"Peng Jin","A moving mesh framework based on multi-moment finite volume method and its application to fluid-structure interactions",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Peng Jin","A moving mesh framework based on multi-moment finite volume method and its application to fluid-structure interactions",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Peng Jin","A moving mesh framework based on multi-moment finite volume method and its application to fluid-structure interactions",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Peng Jin,Bin Xie,Feng Xiao","Multi-moment finite volume method for incompressible flows on unstructured moving grids and its application to fluid-rigid body interactions",,"Computers & Structures",," 221",," 91-110",2019,Sept. "Peng Jin,Xi Deng,Feng Xiao","An ALE formulation for compressible flows based on multi-moment finite volume method",,"Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 791-809",2018,Oct. "JIN PENG,DENG XI,肖 鋒","マルチモメント有限体積法に基づくオイラー方程式のALE定式化","第31回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2017,Dec. "X. Deng,B. Xie,P. Jin,F. Xiao","Novel numerical models for multicomponent phase compressible flows with moving interfaces and chemical reactions","2017 Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference",,,,,,2017,June "P. Jin,B. Xie,X. Deng,F. Xiao","Numerical model for moving interfacial flows using multimoment finite volume method","2017 Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference",,,,,,2017,June "B. Xie,X. Deng,P. Jin,F. Xiao","Some new advanced numerical methods on unstructured grids: basic formulations and verifications","11th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics conference (ACFD11), Sept. 16-20, 2016, Dalian, China",,,,,,2016,Sept. "P. Jin,B. Xie,F. Xiao","An unstructured-grid numerical model for interfacial multiphase fluids based on multi-moment finite volume formulation and THINC method","11th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics conference (ACFD11), Sept. 16-20, 2016, Dalian, China",,,,,,2016,