"Chunyuan Zhan,Ryoya Iseki,Hyun-Ha Kim,Tomohiro Nozaki","Nonthermal plasma catalysis of CO2 methanation over multi-metallic Ru based catalysts for Power-to-Chemicals Application","The 8th East Asia Joint Symposium on Plasma and Electrostatic Technologies for Environmental Application (EAPETEA-8)",,,,,,2021,Oct. "Chunyuan Zhan,Ryoya Iseki,Hyun-Ha Kim,Tomohiro Nozaki","Nonthermal plasma effect on CO2 methanation over Ni-modified Ru/Al2O3 catalyst","Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences (2nd ACTS)",,,,,,2021,Oct. "劉 聖輝,中村 勇太,井関 凌也,伏信 一慶","透明材料の短パルスレーザ加?特性","日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2019","日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2019講演論文集",,,"No. F224",,2019,Oct.