"SHINJI MASUDA,Ikeda, R.,TATSURU MASUDA,Hashimoto, H.,Tsuchiya, T.,Kojima, H.,Nomata, J.,Fujita, Y.,Mimuro, M.,HIROYUKI OHTA,KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Prolamellar bodies formed by cyanobacterial protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase in Arabidopsis.",,"Plant J.",,"Vol. 58",,"pp. 952-960",2009, "Masuda, S.,Mizusawa, K.,Narisawa, T.,Tozawa, Y.,Ohta, H.,Takamiya, K.","The Bacterial Stringent Response, Conserved in Chloroplasts, Controls Plant Fertilization,",,"Plant Cell Physiol",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 135-141",2008, "Wakita, M.,Masuda, S.,Motohashi, K.,Hisabori, T.,Ohta, H.,Takamiya, K.,Wakita, M.,Motohashi, K.,Hisabori, T,.Ohta, H.,Takamiya, K.","The significance of Type II and PrxQ peroxiredoxins for antioxidative stress response in the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides.",,"J. Biol. Chem",,"Vol. 282","No. 38","pp. 27792-27801",2007,Apr. "Masuda, S.,Tomida, Y.,Ohta, H.,Takamiya, K.","The critical role of a hydrogen bond between Gln63 and Trp104 in the blue-light sensing BLUF domain that controls AppA activity.",,"J. Mol. Biol",,"Vol. 368",,"pp. 1223-1230",2007, "Hiroshi SHIMADA,Mochizuki, M.,Ogura, K.,Froehlich, J. E.,Osteryoung, K. 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"高宮建一郎","土屋 徹、太田 啓之、高宮 建一郎 (2001) 植物の葉の緑色はどのようにして分解されるか?ムムムクロロフィル分解研究の現状 ",,"化学と生物 ",,"Vol. 39","No. 9","pp. 580-587",2001, "KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Yamada, T., Kondo, A., Ohta, H., Masuda, T., Shimada, H. and Takamiya, K. (2001) Isolation of protease component from maize cysteine protease-cystatin complex: Release of cystatin is not crucial for the activation of the cyteine protease. 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",,"DNA Research",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 153-161",2001, "KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Accumulation of plant galactolipid affects cell morphology of Escherichia coli. ",,"Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. ",,"Vol. 286",,"pp. 114-118",2001, "KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Two types of MGDG synthase genes, found widely in both 16:3 and 18:3 plants, differentially mediate galactolipid syntheses in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic tissues in Arabidopsis thaliana",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98(11)、10960-10965",,"Vol. 98","No. 11","pp. 10960-10965",2001, "Takafumi Yamada,Hiroyuki Ohta,Azusa Shinohara,Akihiko Iwamatsu,Hiroshi Shimada,Tohru Tsuchiya,Tatsuru Masuda,Ken-ichiro Takamiya","A cysteine protease from maize isolated in a complex with cystatin",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 41","No. 2","pp. 185-191",2000, "KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Identification and light-induced expression of a novel gene of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase isoform in Arabidopsis thaliana",,"FEBS Lett.",,"Vol. 474",,"pp. 133-136",2000, "Ken-chiro Takamiya,Tatsuru Masuda,Kazuhito Inoue,Munehisa Masuda,Aya Nagura,Miho Nagayama,Atsuko Tamaki,Hiroyuki Ohta,Hiroshi Shimada","Biosynthesis of zinc-containing bacteriochlorophyll a",,"Porphyrins",,"Vol. 9","No. 3,4","pp. 227-233",2000, "KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Takamiya, K., Tsuchiya, T. and Ohta, H. (2000) Degradation pathway(s) of chlorophyll:what has gene cloning revealed?",,"Trends in Plant Science ",,"Vol. 5,",,"pp. 426-431",2000, "KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Identification and physiological role of a novel gene of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase in Arabidopsis thaliana.",," Porphyrins ",,"Vol. 9","No. 3,4","pp. 257-260",2000, "Hirofumi Kuroda,Tatsuru Masuda,Naoki Fusada,Hiroyuki Ohta,Ken-ichiro Takamiya","Expression of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase gene in fully green leaves of cucumber",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 41","No. 2","pp. 226-229",2000, "KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Overexpression, enzymatic properties and tissue localization of a ferrochelatase of cucumber",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 41","No. 2","pp. 192-199",2000, "Miege, C,Marechal, E,Mie Shimojima,KOICHIRO AWAI,Block, MA,HIROYUKI OHTA,KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA,Douce, R,Joyard, J","Biochemical and topological properties of type A MGDG synthase, a spinach chloroplast envelope enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic MGDG",,"European Journal of Biochemistry",,"Vol. 265","No. 3","pp. 990-1001",1999,Nov. "Tohru Tsuchiya,Hiroyuki Ohta,Katsuya Okawa,Akihiko Iwamatsu,hiroshi Shimada,Tatsuru Masuda,Ken-ichiro Takamiya","Cloning of chlorophyllase, the key enzyme in chlorophyll degradation: Finding of a lipase motif and the induction by methyl jasmonate",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U. S.",,"Vol. 96","No. 26","pp. 15362-15367",1999, "KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Magnesium insertion by magnesium chelatase in the biosynthesis of zinc bacteriochlorophyll a in an aerobic acidophilic bacterium Acidiphilium rubrum",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 274","No. 47","pp. 33594-33600",1999, "KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Biochemical and topological properties of type A MGDG synthase, a spinach chloroplast envelope enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of both prokaryotic and eukarytotic MGDG",,"Eur. J. 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"KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Nucleotide sequence and transcriptional analysis of the flanking region of the gene(spb)for the trans-acting factor that controls light-mediated expression of the puf operon in Rhodobacter sphaeroides.",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 38","No. 5","pp. 558-567",1997, "太田啓之,下嶋美恵,粟井光一郎,増田建,高宮建一郎","葉緑体チラコイド膜糖脂質の分子構築ーそのメカニズムと起源ー",,"蛋白質・核酸・酵素",,"Vol. 42","No. 16","pp. 2601-2612",1997, "HIROYUKI OHTA,Mie Shimojima,Kayoko Ookata,MASUDA, T,SHIOI, Y,KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INCREASES IN GALACTOSYLTRANSFERASE ACTIVITY AND THE ACCUMULATION OF GALACTOLIPIDS DURING PLASTID DEVELOPMENT IN CUCUMBER SEEDLINGS",,"Plant and Cell Physiology",,"Vol. 36","No. 6","pp. 1115-1120",1995,July "KEN-ICHIRO TAKAMIYA","Light-enhanced gene expression of NADPH-proto-chlorophyllide oxidoreductase in cucumber.",,"Biochem. Biophys. Res. 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