"Takuro Nakamura,Pornpen Limpaninlachat,Katsuya Kono,Junichiro Niwa","SHEAR STRENGTHENING METHOD FOR RC BEAMS BY USING POST-TENSIONED UFC PANEL","UFPFRC2017","Proceedings of the AFGC-ACI-fib-RILEM International Conference on UHPFRC",,,,"pp. 517-524",2017,Oct. "Limpaninlachat, P.,Nakamura, T.,Kono, K.,Niwa, J.","Shear Strengthening Performance of Post-tensioned UFC Panel on Reinforced Concrete Beams,",,"Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology",,"Vol. 15","No. 9","pp. 558-573",2017,Sept. "Pornpen Limpaninlachat","Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Prestressed UFC Panel in Flexure and Shear",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Pornpen Limpaninlachat","Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Prestressed UFC Panel in Flexure and Shear",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Pornpen Limpaninlachat","Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Prestressed UFC Panel in Flexure and Shear",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Pornpen Limpaninlachat,Takuro Nakamura,Katsuya Kono,Junichiro Niwa","Shear Strengthening Performance of Post-tensioned UFC Panel on Reinforced Concrete Beams",,"Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology",,"Vol. 15","No. 9","pp. 558-573",2017,Sept. "Pornpen Limpaninlachat","Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Prestressed UFC Panel in Flexure and Shear",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "‰Í–ìŽÆ,Pornpen,¼–{_Žk,’†‘º‘ñ˜Y,“ñ‰H~ˆê˜Y,”ü’J","‘¹‚ðŽó‚¯‚½RC‚Í‚è‚ɑ΂·‚éƒvƒŒƒeƒ“ƒVƒ‡ƒ“•ûŽ®ƒvƒŒƒXƒgƒŒƒXƒgUFCƒpƒlƒ‹‚Ì‹È‚°•â‹­Œø‰Ê",,"‘¾•½—mƒZƒƒ“ƒgŒ¤‹†•ñ",,,"No. 171","pp. 41-52",2017,Feb. "Pornpen Limpaninlachat,Koji Matsumoto,Takuro Nakamura,Katsuya Kono,Junichiro Niwa","EVALUATION OF DAMAGED RC BEAMS STRENGTHENED IN FLEXURE BY PRE-TENSIONED UFC PANEL","fib Symposium 2016","Proseedings of fib symposium 2016",,,,,2016,Nov. "Limpaninlachat, P.,Matsumoto, K.,Nakamura, T.,Kono, K.,Niwa","Flexural Strengthening Effect of Pre-Tensioned UFC Panel on Reinfoced Concrete Beams",,"Journal of JSCE, Division E, Materials and Concrete Structures",,"Vol. 4","No. 1","pp. 181-196",2016,Oct. "Pornpen Limpaninlachat,Koji Matsumoto,Takuro Nakamura,Katsuya Kono,Junichiro Niwa","New application of UFC in flexural strengthening method for RC beams","The 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering","Proceedings of The 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering",,,,"pp. 295-302",2016,Aug. "Pornpen Limpaninlachat,Koji Matsumoto,Takuro Nakamura,Katsuya Kono,Junichiro Niwa","ADVANCED FLEXURAL STRENGTHENING METHOD FOR RC BEAMS BY USING PRE-TENSIONED UFC PANEL","EASEC-14",,,,,"pp. 957-965",2016,Jan. "P. Limpaninlachat,K. Matsumoto,T. Nakamura,K. Kono,J. Niwa","Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Pre-Tensioned UFC Panel","7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development","Proceedings of the 7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development",,"Volume 20","No. 7","pp. 26-30",2015,Nov.