"HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI","Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing: An Introduction",,"Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing: An Introduction","Oxford University Press",,,,2023,July "HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI","Perspectives of quantum annealing: Methods and implementations",,"Reports on Progress in Physics","Institute of Physics Publishing","Vol. 83",,,2020,May "Yuki Susa,HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI","Performance enhancement of quantum annealing under the Lechner-Hauke-Zoller scheme by non-linear driving of the constraint term",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 89",,,2020,Mar. "HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI","Mean-field solution of the weak-strong cluster problem for quantum annealing with stoquastic and non-stoquastic catalysts",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 89",,,2020,Mar. "HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI","Reverse quantum annealing of the p-spin model with relaxation",,"Physical Review A","American Physical Society","Vol. 101",,,2020,Feb. "西森秀稔","米国科学・工学・医学アカデミーによる量子コンピュータの進歩と展望",,"米国科学・工学・医学アカデミーによる量子コンピュータの進歩と展望","共立出版株式会社",,,,2020,Jan. "Yu Yamashiro,Masaki Ohkuwa,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Daniel A. Lidar","Dynamics of reverse annealing for the fully connected p-spin model",,"Physical Review A","American Physical Society","Vol. 100",,,2019,Nov. "Walter Vinci,Shunji Matsuura,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Walter Vinci,Daniel A. Lidar","Nested Quantum Annealing Correction at Finite Temperature: p-spin models",,"Physical Review A","American Physical Society","Vol. 99",,,2019,June "Yuki Susa,Yu Yamashiro,Masayuki Yamamoto,Itay Hen,Daniel A. Lidar,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Quantum annealing of the p-spin model under inhomogeneous transverse field driving",,"Physical Review A",,"Vol. 98, Iss. 4",,,2018,Oct. "Masaki Ohkuwa,Masaki Ohkuwa,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Daniel A. Lidar","Reverse annealing for the fully connected p-spin model",,"Physical Review A",,"Vol. 98, Iss. 2",,,2018,Aug. "西森秀稔,須佐友紀,山城悠,山本雅之","非一様な横磁場の制御による量子アニーリングの加速 I","日本物理学会 第73回年次大会",,,,,,2018,Mar. "須佐友紀,西森秀稔,山城悠,山本雅之","非一様な横磁場の制御による量子アニーリングの加速 II","日本物理学会 第73回年次大会",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Yuki Susa,Yu Yamashiro,Masayuki Yamamoto,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Exponential Speedup of Quantum Annealing by Inhomogeneous Driving of the Transverse Field",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (JPSJ)",,"Volume 87","Number 2",,2018,Jan. "Masaki Ohkuwa,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Exact expression of the energy gap at first-order quantum phase transitions of a non-stoquastic Hamiltonian",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,,,,2017,Oct. "Kohji Nishimura,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Quantum annealing with a non-vanishing final value of the transverse field",,"Physical Review A",,"Vol. 96"," Iss. 4",,2017,Oct. "Matteo M. Wauters,Rosario Fazio,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Giuseppe E. Santoro","Direct comparison of quantum and simulated annealing on a fully-connected Ising ferromagnet",,"Physical Review A",,,,,2017,Aug. "Yuki Susa,Johann F. Jadebeck,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Relation between quantum fluctuations and the performance enhancement of quantum annealing in a nonstoquastic Hamiltonian",,"Physical Review A",,"Vol. 95",,,2017,Apr. "須佐友紀,Johann Jadebeck,西森秀稔","量子アニーリングにおける non-stoquastic ハミルトニアンが与える量子効果","日本物理学会 第72回年次大会",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Shunji Matsuura,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Walter Vinci,Tameem Albash,Daniel Lidar","Quantum annealing correction at finite temperature: ferromagnetic p-spin models",,"Physical Review A",,"Vol. 95",,,2017,Feb. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Kabuki Takada","Exponential enhancement of the efficiency of quantum annealing by non-stoquastic Hamiltonians",,"Frontiers in ICT",,"Vol. 4",,"p. 2",2017,Feb. "Ohkuwa, M.,HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI","Exact expression of the energy gap at first-order quantum phase transitions of the fully connected p-body transverse-field ising model with transverse interactions",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 86","No. 11",,2017, "西森秀稔,大関真之","量子コンピュータが人工知能を加速する",,,"日経BP",,,,2016,Dec. "Kabuki Takada,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Critical properties of dissipative quantum spin systems in finite dimensions",,"Journal of Physics A",,"Vol. 49","No. 43",,2016,Oct. "Kohji Nishimura,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Andrew Ochoa,Helmut Katzgraber","Retrieving the ground state of spin glasses using thermal noise: Performance of quantum annealing at ?nite temperatures",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 94",,,2016,Sept. "Yuki Susa,Johann Jadebeck,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Semi-classical potential for quantum annealing with antiferromagnetic fluctuation","Workshop on Theory and Practice of Adiabatic Quantum Computers and Quantum Simulation",,,,,,2016,Aug. "HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI,Shunji Matsuura,Tameem Albash,Daniel Lidar","Mean field analysis of quantum error correction",,"Physical Review Letters","American Physical Society","Vol. 115",,,2016,June "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Quantum annealing: Messages to and from Japan","Canadian-Japanese Scientific and Cultural Exchange: Quantum Computing",,,,,,2016,May "西森 秀稔","量子アニーリングの理論と装置開発の現状","JST研究開発戦略センター ワークショップ",,,,,,2016,Mar. "西森 秀稔","量子アニーリング理論とD-Waveマシン","京都大学福井センターシンポジウム",,,,,,2016,Feb. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Error tolerance of quantum annealing","YITP Workshop on Quantum Information Physics",,,,,,2016,Jan. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Effects of thermal noise on the performance of quantum annealing","Statistical Physics of Disordered Systems and Its Applications",,,,,,2016,Jan. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Bayesian inference of the Ising model ground state out of noisy data","New-Generation Computers: Quantum Annealing and Coherent Computing",,,,,,2015,Dec. "HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI,Manaka Okuyama,Yuuki Yamanaka,Marek Rams","Anomalous behavior of the energy gap in the one-dimensional quantum XY model",,"Physical Review E","American Physical Society","Vol. 92",,"p. 0521126",2015,Nov. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Quantum annealing and quantum phase transitions","East Asia Joint Seminars on Statistical Physics 2015",,,,,,2015,Oct. "西森 秀稔","物理数学II―フーリエ解析とラプラス解析・偏微分方程式・特殊関数",,,"丸善出版",,,,2015,Sept. "Kazuya Kaneko,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Adiabatic approximation for the imaginary-time Schrodinger equation an its application to simulated annealing",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"vol. 84",,,2015,Aug. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Relation between classical stochastic dynamics and quantum annealing","Yukawa International Seminar 2015",,,,,,2015,Aug. "西森 秀稔","最適化問題を解く量子アニーリングとD-Wave","応用物理学会微小光学研究会",,,,,,2015,July "Yuya Seki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Quantum annealing with antiferromagnetic transverse interactions for the Hopfield model",,,,,,,2015,July "西森秀稔","量子アニーリングとD-Waveマシン(最先端研究)",,"シミュレーション","日本シミュレーション学会","Vol. 34","No. 2","pp. 136-140",2015,June "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Mean-field analysis of quantum annealing with XX-type terms","APS March Meeting 2016",,,,,,2015,Mar. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Comparison of quantum annealing and simulated annealing",,"The European Physical Journal Special Topics",,"Volume 224"," issue 1","pp. 15-16",2015,Feb. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Junichi Tsuda,Sergey Knysh","Comparative study of the performance of quantum annealing and simulated annealing",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 91"," Iss.1",,2015,Jan. "HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI","Relation of classical non-equilibrium dynamics and quantum annealing",,"Journal of Physics: Conference Series",,"Vol. 638","No. 1",,2015, "Junichi Tsuda,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Mean-field theory is exact for the random-field model with long-range interactions",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 83","Number 7",,2014,June "Junichi Tsuda,Yuuki Yamanaka,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Energy gap at first-order quantum phase transitions: An anomalous case",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 82","Number 11",,2013,Oct. "Ryoji Miyazaki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Real-space renormalization group approach to the random transverse-field Ising model in finite dimensions",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 87"," Iss. 3",,2013,Mar. "Yuma Murata,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Ensemble inequivalence in the spherical spin glass model with nonlinear interactions",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (JPSJ)",,"Volume 81","Number 11",,2012,Oct. "Beatriz Seoane,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Many-body transverse interactions in the quantum annealing of the p-spin ferromagnet",,"Journal 尾fPhysics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,,,,2012,Oct. "Yuya Seki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Quantum annealing with antiferromagnetic fluctuations",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 85"," Iss. 5",,2012,May "Guest Editors Anthony C.C. Coolen,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Nicolas Sourlas,K.Y. Michael Wong","Many-body theory, magnetism, spin glasses and related phenomena",,"Philosophical Magazine",,"Volume 92"," Issue 1-3",,2011,Dec. "K. Takahashi,H. Nishimori,V. Martin-Mayor","Ensemble equivalence in spin systems with short-range interactions",,"Journal of Statistical Mechanics",,,,"page P08024",2011,Aug. "Masayuki Ohzeki,Hitoshi Katsuda,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Nonequilibrium work on spin glasses in longitudinal and transverse fields",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 80","Number 8",,2011,July "Ohzeki,Masayuki; Nishimori,Hidetoshi","Quantum annealing: An introduction and new developments",,"Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience",,"Volume 8","Number 6",,2011,June "Ryoji Miyazaki,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Gerardo Ortiz","Real-space renormalization group for the transverse-field Ising model in two and three dimensions",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 83"," Iss.5",,2011,May "Zsolt Bertalan,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Many-body spin glasses in the microcanonical ensemble",,"Philosophical Magazine",,"Volume 92"," Issue 1-3",,2011,Apr. "Yoshiki Matsuda,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Lenka Zdeborov?,Florent Krzakala","Random-field p-spin glass model on regular random graphs",,,,,,,2011,Apr. "大関 真之,西森秀稔","量子アニーリング",,"日本物理学会誌","一般社団法人日本物理学会","Vol. 66","No. 4","pp. 252-258",2011,Apr. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Microcanonical analysis of spin glasses using gauge symmetry",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 80","Number 2",,2011,Feb. "Zsolt Bertalan,Takehiro Kuma,Yoshiki Matsuda,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Ensemble inequivalence in the ferromagnetic p-spin model in random fields",,"Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment",,,,,2011,Jan. "Ohzeki, M.,HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI","Nonequilibrium work performed in quantum annealing",,"Journal of Physics: Conference Series",,"Vol. 302","No. 1",,2011, "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Gerardo Ortiz","Elements of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena",,,"Oxford University Press",,,,2011, "Ohzeki, M.,HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI","Nonequilibrium relations in spin glasses",,"Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures",,"Vol. 43","No. 3","pp. 782-785",2011, "Ohzeki, M.,HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI","Quantum annealing with Jarzynski equality",,"Computer Physics Communications",,"Vol. 182","No. 1","pp. 257-259",2011, "Zsolt Bertalan,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Henri Orland","Accelerated stochastic sampling of discrete statistical systems",,"Physical Review E",,"Volume 82"," Iss. 5",,2010,Nov. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Masayuki Ohzeki","Zero-temperature complex replica zeros of the ±J Ising spin glass on mean-field systems and beyond","International Symposium on Nanoscience and Quantum PhysicsnanoPHYS'09","Physica E","Elsevier","Vol. 43","No. 2","pp. 786-789",2010,Aug. "Masayuki Ohzeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Non-equilibrium relations for spin glasses with gauge symmetry",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 79","Number 8",,2010,July "Yoshiki Matsuda,Markus Muller,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Tomoyuki Obuchi,Antonello Scardicchio","Distribution of partition function zeros for the ±J model on the Bethe lattice",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,"Vol. 43",," 285002",2010,June "HIDETOSHI NISHIMORI,Ohzeki, M.","Multicritical point of spin glasses",,"Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications",,"Vol. 389","No. 15","pp. 2907-2910",2010, "Masayuki Ohzeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Analytical evidence for the absence of spin glass transition in self-dual lattices",,,,"Volume 42","Number 33",,2009,July "Yoshiki Matsuda,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Helmut G Katzgraber","Ground-state statistics from annealing algorithms: Quantum vs classical approaches",,"New Journal of Physics",,"Volume 11",,,2009,July "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Complex replica zeros of ±J Ising spin glass at zero temperature",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical","IOP","Vol. 42","No. 7","pp. 075004(1-27)",2009,Jan. "Pierluigi Contucci,Cristian Giardin?,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Spin glass identities and the Nishimori line",,"Spin Glasses: Statics and Dynamics",,"Vol. 62",,"pp. 103-121",2009, "Satoshi Morita,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Mathematical foundation of quantum annealing",,"Journal of Mathematical Physics",,"Volume 49"," Issue 12",,2008,Dec. "Yoshiki Matsuda,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Koji Hukushima","Distribution of Lee-Yang zeros and Griffiths singularities in the ±J model of spin glasses",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,"Volume 41","Number 32",,2008,July "Masayuki Ohzeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori,A. Nihat Berker","Multicritical points for the spin glass models on hierarchical lattices",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 77"," Iss. 6",,2008,June "Can G?ven,A. Nihat Berker,Michael Hinczewski,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Reentrant and forward phase diagrams of the anisotropic three-dimensional Ising spin glass",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 77"," Iss. 6",,2008,June "A.C.C. Coolen,Hidetoshi Nishimori,N. Sourlas,K.Y.M. Wong","Viewing the world through spin glasses",,"Jornal of Physics A:Mathematical and Theoretical",,,,,2008, "Hidetsugu Kitatani,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Akira Aoki","Inequalities for the local energy of random Ising models",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 76","Number 7",,2007,July "Satoshi Morita,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Convergence of quantum annealing with real-time Schr?dinger dynamics",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 76","Number 6",,2007,May "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Hidetoshi Nishimori,David Sherrington","Phase diagram of the p-spin interacting spin glass with ferromagnetic bias and a transverse field in the infinite-p limit",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (JPSJ)",,"Vol. 76",," 054002",2007,May "Sei Suzuki,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Masuo Suzuki","Quantum annealing of the random-field Ising model by transverse ferromagnetic interactions",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 75"," Iss. 5",,2007,May "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Duality in spin glasses",,"Journal of Statistical Physics",,"Volume 126"," Issue 4-5","pp. 977-986",2007,Mar. "Satoshi Morita,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Convergence theorems for quantum annealing",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General,",,"Volume 39","Number 45",,2006,Oct. "Satoshi Morita,Yukiyasu Ozeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Gauge theory for quantum spin glasses",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 75","Number 1",,2006,Jan. "Pierluigi Contucci,Satoshi Morita,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Surface terms on the Nishimori line of the gaussian Edwards-Anderson model",,"Journal of Statistical Physics",,"Volume 122"," Issue 2","pp. 303-312",2006,Jan. "西森 秀稔","相転移・臨界現象の統計物理学",,,"培風館",,,,2005,Nov. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Peter Sollich","Error counting in a quantum error-correcting code and the ground-state energy of a spin glass",,"Hidetoshi Nishimori1, and Peter Sollich",,"Volume 73","Number 10",,2004,May "Satoshi Morita,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Pierluigi Contucci","Griffiths inequalities for the gaussian spin glass",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General",,"Volume 37","Number 18",,2004,Apr. "Toshiyuki Hamasaki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Exact ground-state energies of the random-field Ising chain and ladder",,"Jornal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 73","Number 6","pp. 1490-1495",2004,Feb. "Enzo Marinari,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Federico Ricci-Tersenghi","Statistical physics of disordered systems: from real materials to optimization and codes",,"Journal of physics A: Mathematical and General",,"Volume 36","Number 43",,2003,Oct. "Jean-Marie Maillard,Koji Nemoto,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Symmetry, complexity and multicritical point of the two-dimensional spin glass",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General",,"Volume 36","Number 38",,2003,Sept. "西森 秀稔","スピングラスと連想記憶",,,"岩波書店",,,,2003,Jan. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Derivatives and inequalities for order parameters in the Ising spin glass",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General",,"Volume 35","Number 45",,2002,Oct. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Cyril Falvo,Yukiyasu Ozeki","Energy fluctuations at the multicritical point in two-dimensional spin glasses",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General",,"Volume 35","Number 38",,2002,Sept. "Hidetoshi nishimori,Koji Nemoto","Duality and multicritical point of two-dimensional spin glasses",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 71","Number 4","pp. 1198-1199",2002,Apr. "Y?hei Saika,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Statistical mechanics of image restoration by the plane rotator model",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 71","Number 4","pp. 1052-1058",2002,Apr. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Comment on 'Statistical Mechanics of CDMA Multiuser Demodulation'",,"Europhysics Letters",,"Volume 57","Number 2",,2002,Jan. "Peter Gillin,Hidetoshi Nishimori,David Sherrington","Multispin Ising spin glass with ferromagnetic interactions",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General",,"Volume 34","Number 14",,2001,Apr. "P. Sollich,Hidetoshi Nishimori,A. C. C. Coolen,A. J. van der Sijs","Non-trivial phase behaviour in the infinite-range quantum Mattis model",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 69","Number 10","pp. 3200-3213",2000,Oct. "K.Y. Michael Wong,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Error-correcting codes and image restoration with multiple stages of dynamics",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 62"," ISS. 1",,2000,July "西森 秀稔","スピングラス理論と情報統計力学",,,"岩波書店",,,,1999,Nov. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,K. Y. Michael Wong","Statistical mechanics of image restoration and error-correcting codes",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 60"," ISS. 1",,1999,July "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Jun-ichi Inoue","Quantum annealing in the transverse Ising model",,"Journal of Physicas A: Mathematical and General",,"Volume 31","Number 26",,1998,July "Michiko Yamana,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Tadashi Kadowaki,D. Sherrington","High-temperature dynamics of spin glasses",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 66","Number 7","pp. 1962-1975",1997,July "Jun-ichi Inoue,Hidetoshi Nishimori","On-line AdaTron learning of unlearnable rules",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 55"," Iss. 4",,1997,Apr. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Yoshihiko Nonomura","Quantum effects in neural networks",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 65","Number 12","pp. 3780-3796",1996,Dec. "Tadashi Kadowaki,Yoshihiko Nonomura,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Exact ground-state energy of the Ising spin glass on strips",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 65"," Issue 6",,1996,June "Michiko Yamana,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Michiko Yamana","Dynamical probability distribution function of the SK model at high temperatures",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 65","Number 1","pp. 3-6",1996,Jan. "西森 秀稔","ニューラルネットワークの統計力学",,,"丸善",,,,1995,Sept. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,W. Whyte,D. Sherrington","Finite-dimensional neural networks storing structured patterns",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 51"," Issue 4",,1995,Apr. "T Ozeki,H Nishimori","Noise distributions in retrieval dynamics of the Hopfield model",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General",,"Volume 27","Number 21",,1994,Nov. "Kenichi Fukamachi,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Specific heat of the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 49"," Issue 1",,1994,Jan. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Hikaru Kawamura","Gauge glass ordering in two dimensions",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 62","Number 9","pp. 3266-3267",1993,Sept. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Optimum decoding temperature for error-correcting codes",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 62","Number 9","pp. 2973-2975",1993,Sept. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,IoanOpri?","Retrieval process of an associative memory with a general input-output function",,"NEURAL NETWORKS",,"Volume 6"," Issue 8","Page 1061-1067",1993,Apr. "H Nishimori,T Ozeki","Retrieval dynamics of associative memory of the Hopfield type",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General",,"Volume 26","Number 4",,1993,Feb. "Tota Nakamura,Naomichi Hatano,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Reweighting method for quantum Monte Carlo simulations with the negative-sign problem",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 61","Number 10","pp. 3494-3502",1992,Oct. "Y?hei Saika,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Long-range order in the frustrated XXZ model",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 1","Number 9","pp. 3086-3095",1992,Sept. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Boundary between the ferromagnetic and spin glass phases",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 61","Number 3","pp. 1011-1012",1992,Mar. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Yohei Saika","Note on twisted order in the frustrated quantum Heisenberg model",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 61","Number 1","pp. 391-392",1992,Jan. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Yohei Saika","Modified spin wave theory of the two-dimensional frustrated Heisenberg model",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 59","Number 12","pp. 4454-4461",1990,Dec. "T Nakamura,H Nishimori","Sequential retrieval of nonrandom patterns in a neural network",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General",,"Volume 23","Number 20",,1990,Oct. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Yukiyasu Ozeki","Absence of ordering in short-range vector spin glass: Revisited",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 59","Number 1","pp. 295-299",1990,Jan. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Hiizu Nakanishi","More about the ground state of the quantum spin system of the triangular lattice",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 58","Number 9","pp. 3433-3434",1989,Sept. "Hidetoshi NishimoriKenn KuboYukiyasu OzekiYasuhiro TomitaTatsuya Kishi,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Kenn Kubo,Yukiyasu Ozeki,Yasuhiro Tomita,Tatsuya Kishi","Long-range order in the XXZ model",,"Journal of Statistical Physics",,"Volume 55"," Issue 1-2","pp. 259-277",1989,Apr. "Masatoshi Shiino,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Masaya Ono","Nonlinear master equation approach of asymmetrical neural networks of the Hopfield-Hemmen type",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 58","Number 3","pp. 763-766",1989,Mar. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Yukiyasu Ozeki","Ground-state long-range order in the two-dimensional XXZ model",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 58","Number 3","pp. 1027-1030",1989,Mar. "Yukiyasu ozeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Absence of spin glass ordering in some random spin systems",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 57","Number 12","pp. 4255-4264",1988,Dec. "Yukiyasu Ozeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Addendum to Phase Diagram and Critical Exponents of the ±J Ising Model in Finite Dimensions by Monte Calro Renormalization Group",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 56","Number 8","pp. 2992-2992",1988,Aug. "西森 秀稔","スピングラスのゲージ理論(物理学最前線21)",,,"共立出版",,,,1988,July "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Yasuhiro Tomita","Ground state of the three-dimensional quantum RKKY spin glass",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 57","Number 5","pp. 1566-1567",1988,May "Yukiyasu ozeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Distribution of Yang-Lee zeros of the ±J Ising model",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 57","Number 3","pp. 1087-1093",1988,Mar. "Hidetoshi nishimori,Hiizu Nakanishi","Ground state of quantum spin systems on the triangular lattice",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 57","Number 2","pp. 626-638",1988,Feb. "Takehiko Oguchi,Hidetsugu Kitatani,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Perturbational method for the numerical evaluation of the ground-state energy of the Heisenberg model",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 56","Number 11","pp. 3858-3864",1987,Nov. "Yukiyasu Ozeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Phase diagram of the ±J Ising model in two dimensions",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 56","Number 9","pp. 3265-3269",1987,Sept. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Comment on Nemeth's argument on the phase diagram of spin glasses",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General",,"Volume 20","Number 11",,1987,Aug. "Yukiyasu Ozeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Phase diagram and critical exponents of the ±J Ising model in finite dimensions by Monte Carlo renormalization group",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 56","Number 4","pp. 1568-1576",1987,Apr. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Seiji Miyashita","Magnetization process of the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Ising-like Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 55"," Issue 12",,1986,Dec. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Geometry-induced phase transition in the ±J Ising model",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 55"," Issue 10",,1986,Oct. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Exact results on the Ising spin glass in finite dimensions",,"Progress of Theoretical Physics",,"Volume 76"," Issue 1",,1986,July "TakehikoOguchi,HidetoshiNishimori,YoshihiroTaguchi","Ground state properties of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet-- Numerical study",,"Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials",,"Volume 54-57"," Part 3","Page 1353-1354",1986,Feb. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Yoshihiro Taguchi","Numerical diagonalization of quantum spin Hamiltonians",,"Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplements",,"Volume 87",,"Page 247-255",1986,Feb. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Yoshihiro Taguchi,Takehiko Oguchi","Ground state of quantum spin glasses with infinite range interactions",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 55","Number 2","pp. 656-659",1986,Feb. "Takehiko Oguchi,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Yoshihiro Taguchi","Ground state of antiferromagnetic quantum spin systems of the triangular lattice",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 55"," Issue 1",,1986,Jan. "Takehiko Oguchi,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Yoshihiro Taguchi","The spin wave theory in antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on face centered cubic lattice",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 54","Number 12",,1985,Dec. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","One dimensional critical exponent eta as a function of the spin quantum number and anisotropy",,"Progress of Theoretical Physic",,"Volume 73"," Issue 6","Page 1577-1579",1985,June "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Satoru J. Miyake","Ground-state energy of the Heisenberg model with XY-like anisotropy",,"Progress of Theoretical Physic",,"Volume 73"," Issue 1","Page 81-31",1985,Jan. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","One-dimensional XY model in Lorentzian random field",,"Physics Letters A",,"Volume 100"," Issue 5","Page 239-243",1984,Jan. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Robert B. Griffiths","Structure and motion of the Lee-Yang zeros",,"Journal of Mathematical Physics",,"Volume 24"," Issue 11",,1983,Nov. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Potts model in random fields",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 28"," Issue 7",,1983,Oct. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Analyticity of the free energy of the two-dimensional random Ising model",,"Physics Letters A",,"Volume 95"," Issue 6","Page 303-304",1983,May "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Michael J. Stephen","Gauge-invariant frustrated Potts spin glass",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 27"," Issue 9",,1983,May "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Spin quantum number in the ground state of the Mattis-Heisenberg model",,"Journal of Statistical Physics",,"Volume 26"," Issue 4","pp. 839-845",1981,Dec. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Internal energy, specific heat and correlation function of the bond-random Ising model",,"Progress of Theoretical Physic",,"Volume 66"," Issue 4","Page 1169-1181",1981,Oct. "F Tanaka,H Nishimori","Distribution of metastable energy levels and the internal magnetic fields in spin glasses",,"Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics",,"Volume 11","Number 6",,1981,June "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Masuo Suzuki","Absence of spontaneous magnetization in spin systems with competing interactions",,"Physics Letters A",,"Volume 81"," Issue 1","Page 84-86",1981,Jan. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Exact results and critical properties of the Ising model with competing interactions",,"Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics",,"Volume 13","Number 21",,1980,July "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Conjecture of the exact transition point of the random Ising ferromagnet",,"Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics",,"Volume 12","Number 23",,1979,Dec. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Transition point of the random Ising model with bond dilution",,"Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics",,"Volume 12","Number 17",,1979,Sept. "Hidetoshi Nishimori","Transition point of the five-state discrete vector model",,"Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications",,"Volume 97"," Issue 3","Page 589-596",1979,Aug. "Seiji Miyashita,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Akira Kuroda,Masuo Suzuki","Monte Carlo simulation and static and dynamic critical behavior of the plane rotator model",,"Progress of Theoretical Physic",,"Volume 60"," Issue 6","Page 1669-1685",1978,Dec.