"Yuval Kahlon,Weiheng Hu,Momoko Nakatani,Santosh Maurya,Takuya Oki,Jiang Zhu,Haruyuki Fujii","Immersive gaze sharing for enhancing education: An exploration of user experience and future directions",,"Computer & Education: X Reality","ScienceDirect","Vol. 5",,,2024,Sept. "Yuval Kahlon,Santosh Maurya,Haruyuki Fujii","IMMERSIVE GAZE SHARING FOR ENHANCING COMMUNICATION IN DESIGN EDUCATION: AN INITIAL USER STUDY IN THE CONTEXT OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CRITIQUES","ICED23 - 24th International Conference on Engineering Design","Proceeding of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education","Cambridge University Press",,,,2023,June "Yuval Kahlon,Momoko Nakatani,Haruyuki Fujii,Takuya Oki,Jiang Zhu,Santosh Maurya","A User Study For Facilitating Effective Remote Education In Design Studios: Towards Integration of Cyber-physical Technologies Into Design Education","The 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education","Proceeding of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education","Institution of Engineering Designers (IED)",,,,2022,Sept. "Santosh MAURYA,Yuval KAHLON,Takuya OKI,Jiang ZHU,Momoko NAKATANI,Yufei LIU","UTILIZING MR TECHNOLOGIES FOR ESSENTIAL PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN DESIGN EDUCATION","The 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education","Proceeding of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education","Institution of Engineering Designers (IED)",,,,2022,Sept. "Santosh Maurya,C?line Mougenot,Yukio Takeda","Impact of mixed reality implementation on early-stage interactive product design process",,"Journal of Engineering Design","Taylor & Francis","Vol. 32","issue 1","Page 1-27",2020,Dec. "Santosh Kumar Maurya","Facilitating enhanced concept generation at early design phase through mixed reality and user-centric approach",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Santosh Kumar Maurya","Facilitating enhanced concept generation at early design phase through mixed reality and user-centric approach",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Santosh Kumar Maurya","Facilitating enhanced concept generation at early design phase through mixed reality and user-centric approach",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Santosh Kumar Maurya","Facilitating enhanced concept generation at early design phase through mixed reality and user-centric approach",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Santosh Maurya,Daisuke Matsuura,Takahiro Uehara,Masato Kawabata,Yukio Takeda","Addressing communication issue among caregivers and wheelchair users: identifying design metrics and defining needs","AAATE 2019 - Global Challenges in Assistive Technology: Research, Policy & Practice",,,,,,2019,Aug. "Santosh Maurya,YUKIO TAKEDA,Celine Mougenot","Enabling Designers to Generate Concepts of Interactive Product Behaviours: A Mixed Reality Design Approach","International Conference on Engineering Design","Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design",,,,,2019,July "Santosh Maurya,Kengo Arai,Koyo Moriya,Pierre-Antoine Arrighi,Celine Mougenot","A mixed reality tool for end-users participation in early creative design tasks",,"International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)","Springer Paris","Volume 13"," Issue 1","pp. 163?182",2019,Mar. "Santosh Maurya,Olivier Ammoun","IMPLEMENTING CDIO APPROACH IN INTEGRATED DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT","14th International CDIO Conference",,,,,,2018,June "Kengo Arai,Daniel Barreneche Giraldo,Santosh Maurya,Koyo Moriya,Pierre-Antoine Arrighi,Celine Mougenot","Assessment of the User Experience in Co-design with a Mixed Reality System","8th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2016)",,,,,,2016,Aug. "Santosh Maurya,Kengo Arai,Koyo Moriya,Pierre-Antoine Arrighi,Celine Mougenot","Design of a Mixed Reality system for Co-designing with end-users","8th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2016)",,,,,,2016,Aug. "Pierre-Antoine Arrighi,Santosh Maurya,Kengo Arai,Koyo Moriya,Celine Mougenot","A Mixed Reality System for Kansei-based Co-Design of Highly-Customized Products",,"Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science",,"Vol. 20","No. 2","pp. 47-60",2016,July "Pierre-Antoine Arrighi,Santosh Maurya,Celine Mougenot","Towards Co-designing with Users: A Mixed Reality Tool for Kansei Engineering",,"IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology",,"Volume 467",,"pp. 751-760",2016,Apr. "Pierre-Antoine Arrighi,Santosh Maurya,Celine Mougenot","Towards Co-designing with Users: A Mixed Reality Tool for Kansei Engineering","12th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM 2015)",,,,,,2015,Oct. "Santosh Maurya,Celine Mougenot","Early Co-design through Virtual Reality and Tangible User Interface","7th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2015)",,,,,,2015,Aug.