"Dosung Lee","Formation behavior of C14 Laves phase under the interdiffusion of solute elements in the αFe phase",,,,,,,2024,June "Dosung Lee","Formation behavior of C14 Laves phase under the interdiffusion of solute elements in the αFe phase",,,,,,,2024,June "Dosung Lee","Formation behavior of C14 Laves phase under the interdiffusion of solute elements in the αFe phase",,,,,,,2024,June "Dosung Lee","Formation behavior of C14 Laves phase under the interdiffusion of solute elements in the αFe phase",,,,,,,2024,June "Yaw Wang Chai,Shintaro Kondo,Kentaro Kanai,Dosung Lee,Manabu Watanabe,Shin Ishikawa,Takako Yamashita,YOSHISATO KIMURA","Intermetallic precipitation and oxidation behavior of a Fe?20Cr?0.5Nb?2Mo (at%) high-Cr ferritic alloy","日本金属学会 2024年 春期 第174回 講演大会",,,,,,2024,Mar. "日吉 遼樹,Dosung Lee,Yaw Wang Chai,渡邉 学,石川 伸,木村 好里","Fe/Nb, Fe/Mo, Fe20Cr/Nb 拡散対界面におけるC14型 Laves相の形成過程の評価","日本金属学会 2024年 春期 第174回 講演大会",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Lee dosung,Tsuyuguchi Mariko,Manabu Watanabe,Chai yaw wang,Yamashita Takako,Shin Ishikawa,Yoshisato Kimura","Interdiffusion of solute elements in the α-Fe phase of the Fe-Cr-Mo and Fe-Cr-Si ternary systems",,"ISIJ International",,"Vol. 64",," 826?835",2023,Dec. "Dosung Lee,Haruki Hiyoshi,Yaw Wang Chai,Manabu Watanabe,Shin Ishikawa,YOSHISATO KIMURA","Formation mechanism of C14 Laves phase in αFe/X(X: Nb,Mo) diffusion couple","日本金属学会 2023年 秋期 第173回 講演大会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Dosung Lee,Mariko Tsuyuguchi,Manabu Watanabe,Yaw Wang Chai,Shin Ishikawa,YOSHISATO KIMURA","Solid-phase reaction and microstructure formation in Fe-Nb and Fe-Mo binary diffusion couples","日本金属学会 2023年 春期 第172回 講演大会",,,,,,2023,Mar. "露口 眞理子,Lee Dosung,渡邉 学,石川 伸,木村 好里","Fe-Cr-Mo三元系のα-Fe固溶体相における相互拡散係数","日本金属学会 2023年 春期 第172回 講演大会",,,,,,2023,Mar. "Shintaro Kondo,Yaw-Wang Chai,Kentaro Kanai,Lee Dosung,Manabu Watanabe,Shin Ishikawa,Takako Yamasita,Yoshisato Kimura","Intermetallic phase precipitation and oxidation behavior of Fe?20Cr?0.5Nb?2Mo (at%) high-Cr ferritic alloy at high temperatures",,"Acta Materialia",,,," 118677",2023,Jan. "Dosung Lee,Shintaro Kondo,Manabu Watanabe,Takako Yamashita,Shin Ishikawa,Yoshisato Kimura","Interdiffusion coefficient evaluation for considering oxidation behavior and intermetallic phase precipitation near the surface of high Cr ferritic alloys","International Symposium on High temperature Oxidation and Corrosion",,,,,,2022,Oct. "Dosung Lee,Mariko Tsuyuguchi,Manabu Watanabe,Shin Ishikawa,YOSHISATO KIMURA","Interdiffusion in Fe-Cr-X (X=Mo, Si) ternary alloy systems","日本金属学会 2022年春期講演大会",,,,,,2022,Mar.