"Tianyu Wang,Takashi Tomura,Jiro Hirokawa","Effective Design of an Array of Coupling Slots with a Reflection-canceling Wall for a Parallel-plate Slot Array Antenna",,"IEEE Access",,"vol. 12",,"pp. 87479-87488",2024,Aug. "Tianyu Wang","A study of feed waveguides for a parallel-plate slot array antenna",,,,,,,2024,June "Tianyu Wang","A study of feed waveguides for a parallel-plate slot array antenna",,,,,,,2024,June "Tianyu Wang","A study of feed waveguides for a parallel-plate slot array antenna",,,,,,,2024,June "Tianyu Wang,Takashi Tomura,Jiro Hirokawa,Budhaditya Pyne,Prilando Rizki Akbar,Hirobumi Saito","A Feeding Network with Collinearly Centered Longitudinal Coupling Slots for a Rectangular Parallel-Plate Slot Array Antenna",,"IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.",,"vol. 71","no. 7","pp. 5838-5849",2023,July "Yuki Tomori,Tianyu Wang,Jiro Hirokawa,Takashi Tomura","Design of a Circularly Polarized Slot Array on a Parallel-plate Waveguide fed by Longitudinal Coupling Slots with Posts","Intl. Symp. Antennas Propag.",,,,,,2021,Oct. "—F—˜—DŠó,Tianyu Wang,ŒË‘º’,œAì“ñ˜Y","”ñŒXŽÎƒXƒƒbƒg‚ð—p‚¢‚½‰~•Î”g•úŽË•½s•½”ƒAƒ“ƒeƒi‚ÌŒ¤‹†",,"MŠw‹Z•ñ",,,,,2021,Oct. "—F—˜—DŠó,Wang Tianyu,œAì“ñ˜Y,ŒË‘º’","26GHz‘Ñ•½s•½”‰~•Î”gƒXƒƒbƒgƒAƒŒ[ƒAƒ“ƒeƒi‚ÌÝŒv","MŠw‘‘å",,,,,,2021,Mar. "Tianyu Wang,Takashi Tomura,Jiro Hirokawa","Design of a Waveguide Feeder with Centered Longitudinal Coupling Slots for a Parallel-Plate Slot Array Antenna Panel,","MŠw‘‘å",,,,,,2021,Mar. "Tianyu Wang,Takashi Tomura,Jiro Hirokawa","Design of Longitudinal Coupling Slots with Matching Walls for a Rectangular Parallel Plate Slot Array Antenna","Intl. Symp. Antennas Propag.",,,,,,2021,Jan. "Tianyu Wang,Takashi Tomura,JIRO HIROKAWA","Full Structure Simulation of a Parallel-Plate Slot Array Antenna Panel with a Designed Waveguide Feeder Network","IEEE AP-S/URSI 2020",,,,,,2020,July "T. Wang,T. Tomura,J. Hirokawa","Design of a Center-feed Waveguide Feeder Network for a Slot Array Antenna Panel","MŠw‘‘å",,,,,,2020,Mar. "Tianyu Wang,Takashi Tomura,JIRO HIROKAWA","Analysis of Coupling Slots with a Reflection-canceling Wall for Parallel Plate Slot Array Antenna","ISAP",,,,,,2019,Oct. "Tianyu Wang,Takashi Tomura,JIRO HIROKAWA","Analysis and Design of a Waveguide Feeder for a Parallel Plate Slot Array Antenna","“dŽqî•ñ’ÊMŠw‰ïƒ\ƒTƒCƒGƒeƒB‘å‰ï",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Tianyu Wang,Takashi Tomura,JIRO HIROKAWA","Design of the Matching Coupling Slot for Parallel Plate Waveguide with Hard Walls","“dŽqî•ñ’ÊMŠw‰ï‘‡‘å‰ï",,,,,,2019,Mar.