"Sho Suzuki,Satoshi Kaneko,Shintaro Fujii,Santiago Marques-Gonzalez,Tomoaki Nishino,Manabu Kiguchi","Effect of the Molecule?Metal Interface on the Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of 1,4-Benzenedithiol",,"The Journal of Physical Chemistry C","ACS Publications","Vol. 120","No. 2","pp. 1038-1042",2016,Dec. "Sho Suzuki,H.Sekiguchi","The Behavior of Microdischarges and Their Effects on Chemical Reactions in a Micro-DBD Plasma Reactor",,"Journal of chemical engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 43","No. 2","pp. 158-166",2010,Feb. "Sho Suzuki,H.Sekiguchi","The Effect of Catalytically Reactive Wall in a Micro-DBD Plasma Reactor on Ozone Decomposition",,"Journal of chemical engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 43","No. 2","pp. 167-173",2010,Feb. "鈴木 翔,関口 秀俊","マイクロプラズマリアクターにおけるオゾン生成に放電の挙動と内壁が及ぼす影響","化学工学会第74回年会","化学工学会第74回年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," B303",2009,Mar. "Sho Suzuki,H.Sekiguchi","The effects of reactor wall on ozone generation in a micro-DBD plasma reactor","15th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering","Proceedings of 15th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 2",," 793-797",2008,Dec. "Sho Suzuki,H.Sekiguchi","The behaviors of microdischarges and their effects on ozone generation in a micro-DBD plasma reactor","9th APCPST","Abstract of 9th APCPST",,,,"pp. 88",2008,Oct. "Sho SUZUKI,Hidetoshi Sekiguchi,Koichi Takaki","The effect of electron density and electron temperature on the partial oxidation of benzene using a micro-plasma reactor",,"Journal of chemical engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 40","No. 9","pp. 749-754",2007,Sept.