"Tomotaka Machida,Takahiro Hasegawa,Eizo Miyashita","Transfer of adaptation occurs due to an update of modules of the internal model shared among movements according to Hebb’s rule","The 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society",,,,,,2024,July
"Takahiro Hasegawa,Eizo Miyashita","Devising a simple behavioral recording system for upperlimb reaching movements in 3D space.","The 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society",,,,,,2024,July
"Sho Furubayashi,Shunta Takahashi,Ayano Imai,Toshinori Fujie,Eizo Miyashita","Quantitative comparison of spatiotemporal effects of direct cortical stimulation with different polarities","The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society",,,,,,2023,Aug.
"Takahiro Hasegawa,Eizo Miyashita","Mechanism of internal model update in motor cortex based on analysis of local field potential.","The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society",,,,,,2023,Aug.
"Imai, A.,Takahashi, S.,Furubayashi, S.,Mizuno, Y.,Sonoda, M.,Miyazaki, T.,Miyashita, E.,Fujie, T.","Flexible thin-film neural electrodes with improved conformability for ECoG measurements and electrical stimulation",,"Adv. Mater. Technol.",," 8",," 2300300",2023,
"藤枝 俊宣,今井 綾乃,古林 捷,高橋 俊太,水野 陽介,宮下 英三.","難治てんかんに向けた脳皮質電位の記録と電気刺激が可能なフレキシブル薄膜電極の開発","第44回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会",,,,,,2022,Nov.
"今井 綾乃,古林 捷,高橋 俊太,水野 陽介,宮下 英三.,藤枝 俊宣","脳皮質電位記録と刺激のためのフレキシブル薄膜電極の開発","第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,,2022,Sept.
"町田智隆,古林捷,宮下英三","運動適応の転移の偏りに着目した内部モデルの座標系の検討","第16回 Motor Control 研究会",,,,,,2022,Aug.
"Sho Furubayashi,Takahiro Hasegawa,Eizo Miyashita","A Motor Adaptation Model Assuming Update of Internal Model in the Motor Cortex",,"Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics",,"Vol. 34","No. 4","pp. 817-827",2022,Aug.
"Takahiro Hasegawa,Sho Furubayashi,Eizo Miyashita","Investigation of motor learning mechanisms by correlation analysis of local field potential in the motor cortex and prediction error","The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/The 1st CJK International Meeting",,,,,,2021,July
"Sho Furubayashi,ShuntaTakahashi,Eizo Miyashita","Proposal of an update rule of the internal model using optimal feedback control that can explain decay of implicit adaptation in a visuomotor rotation task","The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/The 1st CJK International Meeting",,,,,,2021,July
"Y. Sakazume,S. Furubayashi,E. Miyashita","Functional Roles of Saccades for a Hand Movement",,"Applied Sciences-Basel",,"Volume 10","Issue 9",,2020,Apr.
"古林捷,深山理,宮下英三","Brain-machine interfaceにおける手先速度デコーディングが偽的に高性能を示す可能性について","第13回 Motor Control 研究会",,,,,,2019,Aug.
"下新原惟,長谷川貴弘,深山 理,宮下英三","運動野神経細胞の運動学習による活動特性の変化を再検証する","第13回 Motor Control 研究会",,,,,,2019,Aug.
"Keiji Yamauchi,Eizo Miyashita","Brain controls of position feedback gain responding to an unpredicted perturbation during a reaching arm movement","The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Electric medium",,,," P3-75",2017,July
"Eizo Miyashita","Understanding Motion Control of the Body Using Optimal Feedback Control",,"IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications",,"Vol. 5","No. 4","p. 296-302",2016,July
"Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi","State Variables of the Arm May Be Encoded by Single Neuron Activity in the Monkey Motor Cortex",,"IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics",,"Volume 63","Number 3","Page 1943-1952",2016,Mar.
"宮下英三","M1 のマルチニューロン活動から腕運動",,"臨床神経科学",,"vol. 34","no. 2","pp. 160?163",2016,Feb.
"Eizo Miyashita","Toward an understanding of motion control of the body by the brain","1st IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control","1st IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control",,,,"pp. 1?6",2015,Mar.
"何 智?,宮下英三","視線位置から読み取る運動の内部モデルの不確かさ: 習熟度の評価指標としての可能性","第15回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会","第15回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会",,,,"pp. 2348?2349",2014,Dec.
"Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi","Suggestive evidence for a forward model of the arm in the monkey motor cortex","The 13th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control","The 13th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control",,,,"pp. 191?196",2014,Mar.
"Yuki Ueyama,Eizo Miyashita","Optimal feedback control for predicting dynamic stiffness during arm movement",,"IEEE Trans Ind Electron",,"vol. 61","no. 2","pp. 1044?1052",2014,Feb.
"Zhiwei He,Eizo Miyashita","Two types of saccades during hand movements","The 8th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Motor Control","The 8th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Motor Control",,,,,2014,
"Zhiwei He,Eizo Miyashita","Analysing a hand movement and gazes to find whether a monkey sets via points in a free curve drawing","Neuroscience 2013","Neuroscience 2013 Abstracts",,,," 564.05",2013,
"宮下英三","脳による運動制御の実行:大脳皮質運動野を順モデルとして捉える","第25回バイオエンジニアリング講演会","第25回バイオエンジニアリング講演会予稿集",,,,"pp. 351?352",2013,
"Ryo Takatsuki,Tomohiro Nabe,Eizo Miyashita","Relationship between saccades and via-points in free drawing of a circle like closed curve in the monkey","The 90th Annual Meeting of Physiological Society of Japan","J Physiol Sci",,"volume 63"," Supplement 1","page S286",2013,
"Shinichiro Murakami,Eizo Miyashita","Effects of movement variability of dominant and nondominant arm on adaptation to visual disturbances","The 90th Annual Meeting of Physiological Society of Japan","J Physiol Sci",,"volume 63"," Supplement 1","page S285",2013,
"Yuki UEYAMA,Eizo Miyashita","Devising a robotic arm manipulandum for normal and altered reaching movements to investigate brain mechanisms of motor control",,"Instru Sci Tech",,"vol. 41",,"pp. 251?273",2013,
"Yuki Ueyama,Eizo Miyashita","Signal-dependent noise induces muscle co-contraction to achieve required movement accuracy: a simulation study with an optimal control",,"Curr Bioinform",,"vol. 5","no. 6","pp. 16?24",2013,
"Y. Ueyama,E. Miyashita","A numerical simulation using optimal control can estimate stiffness profiles of a monkey arm during reaching movements",,"The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control",,,,"pp. 1?6",2012,Mar.
"宮下英三","視覚運動変換学習によって発火特性が変化するM1/PMdcの神経細胞は何を符号化しているのか?","第6回 Motor Control 研究会","第6回 Motor Control 研究会",,,,,2012,
"Yuki Ueyama,Eizo Miyashita","Estimation of visual feedback contribution to limb stiffness in visuomotor control",,"Brain Inform LNCS",,"volume 7670",,"page 61?72",2012,
"Eizo Miyashita","Velocity-correlated neuron activity of M1 and PMdc as an estimated state","The 89th Annual Meeting of Physiological Society of Japan","J Physiol Sci",,"volume 62"," Suppl 1","page S31",2012,
"鍋 知宏,宮下 英三","目は口ほどにものを言う:サッカードから運動の分節化を探る","第6回 Motor Control 研究会","第6回 Motor Control 研究会",,,,,2012,
"Yuki Ueyama,Eizo Miyashita","Visual feedback effects as a coordination of joint stiffness in monkey's arm reaching","The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neuroscience Research",,"volume 71",,"page e250",2011,
"Yuki Ueyama,Eizo Miyashita","Cocontraction of pairs of muscles around joints may improve an accuracy of a reaching movement: a numerical simulation study","2011 International Symposium on Computational Models for Life Sciences","AIP Conf Proc",,"vol. 1371",,"pp. 73?82",2011,
"Eizo Miyashita","Which of the variables does velocity correlated neuronal activity of M1 represents: A desired trajectory, predicted state, estimated state, or viscosity component of a motor command?","The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neuroscience Research",,"volume 71"," Supplement","page e250",2011,
"Yuki Ueyama,Eizo Miyashita","Robust control for an adaptation mechanism of uncertain dynamics in reaching movements","The 21th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society","Proceedings of The 21th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society",,,,"page 36?37",2011,
"Misako Komatsu,Eizo Miyashita","Representation of a memorized target in allocentric coordinates",,"Aust J Intell Inform Process Sys",,"vol. 12",,"pp. 41?45",2010,
"Hiroshi Ueda,Naoki Arai,Yuji Tamura,Eizo Miyashita","An alternative explanation of movement encoding in monkey's primary motor cortex using joint angular velocity and joint torque during reaching tasks","Neuro2010","Neuroscience Research",,"volume 68"," Supplement 1","page e149",2010,
"Eizo Miyashita,Hiroshi Ueda,Yuki Ueyama","The monkey primary motor cortex may generate motor commands and estimated arm states during reaching movements","International Symposium on Application of Biomechanical Control Systems to Precision Engineering",,,,,"pp. 74?75",2010,
"Yuki Ueyama,Eizo Miyashita","Feedback gains are time-scheduled in monkey reaching movements","Neuro2010","Neuroscience Research",,"volume 68"," Supplement 1","page e149",2010,
"一色 正晴,劉 湘寧,程 殷杰,赤羽 克仁,佐藤 誠,宮下 英三","2次元SPIDARによるサル上肢到達運動実験システムの構築","2009年度HCGシンポジウム","2009年度HCGシンポジウム(電子情報通信学会)",,,"No. HCG2009-C6-2"," CD",2009,Dec.
"一色 正晴,程 殷杰,赤羽 克仁,佐藤 誠,宮下 英三","サル上肢到達運動のための2次元SPIDARの検討",,"第14回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文抄録集",,,,"pp. CD",2009,Sept.
"Eizo Miyashita,Misako Komatsu,Yinjie CHENG,Hideo Tsukada,Hirotaka Onoe","At least two different neural circuits are involved in visuo-motor adaptation: a PET study","XXXVI International Congress of Physiological Sciences","The Journal of Physiological Sciences","Springer","vol. 59"," Supplement 1","p. 426",2009,July
"Yinjie CHENG,Eizo Miyashita","Joint coordinates might be used in visuomotor adaptation","XXXVI International Congress of Physiological Sciences","The Journal of Physiological Sciences","Springer","vol. 59"," Supplement 1","p. 369",2009,July
"宮下 英三,程 殷杰,佐藤 誠,赤羽 克仁,一色 正晴,木野村 健","サル上肢到達運動実験のための2次元SPIDARの開発",,"日本バーチャルリアリティ学会研究報告(力触覚の提示と計算研究会)",,"Vol. 001","No. HDC01","pp. 3-4",2009,Jan.
"宮下英三","一次運動野の情報表現に関する考察","第3回 Motor Control 研究会","第3回 Motor Control 研究会",,,,,2009,
"阪口豊,石田 文彦,宮下英三","Bizzi, et al.(1984) の再検討:彼らの結果から何が結論できるのか?","第18回日本神経回路学会","第18回日本神経回路学会予稿集",,,,,2008,Sept.
"Eizo Miyashita,Misako Komatsu,Yinjie Cheng,Hideo Tsukada,Hirotaka Onoe","Monkey brain areas associated with visuo-motor learning: a PET study","The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neuroscience Research","ELSEVIER","Volume 61"," Supplement 1"," S183",2008,July
"Misako Komatsu,Yasutaka Tsutsumi,Hirotaka Onoe,Hideo Tsukada,Eizo Miyashita","Monkey brain areas related to processing of movement dynamics: a PET study","The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neuroscience Research","ELSEVIER","Volume 61"," Supplement 1"," S99",2008,July
"Yinjie Cheng,Makoto Sato,Eizo Miyashita","Two-dimensional SPIDAR: a portable device for applying force to the hand","The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neuroscience Research","ELSEVIER","Volume 61"," Supplement 1"," S140",2008,July
"Masahiro Hara,Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi","An implantable cryogenic device for reversibly blocking neural transmission through the dorsal root of the spinal cord","The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neuroscience Research","ELSEVIER","Volume 61"," Supplement 1"," S172",2008,July
"Miyashita, E.,Sakaguchi, Y.,Komatsu M.","Temporal representation of arm dynamics in the primary motor cortex","The 10th Tamagawa-Riken Dynamic Brain Forum","Program CD of the 10th Tamagawa-Riken Dynamic Brain Forum",,,,"page 11",2007,Mar.
"Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi,Misako Komatsu","Comparisons of arm-movement variables represented in the primary motor cortex and caudal part of the dorsal premotor cortex","The 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies","Abstracts of the 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies",,,,"page 93",2006,Nov.
"Misako Komatsu,Eizo Miyashita","Coordinate sysytem for the target recognition of pointing movements","The 29th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neuroscience Research",,"Vol. 55[Supplement]",,"pp. S246",2006,July
"Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi,Misako Komatsu","Information representation of neurons in the caudal part of the dorsal premotor cortex (PMdc)","The 29th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neuroscience Research",,"Vol. 55[Supplement]",,"pp. S124",2006,July
"Misako Komatsu,Eizo Miyashita","Integration of a target position and eye-movements during pointing movements","The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan","The Journal of Physiological Sciences",,"Vol. 56[Supplement]",,"pp. S188",2006,Apr.
"Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi,Misako Komatsu","Comparison of information representation in the primary motor and dorsocaudal premotor cortices","The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan","The Journal of Physiological Sciences",,"Vol. 56[Supplement]",,"pp. S191",2006,Apr.
"Misako Komatsu,Eizo Miyashita","Remembered targets are not remapped to contra-lateral visual space in eye-centered coordinates","Society for Neuroscience 35th Annual Meeting","Society for Neuroscience Program",,,,"pp. 287.6",2005,Nov.
"Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi,Misako Komatsu","Movement variables represented by primary motor and caudal premotor cortical neurons","Society for Neuroscience 35th Annual Meeting","Society for Neuroscience program",,,,"pp. 181.17",2005,Nov.
"Misako Komatsu,Yutaka Sakaguchi,Eizo Miyashita","Selectional preference of a regression analysis for a dynamics model to a kinematics one","The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neuroscience Research",,"Vol. 52","No. Supplement","pp. S152",2005,July
"Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi,Misako Komatsu","Coordinate sysytems and variables represented by primary motor cortical neurons","The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neuroscience Research",,"Vol. 52","No. Supplement","pp. S149",2005,July
"Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi,Misako Komatsu","Information encoded by temporal activity of primary motor cortical neurons during arm movements","The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan","The Japanese Journal of Physiology",,"Vol. 55","No. Supplement","pp. S177",2005,May
"Misako Komatsu,Eizo Miyashita","Effects of eye-fixation on target recognition for pointing movements","Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting","Society for Neuroscience Program",,,,"pp. 994.8",2004,Oct.
"Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi,Misako Komatsu","Temporal activity of primary motor cortical neurons represents the dynamics of arm movements","Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting","Society for Neuroscience Program",,,,"pp. 872.3",2004,Oct.
"Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi","Movement dynamics are encoded by primary motor cortical neurons","The 31st NIPS International Symposium","The Proceedings of The 31st NIPS International Symposium",,,,"pp. 122",2004,Mar.
"宮下英三","脳による手の到達運動制御の理解を目指して",,"東京工業大学脳研究会シンポジウム講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 9-10",2003,Dec.
"Eizo Miyashita,Misako Komatsu","Quantitative analysis of temporal firing patterns of the primary motor cortical neurons during the monkey performing a motor learning task","The 80th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan","The Japanese Journal of Physiology",,"Vol. 53","No. Supplement","pp. S256",2003,Mar.
"Eizo Miyashita,Misako Komatsu","Temporal firing characteristics of neurons in the primary motor cortex change during a visuo-motor coordination learning in the monkey","The 26th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 46","No. Supplement 1","pp. S158",2003,
"Y. Tsubota,Eizo Miyashita,M. Miyajima,K. Owada-Makabe,K. Yukawa,M. Maeda","The Wakayama epileptic rat (WER): a new mutant exhibiting tonic-clonic seizures and absence-like seizures",,"Exp Anim",,"Vol. 52","No. 1","pp. 53-62",2003,
"Eizo Miyashita,Yutaka Sakaguchi","Correlation analysis of neural activity in the primary motor cortex of a monkey in relation to arm dynamics during reaching movements",,"Neurosci Res",,,,"pp. in press",2001,
"渡邉 正,郷原一寿,宮下英三,西川 淳","系列効果を生じるスパイク発火率の状態依存性-力学系モデルと実験的検証-","The 24th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","第24回日本神経科学大会抄録集",,"Vol. 39","No. Supplement 1","pp. 259",2001,
"Eizo Miyashita","Multiple linear regression analysis of temporal firing patterns of neurons in a monkey primary motor cortex during reaching arm movements","The 23th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 24","No. Supplement","pp. S152",2000,
"宮下英三","運動の神経科学",,"ナップ","ナップ",,,"pp. 126-136",2000,
"Eizo Miyashita","Temporal firing pattern of neurons in the monkey motor cortex can be reconstructed by a linear summation of the movement parameters of a hand","The 77th Annual Meeting of Physiological Society of Japan","Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 50","No. Supplement","pp. S156",2000,
"Eizo Miyashita","Learned kinematic errors represented in joint angle coordinate are intermanually transferred in the monkey","29th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience","Society for Neuroscience Abstracts",,"Vol. 25",,"pp. 2278",1999,
"Eizo Miyashita","A proposed mechaninsm of intermanual transfer of visuo-motor learning in the monkey","The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 23","No. Supplement","pp. S206",1999,
"Yasukazu Hamada,Eizo Miyashita,Hiroaki Tanaka","Gamma-band oscillations in the barrel cortex precede rat's exploratory whisking",,"Neuroscience",,"Vol. 88",,"pp. 667-671",1999,
"宮下英三","サルによる視覚・運動変換学習の学習機構","第14回生体・生理工学シンポジウム","第14回生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集",,,,"pp. 285-288",1999,
"Eizo Miyashita","Learning level of a visuo-motor coordinate transformation learning task in the monkey","The 76th Annual Meeting of Physiological Society of Japan","Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 49","No. Supplement","pp. S163",1999,
"宮下英三","一次運動野による手の運動制御",,"神経研究の進歩",,"Vol. 42",,"pp. 68-77",1998,
"Eizo Miyashita","Movement kinematic parameters and neural activity in the monkey motor cortices during visually guided planner arm movements","28th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience","Society for Neuroscience Abstracts",,"Vol. 24",,"pp. 2108",1998,
"Yasukazu Hamada,Eizo Miyashita,Hiroaki Tanaka","Preceding neuronal activities in the barrel cortex to exploratory whisking of rats",,"International Institute for Advanced Studies Reports",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 1-8",1998,
"Eizo Miyashita","Firing profiles of monkey motor cortical neurons during visually guided arm movements: in relation to movement parameters","The 21th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 22","No. Supplement","pp. S157",1998,
"K. Nakajima,M. Asanome,E. Miyashita,S. Mori","Characteristics of bipedal locomotion in nonhuman primates (Japanese monkeys; Macaca fuscata) on a surface of a moving treadmill","The 74th Annual Meeting of Physiological Society of Japan","Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 47","No. Supplement","pp. S170",1997,
"宮下英三","運動軌道の視覚座標系から運動座標系への変換に関与する大脳皮質領域の同定",,"上原記念生命科学財団研究報告集",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 194-196",1997,
"Y. Hamada,E. Miyashita,H. Tanaka","Gamma-band LFP oscillation in the barrel cortex precedes ratユs whiskering as exploring behavior","The 20th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 21","No. Supplement","pp. S221",1997,
"Eizo Miyashita,Sigemi Mori","Intermanual transfer of novel tasks for visually guided arm movements in the monkey",,"Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 47","No. Supplement","pp. S175",1997,
"E. Miyashita,T. Matsui,B. Kuze,S. Mori","A motor task which requires motor learning in monkey arm movements","26th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience","Society for Neuroscience Abstracts",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 900",1996,
"M. Ogura,T. Yamada,E. Miyashita,S. Mori","Descending nigrofugal projections in the rat","The 73th Annual Meeting of Physiological Society of Japan","Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 46","No. Supplement","pp. S138",1996,
"A. Keller,N. D. Weintraub,E. Miyashita","Tactile experience determines the organization of movement representations in rat motor cortex",,"NeuroReport",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 2373-2378",1996,
"E. Miyashita,Y. Hamada","The 'functional connection' of neurons in relation to behavioral states in rats",,"NeuroReport",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 2407-2411",1996,
"S. Mori,E. Miyashita,K. Nakajima,M. Asanome","Quadrupedal locomotor movements in monkeys (M. fuscata) on a treadmill: kinematic analyses",,"NeuroReport",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 2277-2285",1996,
"S. Mori,K. Matsuyama,E. Miyashita,K. Nakajima,M. Asanome","Basic neurophysiology of primate locomotion",,"Folia Primatol",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 192-203",1996,
"S. Mori,E. Miyashita,K. Nakajima,M. Asanome","Characteristics of quadrupedal locomotion in Japanese monkeys",,"Proceedings of the VIII International Symposium on Motor Control",,,,"pp. 157-163",1996,
"小倉光博,中井國雄,板倉徹,宮下英三,森茂美","ラット黒質網様部および脚内核からの下行性投射?神経標識法による解剖学的研究?",,"第35回日本定位脳手術研究会予稿集",,,,"pp. 57",1996,
"Y. Hamada,E. Miyashita,S. Mori,H. Tanaka","Unit activities in the fifth layer and local field potential of the somato-sensory cortex during vibrissal sniffing movements of rats","The 19th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 20","No. Supplement","pp. S216",1996,
"E. Miyashita,M. Ogura,S. Mori","A motor task which requires motor learning in monkey arm movements","The 19th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 20","No. Supplement","pp. S269",1996,
"E. Miyashita,M. Asanome,K. Nakajima,S. Mori","Analysis of monkey quadrupedal locomotor patterns on a treadmill","The 73th Annual Meeting of Physiological Society of Japan","Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 46","No. Supplement","pp. S143",1996,
"T. Yamada,M. Ogura,E. Miyashita,S. Mori","Response properties of the pedunculopontine nucleus neurons in reeponse to the entopeduncular nucleus stimulation in rats","The 73th Annual Meeting of Physiological Society of Japan","Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 46","No. Supplement","pp. S138",1996,
"山田高嗣,松井利浩,富田享,大本蕘史,宮下英三,森茂美","脚内核の電気刺激による脚橋核の反応","第35回日本定位脳手術研究会","第35回日本定位脳手術研究会予稿集",,,,"pp. 56",1996,
"小倉光博,山田高嗣,宮下英三,森茂美","ラット黒質網様部と脚橋被蓋核および延髄網様体投射細胞との形態学的接続","第41回中部日本生理学会","日本生理学雑誌",,"Vol. 58",,"pp. 50",1995,
"E. Miyashita,Y. Hamada,M. Ogura,S. Mori","Functional connectivity of neurons in the sensory-motor system changes depending on the patterns of vibrissal movements in rats: analysis by time dependent scatter diagrams","25th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience","Society for Neuroscience Abstracts",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 2075",1995,
"E. Miyashita,S. Mori","The superior colliculus relays signals descending from the vibrissal motor cortex to the facial nerve nucleus in the rat",,"Neurosci Lett",,"Vol. 195",,"pp. 69-71",1995,
"K. Matsuyama,K. Nakajima,E. Miyashita,S. Mori","Spinal innervation patterns of the nucleus reticularis magno-cellularis in the cat","4th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience","4th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience Abstracts",,,,"pp. 331",1995,
"森茂美,宮下英三,浅野目充,中陦克己","トレッドミル上でのサルの四足歩行運動とその歩容","第42回中部日本生理学会","日本生理学雑誌",,"Vol. 58",,"pp. 49",1995,
"E. Miyashita,T. Yamada,S. Mori","Evaluation of functional connectivities among three neurons in the rat vibrissal sensory-motor system using time dependent scatter diagrams","The 72th Annual Meeting of Physiological Society of Japan","Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 45","No. Supplement 1","pp. S178",1995,
"E. Miyashita,A. Keller,H. Asanuma","Input-output organization of the rat vibrissal motor cortex",,"Exp Brain Res",,"Vol. 99",,"pp. 223-232",1994,
"E. Miyashita,T. Kaneko,C. Marcello,R. Mackel","Membrane properties of cat thalamic VL neurons in vivo","The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 19","No. Supplement","pp. S186",1994,
"宮下英三,森 茂美","ラット鼻毛運動皮質から上丘への軸索投射様式",,"日本生理学雑誌",,"Vol. 57",,"pp. 69",1994,
"Y. Hamada,Y. Tamai,A. Kimura,Y. Hamada,Y. Tamai,E. Miyashita,A. Kimura","Evaluation of the functional connectivity in the nervous system using time dependent scatter diagrams",,"Brain Res",,"Vol. 660",,"pp. 209-215",1994,
"Y. Hamada,E. Miyashita,A. Kimura,Y. Tamai","Evaluation of functional connectivity in neural sysytem","The 17th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 18","No. Supplement","pp. S174",1993,
"A. Keller,D. Weintraub,E. Miyashita","Early tactile experience influences the organization of movement representation in rat motor cortex","23rd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience","Society for Neuroscience Abstracts",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 776",1993,
"R. Mackel,E. Miyashita","Nucleus Z: a somatosensory relay to motor thalamus",,"J Neurophysiol",,"Vol. 69",,"pp. 1607-1620",1993,
"C. Pavlides,E. Miyashita,H. Asanuma","Projection from the sensory to the motor cortex is important in learning motor skills in the monkey",,"J Neurophysiol",,"Vol. 70",,"pp. 733-741",1993,
"Y. Tamai,Y. Hamada,E. Miyashita,A. Kimura","New approach to cortical input-output integration","XXXIInd International Congress of Physiological Sciences","Abstracts of XXXII Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences",,,,"pp. 73",1993,
"R. Mackel,E. Miyashita","Dorsal column input to thalamic VL neurons: an intracellular study in the cat",,"Exp Brain Res",,"Vol. 88",,"pp. 551-559",1992,
"Asaf Keller,E. Miyashita,Hiroshi Asanuma","Minimal stimulus parameters and the effects of hyperpolarization on the induction of long-term potentiation in the cat motor cortex",,"Exp Brain Res",,"Vol. 87",,"pp. 295-302",1991,
"Robert Mackel,E. Miyashita","Post-synaptic effects from the dorsal column nuclei in thalamic VL neurons","21st Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience","Society for Neuroscience Abstracts",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 622",1991,
"I. A. Ilinsky,E. Miyashita,K. Kultas-Ilinsky","Ultrastructural features of spinal cord afferents to the intralaminar area of the cat thalamus","21st Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience","Society for Neuroscience Abstracts",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 1204",1991,
"A. Kimura,Y. Tamai,E. Miyashita","Eye movement-evoking cortex and its input in the anterior ectosylvian sulcus","The 67th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan","Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 40","No. Supplement","pp. S209",1990,
"Eizo Miyashita","Subcortical connections of eye movement-evoking cortices in the cat
frontal lobe",,,,,,,1990,
"E. Miyashita,Y. Tamai","Projections from eye movement-evoking cerebral cortices to the striatum and claustrum in the cat",,"Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 272-280",1990,
"Y. Tamai,E. Miyashita,A. Kimura","Cortical output in eye movements","The 13th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 11","No. Supplement","pp. S67",1990,
"E. Miyashita,Y. Tamai","Common subcorticl targets from the cat frontal oculomotor areas","The 66th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan","Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 39","No. Supplement","pp. S135",1989,
"Y. Tamai,E. Miyashita,M. Nakai","Eye movements following cortical stimulation in the ventral bank of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus of the cat",,"Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 159-163",1989,
"Y. Tamai,E. Miyashita","Subcortical connections of an 'oculomotor' region in the ventral bank of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus in the cat",,"Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 249-256",1989,
"Eizo Miyashita,Yasuhiko Tamai","Subcortical connections of frontal 'oculomotor' areas in the cat",,"Brain Res",,"Vol. 502",,"pp. 75-87",1989,
"Eizo Miyashita","Subcortical connections of eye movement-evoking cortices in the cat frontal lobe",,"Wakayama Med Rep",,"Vol. 31",,"pp. 69-82",1989,
"Y. Tamai,E. Miyashita","Cortical neurons discharging before saccades","The 66th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan","Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 39","No. Supplement","pp. S135",1989,
"Yasuhiko Tamai,Mitsukazu Nakai,Eizo Miyashita","Monocular eye movement in the cat: its corticotectal pathway",,"Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 569-575",1988,
"Y. Tamai,E. Miyashita","Multiple innervation of oculomotor cortices","The 11th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 7","No. Supplement","pp. S93",1988,
"E. Miyashita,Y. Tamai,T. Tsujimoto","Descending pathway from cat's oculomotor cortices",,"J Physiol Soc Japan",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 475",1988,
"Y. Tamai,E. Miyashita,T. Tsujimoto","Multiple cortical control in eye movements","The 65th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan","J Physiol Soc Japan",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 475",1988,
"Y. Tamai,M. Nakai,E. Miyashita","The monocular eye movement system and its neural connections","The 10th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society","Neurosci Res",,"Vol. 5","No. Supplement","pp. S73",1987,
"M. Nakai,Y. Tamai,E. Miyashita","Corticocortical connections of frontal oculomotor areas in the cat",,"Brain Res",,"Vol. 414",,"pp. 91-98",1987,
"Yasuhiko Tamai,E. Miyashita,Mitsukazu Nakai","Characteristics of the monocular movement-evoked cortex in the coronal sulcus of the cat",,"Wakayama Med Rep",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 85-88",1987,
"Y. Tamai,M. Nakai,E. Miyashita","Types of monocular eye movements studied by intracortical microstimulation in the cat's coronal sulcus",,"Jpn J Physiol",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 741-747",1987,
"Eizo Miyashita","Oculomotor cortex in the anterior ectosylvian sulcus of the cat","The 64th Anual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan","J Physiol Soc Japan",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 433",1987,
"M. Nakai,Y. Tamai,E. Miyashita,T. Tsujimoto","Corticocortical connections between the cortical areas related to eye movements in cats",,"J Physiol Soc Japan",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 266",1986,
"M. Nakai,Y. Tamai,E. Miyashita,T. Tsujimoto","Corticocortical Connection of the cortices related to the eye movement of the cat","XXXth International Congress of Physiological Sciences","Proceedings of the International Union of Physiological Sciences",,"Vol. XVI",,"pp. 393",1986,
"Y. Tamai,T. Fujii,M. Nakai,E. Miyashita","Monocular eye movement evoked by cortical stimulation in the cat: its corticofugal descending pathway","IUPS Satellite Meeting: Developments in Oculomotor Research","Developments in Oculomotor Research Program",,,,"pp. 38",1986,
"E. Miyashita,Y. Tamai,M. Nakai,T. Tsujimoto","An additional oculomotor cortex in the ventral bank of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus of the cat","XXXth International Congress of Physiological Sciences","Proceedings of the International Union of Physiological Sciences",,"Vol. XVI",,"pp. 393",1986,