"K. Kasuya,T.Norimatsu et al.","Analyses of Liquid Wall Responses Against the High Flux Fusion Products","Proceedings of the 1st IAEA Coordinated Meeting of the Coordinated Research Project, "Pathways to Energy from IFE (Inertial Fusion Energy) - an Integrated Approach"","IAEA Report",,,,"pp. 印刷中",2007, "糟谷紘一,乗松孝好","標的爆縮に起因する慣性核融合炉壁からの放射とその標的注入スキーム並びに炉システムに及ぼす影響",,"平成18年度大阪大学・レーザーエネルギー学研究センター共同研究成果報告書",,,,"pp. 印刷中",2007, "K.Kasuya,S.Ozawa,S.Suzuki,K.Esato,M.Akiba","Simulation Experiments for Divertor Ablation with ELM-like Electron Beams","Japan-US Workshop on Heat Removal and Plasma Materials Interactions for Fusion, Fusion High Power Density Components and System, and IEA Workshop on Solid Surface Plasma Facing Components","Proceedings of the Japan-US Workshop on Heat Removal and Plasma Materials Interactions for Fusion, Fusion High Power Density Components and System, and IEA Workshop on Solid Surface Plasma Facing Components",,"Vol. in press",,,2007, "K.Kasuya,S.Ozawa,S.Suzuki,K.Esato,M.Akiba","Material Surface Ablation with ELM-like E-Beam Thermal Load","22nd IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering","Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering",,"Vol. in press",,,2007, "K.Kasuya,S.Kuzuu,T.Kobayashi,S.Ozawa,T.Norimatsu,M.Nakai,K.Nagai,S.Miyamoto,M.Sato,K.Shimoda,W.Mroz,A.Prokopiuk","IFE Reactor Chamber Wall Ablations with Intense Particle and Laser beams",,"Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science",,,,"pp. 512-512",2006,Nov. "K.Kasuya,Y.Kinoshita,T.Norimatsu,S.Nakai,W.Mroz,A.Prokopiuk","First Wall Ablations with High-Flux Pulsed Proton Beams and UV Laser Lights for IFE Reactor Design Base",,"Fusion Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 81","No. 8-14","pp. 1653-1659",2006,Feb. "K.Kasuya,W.Mroz,A.Prokopiuk,T.Norimatsu"," Recent Results of Excimer Laser Ablations and Visible Laser Diagnostics Applied to Nuclear Fusion and Material Sciences",,"Proceedings of SPIE International Congress on Optics and Optoelectronics, Conference on Laser and Application",,"Vol. SPIE-5958","No. 1T","pp. 1-15",2005, "糟谷紘一","高フラックス・ヘリウムイオン流の発生と核燃焼プラズマ計測への応用",,"第1回科研費特定領域プラズマ燃焼のための先進プラズマ計測シンポジウム、平成17年2月2日、熱海",,,,"pp. http://rohydp.nifs.ac.jp/kakenhi/tokutei1-atami/C99-2_Kasuya.pdf",2005, "K.Kasuya,T.Notimatsu,S.Nakai,T.J.Renk,W. Mroz","Material Surface Ablation with Light and Medium-Mass Pulsed Ion Beams for Future IFE Reactor Design",,"Proceedings of Eighth Japan-China Symposium on Materials for Advanced Energy Systems and Fission & Fusion Engineering",,,,"pp. 47-52",2005, "K.Kasuya,T.Nosimatsu,K.Nagai","Observation of Various Material Surfaces Irradiated and Cratered with Focused ArF Laser Lights",,"Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers & High Power Laser Conference",,"Vol. SPIE-5777","No. 2","pp. 961-964",2005, "K.Kasuya,A.Kishi,M.Funatsu,A.Kasamatsu","IFE Chamber Wall Ablations with High-Flux Pulsed Beams Including Ions and UV Laser Lights",,"Proceedings of the Third Technical Meeting on Physics and Technology of Inertial Fusion Energy Targets and Chambers",,"Vol. IAEA-TECDOC-1460",,"pp. 39-46",2005, "K.Kasuya,A.Kasamatsu,A.Saiki,T.J.Renk,C.L.Olson,T.Norimatsu,Y.Kozaki,T.Yamanaka,S.Nakai,A.Prokopiuk,W.Mroz","Behaviors of Chamber Wall Materials Exposed to X-rays and Ions under Target Implosions for Inertial Fusion Energy",,"Proceedings of Third International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications",,,,"pp. 805-809",2004, "糟谷紘一","慣性核融合炉壁アブレーションの最近の話題",,"核融合科学研究所・連携研究推進センター・第14回PWI作業会、定常炉のプラズマ壁相互作用と対向機器新概念の研究(西川雅弘・廣岡慶彦)班講演集",,,,"pp. 12-14",2004, "H. Mizoguchi,R. Nohdomi,T.Ariga,K. Hotta,K. Nakao,K. Kasuya","Development of 5 kHz Ultra Line Narrowed F2 Laser for Dioptric Projection System",,"Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers/High Power Laser Conference",,"Vol. SPIE-5120",,"pp. 210-218",2004, "T. Kamiya,K. Kasuya","Estimation of F2 Laser Characteristics under High Repetition rate Operation with One-dimensional Model Calculation",,"Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers/High Power Laser Conference",,"Vol. SPIE-5120",,"pp. 252-255",2004, "糟谷紘一,乗松孝好,井澤靖和,中井貞雄","慣性核融合設計に必要な炉材料損耗データの集積(その2)",,"大阪大学レーザー核融合研究センター平成15年度共同研究成果報告書",,,,"pp. URL:",2004, "K.Kasuya,T. Kamiya,S. Sotani","Interferometry of Flow-Fields Associated with a F2 Laser under High Repetition Rate Operation",,"Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers/High Power Laser Conference",,"Vol. SPIE-5120",,"pp. 256-259",2004, "K.Kasuya,T. Kamiya,W.Mroz","Target Ablation Experiments with fs IR Laser and KrF Laser",,"Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers/High Power Laser Conference",,"Vol. SPIE-5120",,"pp. 692-697",2004, "糟谷紘一","中間質量パルスイオンビームの発生と計測",,"平成14年度日米科学協力事業核融合分野事業報告会資料",,,,"pp. 215-218",2003, "糟谷紘一","高フラックスパルスX線による慣性核融合炉壁材料の損耗",,"平成14年度日米科学協力事業核融合分野事業報告会資料",,,,"pp. 61-70",2003, "K.Kasuya,W.Mroz ","Reactor-Oriented Works for ICF/IFE with Pulsed Ion Beam, X-ray and Laser",,"Bulletin of the American Physical Society",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. http://www.aps.org/meet/DPP03/baps/abs/S180.html#SBP1.064",2003, "K.Kasuya,T.Kamiya","Investigation of Flow Field Associated with F2 Laser under kHz Repetition Frequency Operation",,"Proceedings of 3rd Asian Pacific Laser Symposium",,,,"pp. 510-513",2003, "KOICHI KASUYA","Analysis of Peripheral Elements for IFE Chambers",,"Proceedings of Fourth US-Japan Workshop on Laser-Driven Inertial Fusion Energy Technology",,,,"pp. 109-116",2003, "KOICHI KASUYA","Peripheral Elements and Technology Associated with Pulsed Power Inertial Fusion; Part 2",,"Proceedings of the Second Research Co-ordination Meeting of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project on Elements of Power Plant Design for Inertial Fusion Energy",,,,"pp. //aries.ucsd.edu/LIB/MEETINGS/0310-IAEA-IFE-CRP/Kasuya.pdf",2003, "糟谷紘一,乗松孝好ほか","慣性核融合設計に必要な炉材料損耗データの集積",,"大阪大学レーザー核融合研究センター平成14年度共同研究成果報告書",,,,"pp. 163-164",2003, "K. Kasuya,A. Kasamatsu,Y. Kinoshita,K. Kitade,T. Kamiya,A. Saiki,T. Renk,C. Olson,T. Norimatsu,K. Nagai,T. Yamanaka,S. Nakai","Development and Application of Pulsed Ion Source and X-ray for Peripheral Technology Database to Design Future Inertial Fusion Reactor",,"Proceedings of 2nd IAEA Technical Meeting on Physics and Technology of Inertial Fusion Energy Targets and Chambers",,,,"pp. URL:",2003, "糟谷紘一","高エネルギー密度圧縮研究用イオン慣性核融合ドライバーの研究",,"平成10?12年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究[B][2])研究成果報告書","平成10?12年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究[B][2])研究成果報告書",,,"pp. 1-184",2002, "A. Kasamatsu,Y.Kinoshita,T. Kamiya,T. Shimomura,T. Norimatsu,K. Kasuya","Surface Thickness of Inertial Fusion Energy Reactor Candidate Material Ablated with Intense Proton",,"Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications",,,,"pp. 742-745",2002, "K. Kinoshita,K. Kasuya","Simple Calculation of Surface Layer Thickness of Various IFE Reactor Candidate Material Ablated by High Fluence X-ray",,"Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications",,,,"pp. 647-650",2002, "K. Kasuya,S. Araya,T. Kamiya","Advanced Studies of Medium-mass Ion Sources-1: Effect of Beam Neutralization on Beam Micro-divergence Angle",,"Proceedings of 14th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams and 5th International Conference on Dense Z-Pinches",,,,"pp. 425-428",2002, "K. Kasuya,T. Kamiya,T. Sugimoto,W. Mroz,S. Sakabe,S. Shimizu,S. Okihara,T. Yamanaka,S. Nakai","Advanced Studies of Medium-mass Ion Sources-2: Production and Measurement of (1) Pure Carbon Plasmas as Candidate Source Plasmas, and (2) Silicon and Carbon Beams",,"Proceedings of 14th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams and 5th International Conference on Dense Z-Pinches",,,,"pp. 433-436",2002, "K. Kasuya,T. Renk,A. Kasamatsu,C. Olson,Y. Kinoshita,T. Kamiya,T. Norimatsu,K. Nagai,T. Yamanaka,S. Nakai","Ablation of Various Candidate Materials for Inertial Fusion Reactor Walls-1: Ablated Surface Thickness with Intense Pulsed Proton Beams",,"Proceedings of 14th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams and 5th International Conference on Dense Z-Pinches",,,,"pp. 429-432",2002, "K. Kasuya,Y. Kinoshita,T. Renk,C. Olson","Ablation of Various Candidate Materials for Inertial Fusion Reactor Walls-2: Simple Calculation of Ablated Surface Thickness with Intense Pulsed X-ray of Sandia Z-Pinch Source",,"Proceedings of 14th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams and 5th International Conference on Dense Z-Pinches",,,,"pp. 437-440",2002, "糟谷紘一","パルスパワーの慣性核融合への応用",,"R & D プランニング社、今井孝二監修、パワーエレクトロニクスハンドブック、(共著)","R & D プランニング社、今井孝二監修、パワーエレクトロニクスハンドブック、(共著)",,,"pp. 1147-1163",2002, "糟谷紘一,舩津賢人,J. Quintenz,B. Turman,T. Renk,中井貞雄,山中龍彦,神前康次,加藤 茂,金沢祐孝","慣性核融合炉設計に必要な要素技術の開発と環境分野への応用",,"平成13年度協同・開発研究報告書(東京工業大学総合研究館)",,,,"pp. 印刷中",2002, "神谷高広,糟谷紘一","高繰り返しF2レーザーの1次元シミュレーションと、密度擾乱の影響",,"レーザー学会学術講演会第22回年次大会講演予稿集",,,,"pp. 38",2002, "K. Kasuya,A. Kasamatsu,Y. Kinoshita,T. Kamiya,T. Renk,C. Olson","Ablation Rate Estimation of Inertial Fusion Reactor Candidate Material with Intense Ion Beam and X-ray",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 313-316",,"pp. 235-238",2002, "W.Mroz,A.Prokopiuk,B.Major,K.Kasuya","Intermetallics of Nickel and Iron, Based on Deposition with KrF Laser",,"Eureka Project E!2841-Eulasnet Advanced PLD, http://www.bit.ac.at/eulasnet/Psearch/2841.pdf",,,,"pp. 7-8",2002, "糟谷紘一","高フラックスパルスX線による慣性核融合炉壁材料の損耗",,"平成13年度日米科学協力事業核融合分野事業報告書",,,,"pp. 191-200",2002, "K. Kasuya,T. Uchi,S. Sai,N. Kasuya","Revision of Barrier Characteristics of Diamond-like Carbon Film Coated on Inner Surface of PET Bottle",,"Proceedings of 2nd European Pulsed Power Symposium",,,,"pp. 42/1-42/6",2002, "W.Mroz,A.Prokopiuk,B.Major,K.Kasuya et al.","Intermetallics of Nickel and Iron, Based on Deposition with KrF Laser",,"Proceedings of 2001 International Conference on Laser Ablation",,,,"pp. 97-97, http://www.bit.ac.at/eulasnet/Psearch/2841.pdf.pp.7-8",2002, "糟谷紘一","高エネルギー密度圧縮研究用イオン慣性核融合ドライバーの研究",,"平成10-12年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究[B][2])研究成果報告書",,,,"pp. 1-184",2002, "Koichi KASUYA,Masato FUNATSU,Satokazu SAITOH,Takahiro KAMIYA,Tatsuhiko YAMANAKA,Sadao NAKAI,Kunioki MIMA Hiroaki NISHIMURA,Timothy RENK,Bobby TURMAN","Probable Approaches to Develop Particle Beam Energy Drivers and to Calculate Wall Material Ablation with X-ray Radiation from Imploded Targets",,"Proceedings of 18th IAEA Fusion Conference",,"Vol. CD-ROM","No. IAEA-CN-77","pp. IFP/04",2001, "神谷高広,糟谷紘一","高繰り返し放電励起フッ素レーザーの1次元モデル計算",,"レーザー学会学術講演会第21回年次大会講演予稿集",,,,,2001, "Waldemar MROZ,A. PROKOPIUK,M. MULARCZYK-OLIWA,M. JELINEK,B. MAJOR,W.PRZETAKIEWICZ,Z. BOJAR,S.JOZWIAK,D.ZASADA,Koichi KASUYA","Intermetallics of Nickel and Iron Based Deposited Using KrF Laser",,"Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Laser Ablation; Abstract PM-38",,,,"pp. 97-97",2001, "Koichi KASUYA,Yohsuke KISHI,Takahiro KAMIYA,Masato FUNATSU","Low Microdivergence Medium-mass Ion Beam Produced from a N2O Cryogenic Diode",,"Laser and Particle Beams",,"Vol. 19","No. 4","pp. 309-316",2001, "Koichi KASUYA,Yohsuke KINOSHITA","Simple Estimation of Material Thickness Ablated by Intense X-ray with Spectrum and Energy Level of Sandia Pinch Source",,"Bulletin of the American Physical Society",,"Vol. 46","No. 8","pp. 237-237",2001, "KOICHI KASUYA","Peripheral Elements and Technology Associated with Pulsed Power Inertial Fusion",,"Proceedings of the First Research Co-ordination Meeting of the IAEA Co-ordinated Research Project on Elements of Power Plant Design for Inertial Fusion Energy",,"Vol. http://","No. michelle.ucsd.edu/","pp. LIB/MEETINGS/IAEAIFECRP/",2001, "Koichi KASUYA,Takahairo KAMIYA,Masato FUNATSU,Satokazu SAITOH","Transient Processes under the Interaction between Gas Laser Lights and Various Targets",,"Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference","Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference",,,"pp. 559-562",2001, "Koichi KASUYA,Yohsuke KISHI,Takahiro KAMIYA,Masato FUNATSU,Timothy RENK,David HANSON,Bobby TURMAN,Ramon LEEPER,Thomas MEHLHORN,Jeffrey QUINTENZ","Measurements of Source Divergence Angle of Pulsed Nitrogen Beams",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research",,"Vol. A-464",,"pp. 587-591",2001, "Takahiro KAMIYA,Koichi KASUYA","One-dimensional Model Calculation of F2 Laser under High Repetition Rate Operation",,"Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference","Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference",,,"pp. 369-372",2001, "Koichi KASUYA,Yohsuke KISHI,Takahiro KAMIYA,Masato FUNATSU,Timothy RENK,Bobby TURMAN,Jeffrey QUINTENZ","New Frontiers ahead of the Fusion of Cryogenic and Pulsed-power Sciences",,"Proceedings of 13th International Conference on High Power Particle Beams","Proceedings of 13th International Conference on High Power Particle Beams","Vol. CD-ROM",,,2001, "TargetsK.Kasuya,T.Kamiya,M.Funatsu,et al.","Transient Processes under the Interaction between Gas Laser Lights and Various Targets",,"VariousProceedings of 13th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference",,,,"pp. 559-562",2001, "Koichi KASUYA,Tomohiro YAMASHITA,Takahiro KAMIYA,Masato FUNATSU,Waldemar MROZ","Probable Approaches to Develop Particle Beam Energy Drivers and to Calculate Wall Material Ablation with X-ray Radiation from Imploded Targets",,"Proceedings of the 18th IAEA Fusion Conference",,,,,2000, "糟谷紘一,Jeffrey QUINTENZ,Timothy RENK,Herbert OERTEL ほか","粒子ビームを用いる慣性核融合の研究",,"平成11年度協同・開発研究報告書(東京工業大学総合研究館)",,,,,2000, "Koichi KASUYA,Yohsuke KISHI,Takahiro KAMIYA,Timothy RENK,Bobby TURMAN,Jeffrey QUINTENZ","Development and Application of Pulsed Ion Beams under the Combination of Cryogenic and Pulsed-power Technique",,"Conference Records, Abstracts of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 234-234",2000, "Koichi KASUYA,Yohsuke KISHI,Takahiro KAMIYA,Timothy RENK,Bobby TURMAN,Jeffrey QUINTENZ","New Frontiers ahead of the Fusion of Cryogenic and Pulsed-power Sciences",,"Proceedings of 13th International Conference on High Power Particle Beams","Proceedings of 13th International Conference on High Power Particle Beams",,,,2000, "舩津賢人,糟谷紘一,白井紘行","炭素成分を含むアブレーション層の放射吸収特性",,"日本機械学会論文集",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 95-100",2000, "Masato FUNATSU,Koichi KASUYA","Ablation Process Induced by High Energy Radiation",,"Proceedings of International Forum on Advanced High-Power Lasers and Applications (AHPLA'99)",,"Vol. SPIE-3885",,"pp. 491-498",2000, "Koichi KASUYA,Takahiro KAMIYA,Masato FUNATSU,Timothy RENK,Bobby TURMAN,Thomas MEHLHORN,Jeffrey QUINTENZ","Quantitative Measurements of Ion Tracks on CCD Element with Conventional Solid State Track Detector",,"Proceedings of the First International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 945-948",2000, "Koichi KASUYA,Takahiro KAMIYA,Masato FUNATSU,Timothy RENK,Bobby TURMAN,Thomas MEHLHORN,Jeffrey QUINTENZ","First Measurement of Small Divergence Angle Accompanied with Medium Mass Ion Source",,"Proceedings of the First International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 752-755",2000, "W.Mroz,K.Kasuya,A.Prokopiuk,P.Stockli et al.","Influence of the laser-power density and the laser wavelength on the stoichiometric composition of ablated material",,"Proceedings of 2000 Conference on High-Power Laser Ablation",,"Vol. SPIE",,,2000, "W.Mroz,P.Norek,A.Prokopiuk,K.Kasuya et al.","Method of Processing Ion Energy Distributions Using a Thomson Parabola Ion Spectrograph with a Microchannelplate Image Converter Camera",,"Review of Scientific Instruments",,"Vol. 71","No. 3","pp. 1417-1420",2000, "K.Kasuya,S.Saitoh,M.Funatsu","Numerical Estimation of IFE Wall Material Ablation with X-ray",,"Bulletin of the American Physical Society",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 206-207",2000, "C.WU,T.KAMIYA,H.SUMAMI,K.KASUYA","Development and Application of KrF Lasers with Different Excitation Methods",,"Fusion Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 44","No. 7","pp. 365-370",1999, "H.OKAYAMA,M.FUNATSU,K.KASUYA","Diagnostics of Ablation Process Induced by Pulsed Ion Beam",,"Fusion Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 44","No. 7","pp. 267-270",1999, "K.KASUYA,H.OKAYAMA","New Method for Thin Film Formation with Cryogenic Diode and Cryogenic TargetWRL:英文",,"Fusion Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 44","No. 7","pp. 327-330",1999, "K. Kasuya,K. Horioka,Y. Kim,N. Sumitani,S. Teii,S. Kato,Y. Goino","Intense Light Ion Beam Production with Optimized Source Material and/or Optimized Temperature of Pulsed Cryogenic Ion Sources","XIII the International Symposium on Dischages and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum","Proceedings of XIII the International Symposium",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 424-426",1998,June "K. Horioka,H. Yoneda,K. Kasuya","Acceleration Gap Behavior of Flashover-Type Pulsed Ion diodes","XIII the International Symposium on Dischages and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum","Proceedings of XIII International Symposium",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 421-423",1998,June "糟谷紘一","慣性核融合・エネルギードライバー・粒子ビーム技術",,"名古屋大学出版会、 池上・山中ほか編、核融合研究(I)核融合プラズマ、(共著)","名古屋大学出版会、 池上・山中ほか編、核融合研究(I)核融合プラズマ、(共著)","Vol. 1",,"pp. 124-133",1996, "K. Horioka,N. Tajima,T. Fukui,K. Kasuya","Laser Diagnostics on Magnetically Insulated Flashover Pulsed Ion Diodes","Symposium on Production and Target Interaction of particle Beam","Proceedings of Symposium on Paroduction and Target Interaction of Particle Beam",,"Vol. IPPJ-900",,"pp. 60-73",1989,Mar. "K. Horioka,Y. Kim,T. Saito,H. Sumitani,H. Yoneda,K. Kasuya","Study on the Flashover Ion Diode with a Cryogenic Anode",,"Proceedings of Symposium on Physics of Target Implosion and Pulsed Power Techniques",,"Vol. IPPJ-859",,"pp. 316-329",1988,Feb. "H. Yoneda,H. Tomita,K. Horioka,K. Kasuya","Research on Anode Plasma Behavior of Flashover Pulsed Ion Sources",,"Proceedings of Sumpopsium on Physics of Target Implosion and pulsed Power Techniques",,"Vol. IPPJ-859",,"pp. 290-300",1988,Feb. "K. Horioka,H. Yoneda,K. Ohbayashi,K. Mitobe,K. Kasuya","A Study on the Formation Process of Cryogenic Flashover Ion Sources","XII International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum","Proceedings XII th International Symposium on Electrical Insulation in Vacuum",,,,"pp. 162-166",1986,Sept. "糟谷紘一,糟谷恵子","21世紀にエネルギーはあるか;アメリカの実験",,"共立出版、 オーエン フィリップ著、(翻訳)","共立出版、 オーエン フィリップ著、(翻訳)",,,"pp. 1-209",1983, "K. Horioka,T. Takahashi,M. Hijikawa,A. Urai,K. Kasuya","Pulsed Ion Beam with Cryogenic Anode","Topical Seminar on Particle-Beam Applications to Fusion Research","Proceedings of Topical Seminar on Particle-Beam Applications to Fusion Research",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 77-88",1982,Apr. "糟谷紘一","レーザー",,"オーム社、エネルギー変換懇話会編、総合エネルギー講座・エネルギー変換工学、(共著)","オーム社、エネルギー変換懇話会編、総合エネルギー講座・エネルギー変換工学、(共著)","Vol. 5",,"pp. 372-381",1980, "糟谷紘一","理工学基礎・プラズマ",,"共立出版、共立全書、フランク・カメネツキー著、(翻訳)","共立出版、共立全書、フランク・カメネツキー著、(翻訳)",,"No. 557","pp. 1-147",1980, "K.KASUYA,et al.","Numerical Estimations of 3rd Generation Gasdynamic Laser Driven by Bow Shock Waves",,"Recent Developments in Fluid Mechanics, Springer Verlag","Recent Developments in Fluid Mechanics, Springer Verlag",,,"pp. 166-178",1979, "糟谷紘一","プラズマ衝撃波の研究",,,,,,,1970, "糟谷紘一","ミリ波による電離緩和衝撃波の計測",,,,,,,1967,