"V. L. J. Joly,K. Takahara,K. Takai,K. Sugihara,T. Enoki,M. Koshino,H. Tanaka","Effect of electron localization on the edge-state spins in a disordered network of nanographene sheets",,"Physical Review B",," 81",," 115408",2010,Mar. "V. L. Joseph Joly,Katsunori Takahara,Kazuyuki Takai,Ko Sugihara,M. Koshino,H. Tanaka,Toshiaki Enoki","Effect of electron localization on a edge-state spins in a disordered network of nanographene sheets",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 81","No. 11","pp. 115408-1-5",2010,Mar. "M. Koshino,T. Ando","Splitting of the quantum Hall transition in disordered graphenes",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 75",,"pp. 033412",2007, "M. Koshino,T. Ando","Hall plateau diagram for the Hofstadter butterfly energy spectrum",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 73",,"pp. 155304",2006, "M. Koshino,T. Ando","Transport in bilayer graphene: Calculations within a self-consistent Born approximation",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 73",,"pp. 245403",2006, "M. Koshino,H. Aoki","Electronic structure of an electron on the gyroid surface: A helical labyrinth",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 71",,"pp. 073405",2005, "Mikito Koshino,Hideo Aoki","Integer quantum Hall effect and Hofstadter's butterfly spectra in three-dimensional metals in external periodic modulations",,"Physical Review B ",,"Vol. 69",,"pp. 081303",2004, "Mikito Koshino,Tsuneya Ando","Quantum Hall Effect on the Hofstadter Butterfly",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 73",,"pp. 3243",2004, "M. Koshino,H. Aoki","Integer quantum Hall effect and Hofstadterfs butterfly spectra in three-dimensional metals in external periodic modulations",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 69",,"pp. 081303",2004, "M. Koshino,H. Aoki","Integer quantum Hall effect in isotropic three-dimensional crystals",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 67",,"pp. 195336",2003, "‰z–슲l","Theory of quantum Hall effect in three dimensions",,,,,,,2003, "M. Koshino,H. Aoki,K. Kuroki,K. Kagoshima,T. Osada","Phase diagram for the Hofstadter butterfly and integer quantum Hall effect in three dimensions",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 65",,"pp. 045310",2002, "M. Koshino,B. I. Halperin,H. Aoki","Wrapping Current versus Bulk Integer Quantum Hall Effect in Three Dimensions",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 081301",2002, "M. Koshino,H. Aoki,T Osada","Field-Induced SDW and Butterfly Spectrum in Three Dimensions",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 65",,"pp. 205311",2002, "H. Aoki,M. Koshino,D. Takeda,H. Morise,K. Kuroki","Electronic structure of periodic curved surfaces --- topological band strucure",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 65",,"pp. 035102",2002, "M. Koshino,H. Aoki,K. Kuroki,K. Kagoshima,T. Osada","Hofstadter butterfly and Integer Quantum Hall Effect in Three Dimensions",,"Physical Review Letters",,"Vol. 86",,"pp. 1062",2001,