"Hironobu Kikuchi,Kazuaki Inaba","Evaluation of a Design Support Tool Incorporating Sensory Performance Model of Ride Comfort for Conceptual Design of Controlled Suspensions","WCX SAE World Congress Experience","Technical Paper","SAE International in United States",,,,2024,Apr. "Hironobu Kikuchi,Kazuaki Inaba","Model-Based Design of Controlled Suspension Incorporating Ride Comfort Sensory Performance Model for Vibration during Vehicle Driving","WCX SAE World Congress Experience","SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility",,"Volume 6","Issue 1",,2023,Apr. "Hironobu Kikuchi,Kazuaki Inaba","RIDE PERFORMANCE ON WHEEL ROTATION SPEED DRIVEN CONTROLLED DAMPER SYSTEM",,"International Journal of Automotive Technology","Springer Nature","Volume 23","No. 5","Page 1451-1470.",2022,Oct. "Hironobu Kikuchi,Kazuaki Inaba","Model Following Damping Force Control for Vehicle Body Motion during Transient Cornering",,"SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH","SAE International","Volume 6","Issue 4","Page 10-06-04-0023",2022,Aug.