"NOBORU HIDANO","A Creative challenge education through art",,,"The center for the study of world civilizations",,,,2016,Mar. "Noboru Hidano","The results of the experiment",,"A Creative Challenge Education through Art","The center for the study of world civilizations",,,"pp. 17-18",2016,Mar. "肥田野 登","他の存在物に耳を傾ける",,"Annual Report","Session House",,"No. 2015","p. 6",2016,Mar. "肥田野登","Art at Tokyo Tech 12 年の軌跡",,"東工大クロニクル",,"vol. 506",,"pp. 12-29",2015,Aug. "肥田野登","文明科目のこれまでの経緯と2015 年度カリキュラム",,"東工大クロニクル",,"vol. 506",,"pp. 29-33",2015,Aug. "NOBORU HIDANO,Tadao Hoshino,Ayako Sugiura","The effect of seismic hazard risk information on property prices; Evidence from a spatial regression discontinuity design",,"Regional Science and Urban Economics",,"Vol. 53",,"p. 113-122",2015,July "肥田野登","公園および眺望が不動産価値に与える影響?一般化傾向スコアを用いた因果的分析とその不動産鑑定への適用?",,,"共同研究シリーズIV-3",,,"pp. 1-71",2015,Mar. "NOBORU HIDANO","35° 36' 24" N 139° 41' 0" E (catalog of Kaz Oshiro exhibition)",,,"Center for the study of world civilizations",,,,2014,Dec. "NOBORU HIDANO,Tadao Hoshino,Ayako Sugiura","The effect of seismic hazard risk information on property prices: evidence from a regression discontinuity design","5th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists",,,,,,2014,July "NOBORU HIDANO","Touch and Trace (catalog of Freiderike Feldmann exhibition)",,,"Center for the study of world civilizations",,,,2013,Dec. "NOBORU HIDANO","On celebrating 90 years of the Bechstein piano",,"Tokyo Tech Chronicle",,"vol. 490",,,2013,Oct. "NOBORU HIDANO","Envrironmntal economic valuation considering socio-psychological factor",,"Environmental Science",,"vol. 26","no. 1","pp. 68-72",2013, "NOBORU HIDANO","A new development in hedonic approach considering heterogeneity in space",,,"Tokyo association of real estate appraisers",,,,2013, "NOBORU HIDANO,Takaaki Kato","Investigating response-order effects in an actual choice","European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) 20th Annual Conference",,,,,,2013, "NOBORU HIDANO","Making dark as possible as possible (catalog of Kaihatsu exhibition)",,,"Center for the study of world civilizations",,,,2012,Dec. "NOBORU HIDANO","The Shape water takes (catalog of Aaron von Dyke exhibition)",,,"Center for the study of world civilizations",,,,2012,July "NOBORU HIDANO,Toru Ogiso","Why people pay more than fair share",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,"pp. 1-35",2012,Apr. "NOBORU HIDANO","Incorporating regional heterogeneity into hedonic valuation of local public goods","European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAERE) 19th Annual Conference",,,,,,2012, "NOBORU HIDANO","Dig the Whole (catalog of Daphne Fitzpatrick exhibition)",,,"Center for the study of world civilizations",,,,2012, "NOBORU HIDANO","On heterogeneity in environmental economic valuation",,"Environmental Science",,"vol. 25","no. 6","pp. 448-450",2012, "NOBORU HIDANO,Tadao Hoshino,Ayako Sugiura","Spatially Heterogeneous Effects of Open Spaces on Land Prices: A Spatial Functional Coefficient Method",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,"No. 11-6",,2011,June "NOBORU HIDANO","Trans (catalog of Ester Partegas exhibition)",,,"Center for the study of world civilizations",,,,2011,Apr. "NOBORU HIDANO,Tadao Hoshino,Ayako Sugiura","Preference Heterogeneity in the Valuation of Waste Incinerator Plants: An Application of Factor Score Varying Coefficient Hedonic Models",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology",,"No. 11-3",,2011,Mar. "NOBORU HIDANO","A hedonic analysis considering heterogeneity in space",,"Joint research series IV-1","Tokyo association of real estate appraisers",,,"pp. 1-57",2011, "NOBORU HIDANO,Takaaki Kato","Can response time for contingent valuation be rationally explained by its factors? A climate policy evaluation",,"Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies",,"vol. 4","no. 1","p. 23-31",2011, "NOBORU HIDANO","Assessment report on CSWC",,,"Center for the study of world civilizations",,,,2011, "NOBORU HIDANO,Tadao Hoshino,Ayako Sugiura","Incorporating locational and directional heterogeneity in hedonic approaches: an estimation of the economic value of open spaces","4th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists",,,,,,2010,July "NOBORU HIDANO","The Eight Days (catalog of Santiago Cucullu exhibition)",,,"Center for the study of world civilizations",,,,2010,July "清水有紀子,肥田野登","コスト発生状況の異なるテナントが存在する賃貸住宅市場におけるインセンティブ制度設計",,"都市住宅学",,,"No. 69","pp. 70-79",2010,Apr. "NOBORU HIDANO",""Translating: Chapter 3" Juan Cruz",,,"Center for the Study of World Civilization",,,"pp. 1-9",2010,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO","Does warm glow exist in a complete crowding out situation? A real payment experiment","The 35th International Seminar on Experiments and Surveys in Economics and Related","Social Sciences",,,,,2010,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO","Sometime? Somewhere? (catalog of Kinji Akagawa exhibition)",,,"Center for the study of world civilizations",,,,2010, "清水有紀子,肥田野登","賃貸住宅市場における契約期間と社会的コストに関する研究",,"日本不動産学会誌",,"Vol. 23","No. 3","pp. 115-124",2009,Dec. "Noboru HIDANO,Ryo UEMATSU,Yasufumi GEMMA","Mental account and its impact on WTP stated in CV survey",,"Discussion paper,Department of Scoial Eng. Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,"No. 09-09","pp. 1-116",2009,Nov. "肥田野登","異邦からの眼差しーArt at Tokyo Tech 報告(2)",,"東工大クロニクル","東工大",,"No. 448","pp. 7-12",2009,Nov. "肥田野登","異邦からの眼差しーArt at Tokyo Tech2007秋ー2009冬ー報告(1)",,"東工大クロニクル","東工大",,"No. 447","pp. 6-10",2009,Oct. "肥田野登","文明科目 芸術ワークショップ2009AとRob Fisher展報告",,"東工大クロニクル","東工大",,"No. 446","pp. 17-20",2009,Sept. "加藤尊秋,肥田野登","仮想評価法(CVM)における回答行動の分析:回答時間に着目して","環境経済・政策学会2009年大会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "Shinichiro Takeshita,Noboru Hidano","Is Willingness to Pay Elicited Scope Sencitive or Just Warm Glow?: A Decomposition Appraoch in Contingent Valuation","17th Annual Conference European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists",,,,,,2009,June "Noboru HIDANO,Yasufumi GEMMA,Ryo UEMATSU","Does the Surveyor's Behavior Matter in Contingent Valuation Surveys?","17th Annual Conference European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists",,,,,,2009,June "NOBORU HIDANO","Minimum Maintenance Road Rob Fischer ( Catalog of Rob Fischer's Exhibition at 80th Anniversary Hall, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,"Center for the Study of World Civilizations",,,"pp. 1-5",2009,May "NOBORU HIDANO","Is Willingness to pay elicited scope sensitive or just warm glow: A decomposition approach?","Interantional workshop on socio-psychological factors in contingnent valuation",,,,,"pp. 1-23",2009,Feb. "YUKIKO SHIMIZU,NOBORU HIDANO","An Analysis of Optimal Contract Length in the Rental Housing Market:The Case of Heterogeneous Tenants","48th WRSA Annual Meeting, Napa California","48th WRSA Annual Meeting, Napa California",,,,"pp. 1-27",2009,Feb. "NOBORU HIDANO,Ryo UEMATSU,and Yasufumi GEMMA","A Study of Response Times on Yea-saying and Anchoring in Contingent Valuation","Interantion workshop on socio-psychological factors in contingent valuation",,,,,"pp. 1-20",2009,Feb. "NOBORU HIDANO","Does the Surveyor's Behavior Matter in Contingent Valuation Surveys concerning ant-global warming policies?","International workshop on socio-psychological factors in contingent valuation",,,,,"pp. 1-35",2009,Feb. "肥田野登","東工大における芸術教育の新たな試みーワークショップ、展覧会、パーフォーマンスの融合ー文明科目芸術ワークショップ2008B+Art at Tokyo tech報告",,"東工大クロニクル","東工大",,"No. 439","pp. 4-5",2009,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO,TAKAAKI KATO","Determining variability of willingness to pay for Japan’s anti-global warming policies: A comparison of contingent valuation surveys",,"Envrionmental Economics and Policy Stuides",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 259-281",2008,Dec. "NOBORU HIDANO","10 channel variable John Wiese ( Catalog of John Wiese's Exhibition at Tokyo Tech)",,,"Center for the Study of World Civilizations, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,"pp. 1-5",2008,Nov. "YUKIKO SHIMIZU,Noboru HIDANO","What is the optimal length of a contract for tenants, landlords and the society in the rental housing market?","Regional Science Association International, 55th Annual North American Meeting",,,,,,2008,Nov. "肥田野登","芸術ワークショップ2008A報告(2)",,"東工大クロニクル","東工大",,"No. 436","pp. 9-11",2008,Oct. "肥田野登","芸術ワークショップ2008A報告(1)",,"東工大クロニクル","東工大",,"No. 435","pp. 3-8",2008,Sept. "TAKAAKI KATO,NOBORU HIDANO","Heterogeneity in perceived consequentiality and respondent effort for a contingent valuation survey.","The 2008 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making",,,,,"pp. 1-20",2008,June "肥田野登","効率的市場仮説。レント情報、ミニバブル,そして。。。",,"Evaluation","プログレス",,"no. 28","p. 1",2008,Feb. "肥田野登","補遺:芸術ワークショップ2007B レポート(大城カズ 著)",,"東工大クロニクル","東工大",,"No. 429","p. 14",2008,Feb. "YUKIKO SHIMIZU,NOBORU HIDANO","Optimal Length of Contract in the Rental Housing Market:A Numerical Analysis","ENHR Housing Economics Working Group Meeting",,,,,"pp. 1-25",2008,Feb. "NOBORU HIDANO","Does a task to think about the monetary ranges reduce anchoring effects in contingent valuation for anti-global warming policy evaluation?","Workshop on Psychological, Economic, and Environmental Rationality 2008",,,,,"pp. 1-15",2008,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO","Unsolved issues on MED (Macro Economic Dynamics) and AGE (Applied General Equilibrium Modeling): research agenda","The 2nd Cutting Edge International Workshop on Macro Economic Dynamics and Computable General Equilibrium Modeling of Climate Changes",,,,,"pp. 1-3",2007,Nov. "肥田野 登","人間の欲望,マクロ経済学,そして安定的な市場の実現ー小野善康著『不況のメカニズム』を読んで",,"Evaluation","プログレス",,"no. 27","p. 1",2007,Nov. "NOBORU HIDANO","Room Acoustics Kaz Oshiro (Catalog of Kaz Oshiro's exhibition at 70th anniversary auditorium, Tokyo Institute of Technology)",,,"Center for the Study of World Civilizations",,,"pp. 1-5",2007,Oct. "肥田野登","異邦からのまなざしーArt at Tokyo Tech 2007 Autumn and Winter プログラムー",,"東工大クロニクル","東工大",,"No. 425","pp. 8-11",2007,Oct. "NOBORU HIDANO","Note: There are several ways to Paradise ( by Florence Sitruk)",,"Tokyo Tech Chronicle","Tokyo Tech Chronicle",,"No. 424","p. 16",2007,Sept. "Takaaki Kato,NOBORU HIDANO","Anchoring Effects, Survey Conditions, and Respondents' Charactersitics: Congingent Valuation of Uncertain Environmental Changes",,"Journal of Risk Research","Routledge","Vol. 10","No. 6","pp. 773-792",2007,Sept. "NOBORU HIDANO","Does a task to think about the monetary ranges reduce anchoring effects in contingent valuation for anti-global warming policy evaluation?","The 2nd International Seminar on Experiments and Surveys in Economics and Related Social Sciences",,,,,,2007,July "NOBORU HIDANO","Art at Tokyo Tech-its history and development",,"Tokyo Tech Chronicle",,"vol. 422",,"pp. 9-15",2007,June "肥田野登","Art at Tokyo Techー歴史と展望",,"東工大クロニクル","東工大",,"No. 422","pp. 9-15",2007,June "肥田野登","Art at Tokyo Techー大岡山キャンパス西9号館のArts",,"東工大クロニクル","東工大",,"No. 421","pp. 8-11",2007,May "肥田野登","Art at Tokyo Techー東工大のベヒシュタインピアノの製造時期について",,"東工大クロニクル","東工大",,"No. 420","pp. 10-12",2007,Apr. "肥田野登,鈴木 辰之輔","住宅市場における効率的市場仮説成立に関する研究ー山手線沿線のマンションデータを用いて",,"Discussion Paper Department of Social Engineering",,,"No. 2007-3","pp. 1-36",2007,Mar. "肥田野登,井上 真志","我が国の対キロ区間制鉄道運賃を考慮した一般化費用最小経路を全ての目的地に対して一括して探索する手法とその応用",,"Discussion paper Department of Social Engieering",,,"no. 2007-6","pp. 1-36",2007,Mar. "NOBORU HIDANO,Takaaki Kato","Economic evaluation of anti-global warming policies: Determining variability of WTP values",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,,2007,Feb. "Shunichiro Takeshita,Noboru Hidano","The Effects of Warm Glow on Scope Sensivity and Income Elasticity in Contingent Valuation Survey","The Third World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists",,,,,"pp. 1-28",2006,July "肥田野登","ヘドニック価格法,環境経済学・政策学の基礎知識",,,"有斐閣",,,"pp. 168-9,191",2006,July "Takaaki Kato,Noboru Hidano","Motives for Answering Behavior in Contingent Valuation: An Experimental Survey for Evaluating the Mitigation of the Global Warming Impacts","The Third World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists",,,,,"pp. 1-36",2006,July "Shunichiro Takeshita,Noboru Hidano","Which Payment Vehicle is More Relaistic in CV?","International Workshop on Socio-Psychological Factors in Contingent Valuation","International Workshop on Socio-Psychological Factors in Contingent Valuation",,,,"pp. 1-32",2006,July "Noboru Hidano","A Theory of Reciprocity in Contingent Valuation Survey: An Examination of Exchange of Meaning","International Workshop on Socio-Psychological Factors in Contingent Valuation",,,,,"pp. 1-8",2006,July "NOBORU HIDANO","The effects of payment vehicle on validity in contingent valuation",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,,2006,July "Noboru Hidano Shigeo Muto","Extended Self, Game, and Conflict Resolution",,"A.Haurie,S.Muto,L.Petrosjan,T.Raghavan ed.Advances in Dynamic Games,Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, Birkhauser",,,,"pp. 223-234",2006, "Noboru HIDANO","Estimating the Benefits of the Non-marginal Provision of Environmental Goods by Hedonic Measures",,"Discussion paper,Departmen of Social Engineering",,"Vol. 05","No. 03","pp. 1-41",2005,Oct. "肥田野登","受益と負担における地域別・所得階層別の分布状況の分析",,"平成16年度総合評価書、財務省",,,,"pp. 45-333",2005,June "Hidano, N.,Kato, T.,Izumi, K.","Reciprocity, Consequentiality and Willingness-to-Pay in Contingent Valuation: An Experimental Panel Analysis on Climate Changes.","European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAERE) 14th Annual Conference",,,,,"pp. 1-22",2005,June "Hidano, N.,Kato, T.,Izumi, K.","Does Reciprocity Matter in Contingent Valuation Survey? An Experimental Analysis on Climate Changes.","6th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics",,,,,"pp. 1-15",2005,June "肥田野登","土地取引価格の推定精度とヘドニックアプローチ",,"Evaluation","プログレス",,"no. 17","p. 1",2005,May "NOBORU HIDANO","Estimating the Benefits of the Non-marginal Provision of Environmental Goods by Hedonic Measures",,"Discussion Paper","Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,"pp. 1-41",2005,Mar. "Noboru Hidano","Is a Hedonic Approach Only Applicable to Small Scale Public Projects? A general equilibrium analysis",,"The XII Conference on Public Economics at the University of Balearic Islands in Palma de Mallorca-Spain",,,,"pp. 1-27",2005, "Noboru Hidano,Takaaki Kato","Benefits of participating in contingent valuation mail surveyes and thieri effects on respondent behavior: a panel analysisi",,"Ecological Economics","Elsevier","vol. 52","no. 1","pp. 63-80",2005, "肥田野登,竹下俊一郎","受益と負担における地域間所得階層別の分布状況の分析(平成15年度報告書)",,,"財務省",,,"pp. 1-318",2004, "Hidano, N,Yamamura, Y","Land Price Index in Tokyo,Property Markets and Land Policies in Northeast Asia",,"Maison Franco-Japonaise and the Univeristy of Hong Kong","Maison Franco-Japonaise and the Univeristy of Hong Kong",,,"pp. 83-110",2004, "Hidano, N,Katase, H","Unification of Two Agents, Asymmetric Pay Offs and Incomplete Information: Two Stage Non-cooperative Game",,"The Second World Congress of Game Theory Society",,,,"pp. 1-16",2004, "Hidano, N,Kato, T","Contingent valuation of anti-global warming policies: Cross-validation of multiple survey results in Japan",,"Proceedings of 13th Annual Conference of European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists",,,,"pp. 1-20",2004, "肥田野登","拡張自己概念からみた都市の公共空間:幸福空間をめぐる断想",,"都市から考える公共性,東京大学出版会","都市から考える公共性,東京大学出版会",,,"pp. 215-239",2004, "Takaaki Kato,Noboru Hidano","Reliability of People's Responses to Japan's Anti-global Warming Policies",,"Sharing Experience of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment and Management in Asia/Pacfic Region,Proceedings of International Joint Conference ' Risk Assessement and Management',Nov.4-6,2004,Ewha Womans University, Seoul",,,,"pp. 103-104",2004, "肥田野登","セントアイヴス、浜田庄司、アルフレッドウォリス、そしてケトルズヤード",,"東工大クロニクル",,,"No. 376","pp. 12-14",2003,Mar. "Noboru Hidano,Yasushi Doi","Examining the Inefficiency of Offices of Public Sector and Regulated Industry in CBD Tokyo: A Hedonic Approach",,"American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, 15th International Conference of Cracow, Poland, June 15-17, 2003.",,,,"pp. 1-18",2003, "加藤尊秋,肥田野登","CVM調査に対する被験者の満足の回答への影響",,"環境経済・政策学会2003年大会報告要旨集",,,,"pp. 240-241",2003, "竹下俊一朗,加藤尊秋,肥田野登","便益移転可能性の判定に関わる統計手法の検討",,"環境経済・政策学会2003年大会報告要旨集",,,,"pp. 222-223",2003, "Yoshiro Yamamura,Noboru Hidano","Transaction-Based Land Price Indices for Commercial and Office Land During the Bubble Period in Japan",,"The 10th European Real Estate Society Conference in Helsinki",,,,"pp. 1-29",2003, "Noboru Hidano,Takaaki Kato","Economic Evaluation of Anti-Global Warming Policies : a Case Study of Japan",,"Climate Policy after 2012 - November 17&18, 2003 Ghent University, Belgium",,,,"pp. 1-20",2003, "NOBORU HIDANO","The Upper Bound of Overestimation by Hedonic Measures in Estimating the Benefits of Nonmarginal Provision of Environmental Good: A General Equilibrium Analysis",,"12th Annual Conference of European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists",,,,"pp. 1-28",2003, "肥田野登,加藤尊秋,風早隆弘","CVM調査票における新しい情報提供方法と披験者の反応:プロトコル分析を用いた調査票評価に関する予備的考察",,"環境科学会誌",,"Vol. 16","No. 6","pp. 435-452",2003, "NOBORU HIDANO","The Economic Valuation of the Environment and Public Policy: A Hedonic Approach",,"Edward Elgar","Edward Elgar",,,,2002,Dec. "NOBORU HIDANO","Effects of Provision of Information on Respondents' Behavior in Contingent Valuation Surveys",,"Discussion Paper","Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,,2002,June "肥田野登","不動産学事典",,"住宅新報社","住宅新報社",,,"pp. 168-171",2002, "Hidano, N.,Kato, T","Payment Schedules of Contingent Valuation and Willingness to Pay: Value of Preserving Historical Fishing Villages",,"Discussion Paper 02-05, Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.",,"Vol. 02","No. 05","pp. 1-18",2002, "Hidano, N.,T. Kato,M. Aritomi","Satisfaction from Participating in Contingent Valuation Surveys and Respondents' Answers",,"Discussion Paper, Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,"No. 02-07",,2002, "Kato, T.,Hidano, N.,M. Aritomi","地球温暖化のリスク評価にともなう満足感と評価結果の安定性",,"第15回日本リスク研究発表会講演論文集",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 84-89",2002, "NOBORU HIDANO","Extended Self , Capitalism, and Happiness",,"Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Glocal Public Philosophy in Kyoto",,,,"pp. 1-19",2002, "肥田野登","拡張自己概念から見た都市の公共空間ー幸福空間を巡る断想",,"第37回公共哲学京都フォーラム会議",,,,"pp. 1-17",2002, "肥田野 登,加藤 尊秋,風早 隆弘","CVM調査票における新しい情報提供方法と被験者の反応:プロトコル分析による調査票の評価",,"Discussion Paper 02-06, Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.",,"Vol. 02","No. 06","pp. 1-28",2002, "肥田野登","システムとしての鉄道駅のデザイン、都市と環境の公共政策",,"中央経済社","中央経済社",,,"pp. 97-112",2002, "Noboru Hidano,Shigeo Muto","Extended Self, Game, and Conflict Resolution",,"Prodeedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 361-365",2002, "Noboru Hidano,Shigo Muto","Extended Self, Game , and Conflict Resolution in Ecological Systems",,"Proceedings of 7th Biennal Conference of International Society of Ecological Economics",,,,"pp. 1-11",2002, "Noboru Hidano,Yoshirou Yamamura","Real Price Change Compared to official Assessed Data During the So-called Bubble Economy Period in Tokyo",,"International Conference on Asian European Real Estate Crisis and Their Management",,,,,2001,Sept. "Noboru Hidano","CVM and Hedonic Approach",,"Paper presented at Department of Land Economy",,,,,2001, "Noboru Hidano,Takaaki Kato","How can we improve the utility of urban rail travel? A method for validating the accounts using observational surveys",,"Discussion Paper,Dept.of Social Eng.","Tokyo Institute of Technology",,"No. 01-2","pp. 1-18",2001, "NOBORU HIDANO","Extended self and vale conflict resolution","Frontiers 1 Conference on Fundamental Issues of Ecological Economics, European society for Ecological Economics",,,,,,2001, "NOBORU HIDANO,Yoshirou Yamamura","The Japanese Land Price Bubble in Late 1980's: Facts and Characteristics Found by Hedonic Analysis",,"Discussion Paper","Department of Land Economy, Cambridge University",,"no. 120","pp. 1-59",2001, "Noboru Hidano,Hiroki Yabe","Do We Rely on Past Experiences or Information about Future Risk?",,"Proceedings of Integrated Diserster Risk Management: Reducing Socio-Economic Vulnerability",,,,"pp. 1-16",2001, "Noboru Hidano,Hiroki Yabe","Information provision method for river disasters considering decision-making process of residents and support for the disaster-vulnerable demographics",,"Proceedings of Integrated Diserster Risk Management: Reducing Socio-Economic Vulnerability Meeting",,,,"pp. 1-22",2001, "Noboru Hidano","Extended self, game, and value conflict resolution",,"15th VALDES Seminor on Game Theory, Dep. of Value and Decision Science",,,,"pp. 1-15",2001, "Noboru Hidano","Economic Valuation Methods for Environment & Public Policies: The History of Hedonic Approach and its Recent Development",,"Paper presented at Department of Economics",,,,,2001, "Noboru Hidano","Alternative Social System Design for 21st Century",,"Paper presented at University College London",,,,,2001, "NOBORU HIDANO","An analysis on benefits and tax incidence of public sector policies by region and age group",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Engineering",,,"pp. 1-18",2000,Mar. "NOBORU HIDANO","New social engineering, Imada,T, D.Hashizume ed.An introduction to decision science and technology",,,"Nikkagiren",,,,2000,Jan. "肥田野 登,加藤尊秋","CVMにおける面接法と郵送法の支払意志額推計値への影響",,"環境科学会誌",,"Vol. 13","No. 2","pp. 167-180",2000, "肥田野 登,加藤尊秋","CVMにおける支払い手段の影響",,"社会工学ディスカッションペーパー",,,,"pp. 1-6",2000, "Noboru Hidano","Is a Hedonic Approach Applicable Only to Small Scale Environmental Projects:A General Equilibrium Analysis?",,"Discussion Paper, Dept.of Land Economy, Cambridge University",,,"No. 117","pp. 1-30",2000, "肥田野登","費用便益分析の基本と課題",,"水環境学会誌",,"Vol. 23","No. 8","pp. 452-456",2000, "肥田野 登,出村暢啓","公的センターにおける受益と負担の地域及び年齢階層における格差に関する研究",,"社会工学ディスカッションペーパー",,,,"pp. 1-57",2000, "NOBORU HIDANO","Perception of passengers in a train carriage : comparison between conversations by face-to-face and mobile phone","Proceedings of a symposium on Railway Train Technologies",,,,,"pp. 391-394",2000, "肥田野登","環境共生の都市づくり",,,"ぎょうせい",,,,2000, "肥田野登","入門社会工学",,,"日本評論社",,,,2000, "NOBORU HIDANO","A future image of existing urban areas-from car to public transport and from designing physical space to balancing benefits and costs of residents",,"Region and development( Chiiki to machizukuri)",,"vol. 180",,"pp. 2-14",2000, "NOBORU HIDANO","Is a Hedonic Approach Only Applicable to Small Scale Environment and Public Projects?","A General Equilibrium Analysis",,,,,,2000, "NOBORU HIDANO","An analysis on benefits and tax incidence of public sector policies by region and age group","37th Annual Conference of Japan Section of Regional Science Association",,,,,"pp. 29-34",2000, "NOBORU HIDANO","The effects of railway train stopping at stations on attitude of long ride passengers","17th Annual Conference of Railway History Association",,,,,"pp. 1-11",2000, "NOBORU HIDANO","Global warming effects on Japanese economy, Environment and economy integrated model for sustainable international world",,"National institute of environmental studies","Environmental agency of Japan",,,"pp. 1-24",2000, "NOBORU HIDANO","How the drastic reduction of communication cost on our lives, Changing lives and changing business",,,"Toyokeizaishinposha",,,,1999,Jan. "肥田野登","適切な情報は存在しないのか",,"郵政研究所月報",,,"No. 4","pp. 2-3",1999, "肥田野登","日本の都市鉄道における移動過程の機能",,"鉄道史学",,,"No. 17","pp. 15-26",1999, "肥田野登","公共事業評価とコンサルタント",,"こうえい21",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 6-9",1999, "肥田野登","地域冷暖房と費用便益分析",,"地域冷暖房",,"Vol. 58","No. 1","pp. 12-16",1999, "NOBORU HIDANO","Global warming effects on Japanese economy, Global warming effects on Japanese economy, Environment and economy integrated model for sustainable international world",,"National institute of environmental studies","Environmental agency of Japan",,,"pp. 1-24",1999, "肥田野登,高田秀雄,加藤尊秋","長距離鉄道の移動過程における駅の効果に関する研究",,"第17回鉄道史学会",,,,"pp. 1-11",1999, "肥田野登","環境と行政の経済評価?CVMマニュアル?",,"勁草書房","勁草書房",,,,1999, "肥田野登","上下水道における費用効果分析",,"全国上下水道コンサルティング協会,第一回パネルディスカッション",,,,"pp. 1-26",1999, "肥田野登","公共事業の評価",,"平成10年度新潟まちづくり学会,第一回公開講座","平成10年度新潟まちづくり学会,第一回公開講座",,,"pp. 72-121",1999, "NOBORU HIDANO","Economic evaluation of fishermen villages by CVM",,,"Fishing ports and village construction research institute",,,"pp. 1-36",1999, "肥田野登,細谷隆己,村松和彦","祖父母との思い出空間に着目した多世代住宅に関する研究",,"建築学会計画系論文集",,,"No. 517","pp. 115-122",1999, "NOBORU HIDANO","The role of consulting firms on evaluation of public works",,,"Koei 21","vol. 2",,"pp. 6-9",1999, "NOBORU HIDANO","Why there do not exist appropriate information for public decision-making",,,"Post and telecommunication policy institute bulliten",,,"pp. 2-3",1999, "肥田野登,加藤尊秋","環境評価ワークショップ",,,"築地書館",,,,1999, "NOBORU HIDANO","Implicit assumptions of respondents and elicited values in CVM",,,"Environmental valuation workshop in Kobe",,,,1998,June "NOBORU HIDANO","Demanded information is most interesting",,", Advertizing",,,,"pp. 6-17",1998, "NOBORU HIDANO","Benefits and costs of the introduction of facade line control in residential areas","Japan Real Estate Sciences Society Conference",,,"vol. 14",,"pp. 125-128",1998, "NOBORU HIDANO","Announcement effects of a new railway development on property prices","Japan Real Estate Sciences Society Conference",,,"vol. 14",,"pp. 133-136",1998, "NOBORU HIDANO","The improvement of passengers satisfaction during travelling in a train carriage","Symposium on Railway Train Technologies",,,,,"pp. 411-414",1998, "肥田野登","ホワイトカラーの行動と選択-コミュニケーション・企業組織・オフィス立地",,,"日本評論社",,,,1998, "NOBORU HIDANO","Methodological development to evaluate economic value of environment, Global warming effects on Japanese economy, Environment and economy integrated model for sustainable international world",,"National institute of environmental studies","Environmental agency of Japan",,,"pp. 97-117",1998, "NOBORU HIDANO","Japanese regional development",,"Regional development",,"vol. 405",,"pp. 1-12",1998, "NOBORU HIDANO","On highway tariff by weight of vehicle: age of maintenance",,"Expressway and automobiles",,"vol. 41","no. 10","pp. 17",1998, "NOBORU HIDANO","How to manage public investment under financial constraints",,"Construction News",,"vol. 586",,"pp. 24-29",1998, "NOBORU HIDANO","Cost benefit analysis of sewage system",,"Sewage monthly",,"vol. 21","no. 12","pp. 6-11",1998, "肥田野登,林山 泰久,内田 智","高齢者のための都心商業・業務地区における歩行空間整備評価への仮想的市場評価法の適用性",,"日本都市計画学会学術論文集",,,"No. 32","pp. 631-636",1997,Oct. "肥田野登,亀田 未央","ヘドニック・アプローチによる住宅地における緑と建築物の外部性評価",,"日本都市計画学会学術論文集",,,"No. 32","pp. 457-462",1997,Oct. "肥田野登,細谷 隆己","世代間葛藤の発現とその緩和を目指した多世代居住に関する基礎的研究-文学作品を題材として",,"都市住宅学",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 68",1997, "肥田野登,林山泰久,大村 倫久,渡辺 進一朗","高齢者のための都市内歩行施設整備の経済評価:擬似体験による認識変化",,"都市計画",,,"No. 209","pp. 99-106",1997, "NOBORU HIDANO","Designing railway train carriage",,"ARAN",,"vol. 567",,"pp. 34-38",1997, "NOBORU HIDANO","Residential site planning considering external effects of buildings","Japan Real Estate Sciences Society Conference",,,"vol. 13",,"pp. 29-32",1997, "NOBORU HIDANO","Effectiveness of land price index based upon real transactions","Japan Real Estate Sciences Society Conference",,,"vol. 13",,"pp. 137-140",1997, "NOBORU HIDANO","An analysis of effects of train rides on passengers in urban areas using literatures and letters from readers in Japanese newspapers","15th Annual Conference of Railway History Association",,,,,"pp. 1-17",1997, "NOBORU HIDANO,Yoshirou Yamamura,K Masui","An analysis on determinants of agriculture land and forest land prices in Tokyo metropolitan region",,"The Japanese Journal of Real Estate Sciences",,"vol. 12",,"p. 32-42",1997, "肥田野登","環境と社会資本の経済評価-ヘドニック・アプローチの理論と実際",,"勁草書房","勁草書房",,,,1997, "NOBORU HIDANO","Merry-go-round(Kaitenmokuba)",,,"Tramondo",,,,1996,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO,Yasuhisa HAYASHIYAMA,Masashi Inoue","Measuring the external effects of noise and vibration of urban transportation by the hedonic approach",,"Environmental Science",,"vol. 9","no. 3","p. 401-409",1996,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO","Restructuring of universities",,"Sotopia",,,,"pp. 2",1996, "NOBORU HIDANO","A land price index based upon real transactions","Japan Real Estate Sciences Society Conference",,,"vol. 12",,"pp. 129-132",1996, "肥田野登","マルチメディア社会をデザインする-新しい社会資本の地平",,"(財)都市経済研究所","(財)都市経済研究所",,,,1996, "NOBORU HIDANO","A future of non-urban areas in Japan- from the viewpoints of new national land planning",,"Communication for Regional Development( Chiiki zukuri kouryu)",,"vol. 15",,"pp. 1-14",1996, "NOBORU HIDANO","Towards new national land system planning: one step to environmental oriented decentralized country",,"Expressway and Automobiles",,"vol. 39","no. 4","pp. 18",1996, "NOBORU HIDANO","Hanshin large earthquake and cities in 21st century: The role of family, firm organization and new organization",,"Kensetsu Sangyo Newspaper",,,,,1995,May "NOBORU HIDANO,Takaaki Kato","The functions of spatial movement by urban railways and their relationship with socio-psychological conditions",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Eng.",,,"pp. 1-11",1995,Apr. "NOBORU HIDANO,Takaaki Kato","Socio-psychological functions of the urban commuting process",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Engineering",,,"pp. 1-11",1995,Mar. "NOBORU HIDANO","Space requirement and life of living goods: case of small living goods and books",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Engineering",,,"pp. 1-13",1995,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO","Social engineering",,,"Encyclopedia Britannica",,,,1995,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO","Analytical methods in environmental and regional design-second edition",,,"Hidano lab. Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,,1995,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO","Regional design from the perception of the environment and family - second edition",,,"Hidano lab. Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,,1995,Jan. "肥田野登","21世紀の鉄道駅論",,"鉄道建築ニュース",,,"No. 545",,1995, "肥田野 登,竹内啓","高度技術社会のパースペクティブ",,"丸善プラネット","丸善プラネット",,,,1995, "肥田野登,山村能郎,土井康資","市場価格データを用いた商業・業務地における地価形成および変動要因分析",,"都市計画論文集",,,"No. 30","pp. 529-34",1995, "NOBORU HIDANO","From 4th to 5th national land plan: underneath structural changes",,"Expressway and Automobiles",,"vol. 38,","no. 2","pp. 15",1995, "NOBORU HIDANO","Land prices changes in commercial and office land use zones in Tokyo CBD using real transactions data","Japan Real Estate Sciences Society Conference",,,"vol. 12",,"pp. 129-132",1995, "NOBORU HIDANO","Sewage planning from the viewpoint of social engineering",,"Shin kikou information,",,"vol. 13","no. 4","pp. 21-2",1995, "NOBORU HIDANO","A new view of national land planning",,"Man and Land (Hito to kokudo)",,"vol. 20","no. 4","pp. 10-25",1995, "NOBORU HIDANO","A study on method to recover development gains for large infrastructure improvement projects: the property taxation approach",,"Infrastructure Planning",,"vol. 17",,"pp. 543-546",1995, "NOBORU HIDANO","On effects of movement process on men and their behaviors",,"Perspectives of highly technological society, edited by K.Takeuchi, T.Abe","Statistic research society",,,"pp. 180-18",1995, "NOBORU HIDANO","The possibility of interdisciplinary research in real estate science",,,"The Japanese Journal of Real Estate Sciences","vol. 10","no. 3","pp. 5-11",1995, "肥田野登,林山泰久,浅井 智博","都市環境整備事業評価のためのヘドニック・アプローチの分析精度:異質な世帯が存在するケース",,"Papers of City Planning Institute of Japan",,,"No. 29","pp. 325-360",1994,Oct. "肥田野登,加藤尊秋,菅野 祐一","都市における移動過程の機能に関する考察",,"国際交通安全学会誌",,"Vol. 20","No. 2","pp. 38-46",1994,June "NOBORU HIDANO,Shunichi Sasaki,Shigeru Inaba,Tsutoshi Adachi","Office workers' communication choice",,"Institute for Post and Telecommunications Policy Review",,"vol. 5",,"p. 122-171",1994,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO,Toshikazu Sasaki","Simulating office location considering office workers' preference",,"Institute for Post and Telecommunications Policy Review",,"vol. 5",,"p. 172-202",1994,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO,S Adachi","Locational changes of listed company head offices during 1972 and 1992",,"Institute for Post and Telecommunications Policy Review",,"vol. 5",,"p. 58-83",1994,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO","Towards an integrated theory of office communications, organizational structure, and office location: A human motivation approach",,"Institute for Post and Telecommunications Policy Review",,"vol. 5",,"p. 2-9",1994,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO","Analytical methods on environmental and regional design",,,"Hidano lab. Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,,1994,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO","Environment, family and regional design",,,"Hidano lab. Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,,1994,Jan. "NOBORU HIDANO","The effects of travelling on trip makers during a trip in urban area","49th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"vol. 4",,"pp. 796-797",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO","Methods of a hedonic approach","One day seminar on benefits estimation by hedonic approach, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"vol. 2",,"pp. 45-72",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO","How cross sectional price differences overestimate gross benefits of an improvement project by magnitude and size of area affected: the case of heterogeneous consumers","Japan Real Estate Sciences Society Conference",,,"vol. 10",,"pp. 43-46",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO","Designing national land survey: its usefulness and limitation",,"Journal of Japan Real Estate Sciences",,"vol. 9","no. 1","pp. 34-39",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO","5 points required to urban railway as a showcase of cities",,"JR Gazette",,"vol. 85",,"pp. 29-32",1994, "肥田野登,山村能郎,樋口洋一郎","ネットワーク自己相関モデルを用いた首都圏における地価動向モデルの構築",,"日本不動産学会誌",,"Vol. 9","No. 2","pp. 53-63",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO,Shunichi Sasaki,Shigeru Inaba,Satoshi ADACHI","A study on communication media choice of office workers",,"Studies in Regional Science",,"vol. 23","no. 1","p. 5-30",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO,Shunichi Sasaki,Shigeru Inaba,T. Agawa","Communication systems, organizational structure, and locational of offices",,"Institute for Post and Telecommunications Policy Review",,"vol. 5",,"p. 10-57",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO","Mode of business communications: a comparison of US and Japanese office workers",,"Post and telecommunication policy institute","Ministry of Post and Telecommunications",,,,1994, "NOBORU HIDANO","The effects to relocate the national diet and related agencies outside of Tokyo on land prices",,,"A report of the effects to relocate the national diet and related agencies outside of Tokyo",,,"pp. 219-236",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO","A report on 1993 flooding of Mississippi river",,,"JSCE",,,"pp. 31-46",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO","A research on a system model to estimate land prices",,,"National land agency",,,,1994, "加藤尊秋,肥田野登","文学作品にみる都市交通手段が移動者に与える影響に関する研究-鉄道・自家用車・タクシー車内での情報授受内容と心理状態の変化",,"都市計画論文集",,,"No. 29","pp. 115-120",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO,Shigeru Inaba","Office workers' communication behavior in Tokyo",,"Institute for Post and Telecommunications Policy Review",,"vol. 5",,"p. 84-121",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO","Future of a hedonic approach","One day seminar on benefits estimation by hedonic approach, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"vol. 2",,"pp. 123-130",1994, "肥田野登,村上 晴信,林山泰久","オフィス・住宅立地選好からみた東京圏周辺部の発展可能性に関する研究-情報サービス業に注目して",,"都市計画論文集",,,"No. 29","pp. 37-42",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO","The announcement effects of new railway development on land prices","49th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"vol. 4",,"pp. 74-75",1994, "NOBORU HIDANO,H. Imai","Numbers of living goods and family members in a household: a population dynamics analysis",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Engineering",,,"pp. 1-20",1993,Sept. "NOBORU HIDANO","Affluent artificial goods produced by men",,"Construction News(ken sets industry news)",,,,"pp. 3",1993,Apr. "NOBORU HIDANO","Land price model using network auto correlation in Tokyo metropolitan region",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Eng.",,,"pp. 1-21",1993,Apr. "NOBORU HIDANO","Social engineering and its education",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Engineering",,,"pp. 1-11",1993,Mar. "NOBORU HIDANO","Possibilities of the hedonic approach for estimation of marginal environmental improvement",,"Discussion paper","Department of Social Engineering",,,"pp. 1-11",1993,Feb. "NOBORU HIDANO","Theories and methods for taxation of development gains",,"A report of network formulation and public fare policies","Economic planning agency",,,,1993, "NOBORU HIDANO","A research on a system model to estimate land prices",,,"National land agency",,,,1993, "NOBORU HIDANO","Benefits estimation of intra-urban transport considering fees: a hedonic approach","48th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"vol. 4",,"pp. 52-53",1993, "NOBORU HIDANO","Estimation of value of time and congestion price in Beijing","48th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"vol. 4",,"pp. 104-105",1993, "NOBORU HIDANO","Changes of land prices by zones in Tokyo metropolitan area","48th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"vol. 4",,"pp. 58-59",1993, "NOBORU HIDANO,Y. Sugano","The feasibility study of passenger and good transport system in CBD based upon office goods movement survey",,"Expressway and Automobiles",,"vol. 36","no. 12","p. 16-25",1993, "NOBORU HIDANO","Land use regulations in the U.S. and their impacts on land prices, A report on regional development using appropriate land use regulations",,,"National Land Agency",,,,1992, "NOBORU HIDANO","Benefits estimation for an improvement of livers environment","47th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"vol. 4",,"pp. 180-181",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO","Estimation of Benefits by intra-urban transport development using land and labor markets","47th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"vol. 4",,"pp. 182-183",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO","On perception of an ideal family: relationship between body and emotion","the Behaviormetric Society of Japan",,,"vol. 20",,"pp. 228-231",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO","Another definition of development gains",,"Expressway and Automobiles",,"vol. 35","no. 11","pp. 17",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO,T. Hiramatsu","Cost benefit analysis of the sewage improvement projects for household",,"Environmental Science",,"vol. 6","no. 2","p. 97-110",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO,T. Hiramatsu","The estimation of the benefit of improvement of drinking water quality",,"Journal of Japan Water Works Association",,"vol. 61","no. 5","p. 2-16",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO,Yasuhisa HAYASHIYAMA","Measuring the benefits of interregional transportation improvement projects by the hedonic approach",,"Infrastructure Planning Review",,"vol. 10",,"p. 175-182",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO,Yasuhisa HAYASHIYAMA,Yoshirou Yamamura","The measuring the benefits of interregional transportation improvement projects: a hedonic approach",,"Journal of JSCE",,"vol. 449","no. 4-17","p. 67-76",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO","Estimating the benefits of infrastructural and environmental improvement by hedonic approach: a survey and critique",,"Journal of JSCE.",,"vol. 449","no. 4-17","pp. 2-11",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO,Yoshirou Yamamura","Measuring the effects of floor area ratio regulation on land markets with the spatial repercussion of land price",,"Papers in City Planning",,"vol. 27",,"p. 127-12",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO","How office workers choose a mode of communication in offices","29th Annual Conference of Japan Section of Regional Science",,,,,"pp. 1-6",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO","For whom you want to take care and by whom you like to be cared: a choice from family, affiliation, or friends","the Behaviormetric Society of Japan",,,"vol. 20",,"pp. 224-227",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO","Perception on family bond","the Behaviormeric Society of Japan",,,"vol. 20",,"pp. 231-235",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO","A research on a system model to estimate land prices",,,"National land agency",,,,1992, "NOBORU HIDANO","The role of spirits of water as an authority giving norm related to water use to residents","47th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"vol. 2",,"pp. 400-401",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO","The relationship between land-use control and land-value in Japan",,,"The mission of the national land agency",,,"pp. 40-59",1992, "NOBORU HIDANO,T. Kim","Designing suburban railway station area based upon the characteristics of kiss and ride and short time parking car behavior","The 6th World Conference on Transport Research",,,,,"pp. 1-12",1992,