"MASATOSHI SHIINO","SCSNA and TAP equations for stochastic analog neural networks",,"The 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics",,"Vol. XV",,,2003, "MASATOSHI SHIINO","Stability analysis of mean-field type Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equations associated with a Generalized Entropy and its application to the self-gravitating system ",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 67","No. 5-2","pp. 056118",2003, "Masatoshi Shiino,Michiko Yamana","Statistical Mechanics of Stochastic Neural Networks: Relationship between the self-consistent signal-to-noise analysis, Thouless-Anderson-Palmer equation, and Replica Symmetric Calculation approaches ",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 68","No. 6","pp. 061900",2003, "MASATOSHI SHIINO","Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equations Associated with Generalized Entropies and Stability Analyses with Application to a Mean-Field Model of the Self-Gravitating System",,"Nova science","Nova science",,,,2002, "MASATOSHI SHIINO","Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equation Exhibiting Bifurcation Phenomena and Generalized Thermostatistics",,"J.Math. 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Yoshioka,M.Shiino","Associative Memory Storing an Extensive Number of Patterns Based on a Network of Oscillators with Distributed Natural Frequencies in the Presence of External White Noise",,"Phys.Rev",,"Vol. E","No. 61","pp. 4732-4744",2000, "M. Yamana,M. Shiino,M. Yoshioka","Oscillator Neural Network Model with Distributed Native Frequencies",,"J.Phys.",,"Vol. A","No. 32","pp. 3525-3533",1999, "MASATOSHI SHIINO","H-Theorems and Free Energies Based on Generalized Entropies",,"The 5th International Workshop on Similarity in Diversity",,,,"pp. 63-67",1999, "M.Okada,T.Fukai,M.Shiino","Random and systematic dilution of synaptic connections in a neural network with a nonmonotonic response function",,"Phys.Rev",,"Vol. E","No. 57","pp. 2095-2103",1998, "MASATOSHI SHIINO","H-theorem with generalized relative entropies and the Tsallis statistics",,"J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.",,"Vol. 67","No. 11","pp. 3658-3660",1998, "M. Yoshiika,M. shiino","Associative memory based on synchronized firing of spiking neurons with time-delayed interactions",,"Phys.Rev",,"Vol. E","No. 58","pp. 3628-3639",1998, "M.Shiino,A.Yamano","Correlated attractors in neural networks with asymmetric couplings",,"Proceedings of 1998 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications",,,,"pp. 1027-1030",1998, "M. Yoshioka,M. Shiino","Properties of Associative Memory Analog Neural Networks with Asymmetric Couplings",,"Phys.Rev.",,"Vol. E","No. 557401-7413",,1997, "MASATOSHI SHIINO","Associative memory neural networks with asymmetric connections",,"Proceedings of 1997 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications",,,,"pp. 665-668",1997, "M.Yoshioka,M.Shiino","Associative memory of analog networks without the energy concept using biased patterns and positive-valued transfer functions",,"J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 1294-1305",1997, "T.Fukai,M.Shiino","Memory recall by quasi-fixed point attractors in oscillator neural networks",,"Neural Computation",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 529-548",1995, "T. Fukai,M. Shiino","Retrieval Properties of Analog Neural Networks and the Nonmonotonicity of Transfer Functions",,"Neural Nteworks",,"Vol. 8","No. 3","pp. 391-404",1995, "MASATOSHI SHIINO"," Statistical Mechanics of associative memory neural networks ",,"Computational Physics as a New Frontier in Condensed Matter Research,  J.P.S",,,,"pp. 310-319",1995, "椎野正壽","神経回路網理論と統計力学",,"情報処理",,"Vol. 35","No. 5","pp. 464-467",1994, "T.Fukai,M.Shiino","Memory encoding by oscillator death",,"Europhys.Lett",,"Vol. 26","No. 9","pp. 647-652",1994, " M.Shiino,T.Fukai","Onset of 'super retrieval phase' and enhancement of the storage capacity in neural networks of non-monotonic neurons",,"J.Phys.",,"Vol. A","No. 26","pp. L831-841",1993, "MASATOSHI SHIINO","Statistical Mechanics of Associative Memory Neural Networks",,"J.Computational Physics as a New Frontier in Condensed Matter Reserch",,,,"pp. 310-319",1993, "椎野正寿,深井朋樹","ニューラルシステムのカオス(分担)",,"東京電機大学出版","東京電機大学出版",,,,1993, "M. Shiino,T. Fukai","Self Consistent Signal-to-Noise Analysis of the Statistical Bhavior of Analog Neural Networks and Enhancement of the Storage Capacity",,"Phys.Rev.",,"Vol. E","No. 48","pp. 867-897",1993, "M.Shiino,T.Fukai","Self-consistent signal-to-noise analysis of analog neural networks with nonmonotonic transfer functions and enhancement of the storage capacity",,"Proceedings of IJCNN 93",,,," 2555-2558",1993, "I. Opris,M. Shiino","Coupled oscillator neural networks as associative memory World Congress on Neural Networks 1993",,"World Congress on Neural Networks 1993",,,,"pp. 2555-2558",1993, "T. Fukai,M. Shiino","Comparative study of spurious state distribution of analog neural networks and the Boltzmann machine",,"J.Phys.A Math.Gen.",,"Vol. 25",,"pp. 2873-2887",1992, "T. Fukai,M. Shiino","Study of self-inhibited analog neural networks using the self--consistent signal-to-noise analysis",,"J.Phys.A Math.Gen. 25",,"Vol. 25",," 4799-4811",1992, "M. Shiino,T. 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