,Masahiro Miyauchi","Sustaining syngas production at a near-unity H2/CO ratio in the photo-induced dry reforming of methane independent of the reactant gas composition",,"Chem. Commun",,"Vol. 60",,"pp. 10406-10409",2024,Aug. "金子浩明,張葉平,長井宏樹,山口晃,宮内雅浩","触媒によるメタンドライリフォーミング反応の選択性制御","第133回触媒討論会",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Hiroaki Kaneko,Akira Yamaguchi,Masahiro Miyauchi","Stoichiometric Syngas Production in Dry Reforming of Methane by Photocatalyst","Stoichiometric Syngas Production in Dry Reforming of Methane by Photocatalyst",,,,,,2023,Aug. "I. Kanchanakul,S. Kuboon,H. Kaneko,W. Kraithong,M. Miyauchi,A. Yamaguchi,T.R. Srinophakun","Development of photothermal catalyst from biomass ash (bagasse) for hydrogen production via dry reforming of methane (DRM): an experimental study",,"Molecules",,"Vol. 28",,"p. 4578",2023,June "H. Jiang,L. Wang,H. Kaneko,R. Gu,G. Su,L. Li,J. Zhang,H. Song,F. Zhu,A. Yamaguchi,J. Xu,F. Liu,M. Miyauchi,W. Ding,M. Zhong","Light-driven CO2 methanation over Au-grafted Ce0.95Ru0.05O2 solid-solution catalysts with activities approaching the thermodynamic limit",,"Nature Catalysis",,"Vol. 6",,"p. 519",2023,June