"MASAHARU TANABE","A generalization of the Eichler trace formula for morphisms between Riemann surfaces",,"Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica",,"Vol. 42","No. 1","pp. 393-404",2017, "MASAHARU TANABE","Several remarks on the combinatorial Hodge star",,"Topology Proc.",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 33-43",2015, "MASAHARU TANABE","A Martens-type theorem in the context of cohomology of Riemann surfaces",,"Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math.",,"Vol. 39","No. 2","pp. 941-946",2014, "MASAHARU TANABE","Morphisms of closed Riemann surfaces and Lefschetz trace formula",,"Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.",,"Vol. 138","no. 4","pp. 1295--1303",2010,Jan. "MASAHARU TANABE","Hurwitz' theorem and a genararization for holomorphic maps of closed Riemann surfaces",,"Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math.",,"Vol. 34","no. 2","pp. 391--399",2009,July "MASAHARU TANABE","A homological characterization of surface coverings",,"Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A",,"Vol. 84","no. 9","pp. 170--173",2008,Sept. "Masaharu Tanabe","Bounds on the number of holomorphic maps of compact Riemann surfaces",,"Proceedings of Amer. Math. Soc.",,"Vol. 133","No. 10","pp. 3057-3064",2005, "Masaharu Tanabe","Holomorphic maps of Riemann surfaces and Weierstrass points",,"Kodai Math. Journal",,"Vol. 28","No. 2","pp. 423-429",2005, "田辺正晴","無限型リーマン面間の位相同型と Fuchs 群モデルの同型について",,"数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1270",,"pp. 63-65",2002, "MASAHARU TANABE","A bound for the theorem of de Franchis",,"Proceedings of Amer. Math. Soc.",,"Vol. 127","No. 8","pp. 2289-2295",1999, "MASAHARU TANABE","On rigidity of holomorphic maps of Riemann surfaces",,"Osaka Journal of Mathematics",,"Vol. 33","No. 2","pp. 485-496",1996, "MASAHARU TANABE","Aolomorphic maps of Riemann surfaces",,,,,,,1995, "MASAHARU TANABE","Automorphisms of ramified coverings of Riemann surfaces",,"Kodai Mathematical Journal",,"Vol. 18","No. 2","pp. 284-294",1995,